connected cards

There are 20 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,688 times. The last Post () by ddinc.

  • Could somebody please explain me why on oscam status some peers are listed as eg."connected 1(or 2-5) of 100 cards" and

    some "connected 50 of 50 cards" ...all cards connected.

    should I delete someone with"connected 0 of 30 cards" ?

    or is it a config error ?

  • I just gave an answer to your question (50 CAIDs of 100 CAIDs only are visible).

    I haven't seen your Oscam server configuration and I haven't seen the settings on your Oscam clients, so I can't advise.

    Cacheex may also be helpful for ECM overflow, but I don't know how to set it up because I never needed it.

    OSCAM Cache-EX Tutorial v2.0

    Alternatively, try setting limits on ECM ratelimit and timeout:

    CAID 0680 surflock active . plz give option fix it

  • This is just one file of the whole configuration, sorry, I can't do that either. The base files are oscam.server, oscam.user and oscam.conf. Then there are other, often important files, such as: oscam.dvbapi,

    Finally, I would also have to see how your Oscam clients are configured. With an extremely large number of ECMs, the problem may be that re-share is hardly forbidden, which may be abused by one of your clients.

    I still wonder if you have the same Node ID in your config. This could also cause a collapse in communication. Many people are abusively copying configs. This results in the NODE ID being the same everywhere for clients / servers after copying the same config and creating a communication collapse.

    Obviously you have no idea how to set up the configuration, as you have enabled + disabled reshare at the same time in the oscam.conf file you specified.…Config/oscam.conf#reshare…/oscam.conf#ignorereshare

  • P: 0D96:000000

    P: 1843:000000

    P: 098C:000000

    P: 1813:000000

    P: 1817:000000

    P: 0B00:000000

    P: 0624 :000000

    P: 1803:000000

    P: 1861:000000

    P: 1884:000068

    P: 1884:000000:1171

    P: 1884:000000:113D

    P: 1884:000000:116F

    P: 0D97:00000

    P: 0D98:000000

    P: 0D95:000000

    P: 1810:000000

    P: 0100:000068

    P: 1815:000000

    P: 0100:00006D

    P: 0B01:000000

    P: 1802:000000

    P: 0100:00006A

    P: 0100:00006C

    P: 0500:042820

    P: 0500:043800

    P: 0500:041700

    P: 0500:042700

    P: 0500:030B00

    P: 0500:041950

    P: 500:050F00

    P: 0648:00000

    P: 183E:000000


    I : 98D:00000

    I: 9C4:00000

    I: 604:00000

    #I: 1830:00000

  • Why is the services file large ? Short him. Cut it off just to the necessary channels.

    You can make it wrong on the forum. I've found it and opened it, sorry. You got it wrong in SPOILERS.

    Your problem will probably be in PROVID. Because you use not only CAID but also PROVID (in "oscam.dvbapi" file).

    I do not understand your configuration files in general. I don't know which file belongs to Oscam clients and which file belongs to your Oscam server. I can't help you like that. I don't know at all how and what you have connected to each other.

    If you want to allow only specific CAIDs for a specific Oscam user account, then on the Oscam server it is sufficient to limit the client's account (file "oscam.user" - just add CAID = xxxx to the account). You can also divide users into groups and then set up groups for individual users (accounts in "oscam.user", on the Oscam server).

    Or what do you need ? I don't quite understand. Sorry.

  • Maybe ı messed up the spoiler😱

    I have no local .

    Server files are like this:


    label =

    protocol = cccam

    device =

    user =

    password =

    inactivitytimeout = 30

    keepalive = 1

    cacheex = 1

    cacheex_maxhop = 2

    cacheex_drop_csp = 1

    cacheex_allow_filter = 0

    cacheex_block_fakecws = 1

    group = 1

    emmcache = 1,3,2,0

    blockemm-unknown = 1

    blockemm-g = 1

    lb_force_fallback = 1

    dropbadcws = 1

    disablecrccws = 1

    cccversion = 2.3.2

    cccmaxhops = 0

    ccckeepalive = 1

    cccreshare = 1

    audisabled = 1

    And user files are:


    user =

    pwd =

    keepalive = 1

    group = 1

    cccmaxhops = 1

    cccreshare = 1

  • OK, but, what do you need exactly ?

    If you need take a filter to some users, then add the entry "caid = CAID1,CAID2,CAID3,etc." under [account] for all your users (file oscam.user). This means that the appropriate user will only be able to connect to certain CAIDs that you have defined.

    You can also set up a group / multiple groups in the oscam.server file, under various readers. You can also specify these groups in the oscam.user file, under accounts, depending on which user will have access to which group (you can also specify multiple groups, separated by commas).

    Or what do you need ? I dont understaaaaand ... sorry :).

  • Could somebody please explain me why on oscam status some peers are listed as eg."connected 1(or 2-5) of 100 cards" and

    some "connected 50 of 50 cards" ...all cards connected.

    Already answered.

    Quote from ddinc

    should I delete someone with"connected 0 of 30 cards" ?

    or is it a config error ?

    Not that you should, but you could if you want. It depends on the Softcam client settings, not just the Softcam server settings. I wrote that once before. If a user limits himself to a single CAID, he logically connects to only one CAID. If you set up some predetermined CAID/CAIDs for users on the Softcam server, then the user logically connects only to those CAID/CAIDs.

    I've never seen a complete configuration from you. You may have forgotten to provide CAID or group information for users in the Softcam server settings (oscam.user + oscam.server files).

    You have to look for the error yourself, as I don't see your complete configuration.

    Good Luck

  • Then where did 50 or 100 CAIDs you write about come from ?

    If it's a pirated paid Softcam server, I can't give you support for it. Sorry. Contact your Softcam server administrators and ask them why they allowed you to connect with your account to 50 (or 100) different CAIDs.

    I still do not understand exactly the question. I don't know what you want to find out or what doesn't work.

    You need to share some one card or multiple cards ? Are you joining a remote pirate reader on a paid pirate sharing-server, or do you have your own softcam server ? If not you, then who shares them ? And for whom ? How many users are connected ? Are all softcam clients set up correctly ?

    There are a million possibilities, but you still haven't listed them. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to answer your question about the number of CAIDs. Sorry.

  • It's interesting.Apparently no one is aware of "cardsharing with peers" NOT SELLING or Buying!

    Everytime I ask something in a forum somebody

    accuses me with paid sharing...and always with

    unshaken self-confidence.

    Naturally if you pay somebody for a service you directly

    ask him to solve problems.

    Why bother to ask on a forum and have to answer endless questions🤔

    As every peer has many Hop 1,Hop2 cards with 18

    peers it sums up!

    You "must" not answer my question if you don't know

    the answer.

    BTW: my question is not overall performance related.

    Only some peers.

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