Problem with DM 800 SE with Oscam Digitalworldz image

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,833 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hi,

    have got a sly uk card running well on my DM 800 SE with cccam 2.21 but want to use Oscam as card reader & cccam to share.

    Have got Digitalworldz 1.1 image on box & have download cam Oscam 6611 with cccam 2.13 but cannot get anything on the screen apart for FTA channels.

    Here is my cccam. config without clines:

    and oscam files:

    Do I need to configure anything else please?

    Thank you

    • Official Post

    The oscam configs look fine, but there is a problem with CCcam.cfg

    Remove the below line from CCcam.cfg, its not needed as oscam is the cardreader.

    BOXKEY:/dev/sci0 ** ** ** **

    There is no N line in CCcam.cfg to connect CCcam to oscam, add the below N line to CCcam.cfg, restart oscam and CCcam, then post any errors you find from the log in oscam webinfo.

    N: 10000 linuxsat support 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

  • Thanks for the reply, am away from the box at the mo but will test & let you know the results.

  • These are the errors I am now getting getting through oscam webinfo

    2B719B70 r error opening device /dev/sci0
    2B719B70 r error Cannot open device: /dev/sci0
  • Right have now got Oscam to see the card but still no channels are clearing, have restarted cccam multiply times but still a black screen, it looks Oscam is not talking to CCcam, have added this line to cccam.conifg:

    N: 10000 linuxsat support 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    Can it go anywhere in the config & is the 10000 right or does it have to be 14000 as that is the port I am using for cccam?

    This from Oscam info:


    So looks like Entitlements are updated to 08/07/12?


    • Official Post

    Can it go anywhere in the config & is the 10000 right or does it have to be 14000 as that is the port I am using for cccam?

    Place the N line anywhere in the CCcam.cfg and it will become active.

    The port on the N line must match the port that was set for newcamd in oscam.conf

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = [COLOR='#FF0000']10000[/COLOR]@0963:000000

    You will be able to verify if oscam and CCcam are connecting in oscam webinfo, you should see a reader and CCcam client.

    Post any errors you see in the log from oscam webinfo.

  • In readers its saying slyuk but no ecm have been registered

    In users it is saying off line with no clinets!!

    There are no errors in oscam webinfo, the only thing that is near an error is loadbalancer: can't read /tmp/.oscam/stat

    On the newcamd configuration in oscam webinfo it has got this

    port 34000@0963:000000
  • No, just left it as it is, told you I was a newbie.

    Other half is watching The Voice at mo, so no playing with the box at the mo :-(

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