Pure2 keeps rebooting

There are 40 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,769 times. The last Post () by KiddaC.

  • Hi. I bought 2 Zgemma H9S boxes and installed Pure2 V6.5 on both. The first box ran fine for the first couple of days, so I disconnected that, connected the 2nd and installed Pure2. That too has run fine, except for issues with EPG. Anyway, I thought I better check if the EPG issues exist on the first box as well. The first box box is rebooting, or doing a GUI reboot almost exactly every 60 seconds, continuously. I have not added and plugins or changed anything, so I can't understand why this box is doing this when it was working fine when first set up. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks

  • Thanks but how do I get a log and how do I do that when the box keeps rebooting? I'm reluctant to just re-flash in case the same issue occurs in the future. This spare H9S will be an Xmas gift for a family member, I need to be sure it won't go dilly on him. Is it possible to access this log you refer to within the minute I have before it reboots?


  • I can only agree with .atari. install again without plugins and try again.

    I'm sure that a plugin causes these reboots, unfortunately I don't know which one

  • Okay, I figured out how to get the crash log via FTP. There are 3 logs there . Only the first has data, but there is a lot of it. Do I just copy and paste all of that here? Don't want to break any Forum rules ...Tnx

    • Official Post

    Okay, I figured out how to get the crash log via FTP. There are 3 logs there . Only the first has data, but there is a lot of it. Do I just copy and paste all of that here? Don't want to break any Forum rules ...Tnx

    Better to attach it as a zip file please bud

  • Well, once again, we do not have almost any relevant details about the setup, what you did, like any additional HW you used, how you set it up, did you plug in (or unplug for that matter) anything afterwards, which additional plugins you have installed, esp. EPG ones, how did you set those up, then we have no logs and so on... How can anyone reasonably help you, m8?

    One of the stickies is explaining how to get the logs going, that we need them to figure out problems, that we need all the relevant information, so we can advise....

    So, rather than throwing some chicken bones - give us the details, AMAP... ;)

    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"


  • Heh, nice job, guys....

    I started writing this post above and had to go elsewhere.... Finished after dinner and now my post is superfluous, hehe.... :)

    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"


  • I am going to re-flash with a fresh image now. I do appreciate the help y'all have provided, but I have to be frank, Pure2 is just not working for me. If it isn't this issue, it is something else. I know Gorski is a big fan, but the hours....actually days spent just trying to get this to work is insane. I can't have the box crash. lose EPG etc. when my 78 year old Pop gets it for Xmas, he won't have a scoobie on what to do. If it works now great, if not, back to Wooshbuild.

    Thanks again for the quick feedback & support.

  • Sorry but I think it's your fault, not PurE2.

    My take on it is: mSD for expansion, plus USB stick or HDD for HDD/recording...

    I never had those problems, so my take on it is that you are not telling us everything you are doing, from skin to plugins, setup - something is OFF here and yet....

    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"


  • Ok thx some big updates for some boxes are better the user did clean flash with usb.

    So I did not understand have you now clean flash the box ? when not pleas do it.


    ok fast scan >>>


    6>hiahci-phy: registered new sata phy driver

    <3>pcieport 0000:00:00.0: buffer not found in pci_save_pcie_state

    <4>pcie_pme: probe of 0000:00:00.0:pcie01 failed with error -12

    <6>brd: module loaded

    <6>loop: module loaded

    <4>ahci: probe of f9900000.hiahci failed with error -1

    first you have slyk skins we cannot support that please use estuary and tray again

    and you have little bit flash problems log say not enough 1Gb

  • Well caught, Atari! I just sat down after dinner, so not had the time....

    I knew it: here, in the UK, everyone is pushing this skin but oych... it doesn't matter how many times you warn them....

    I bet he is also using CrossEPG and something else, probably TS something or Venus or other and there you have it....

    But "it must be PurE2", right....

    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"


  • The only thing that differs is the skin which as atari stated is not Estuary but Slyk. I see Pure2 team do not support any other skin and I know you (Gorski) say the Estuary skin is fantastic and can do tons of stuff etc. It probably can, but all I want this box to do is provide simple TV viewing via Satellite & IPTV, nothing more. The Slyk skin is attractive and the EPG side is super good., the Estuary one is not IMHO (even with the color tweaks). On that basis, I'm definitely going back to Wooshbuild.

    Thanks for the help again and apols if my lack of detail created frustration.

  • No, me neither - since this is style over substance.... bye-bye....

    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"


  • Nope jenseneverest only a part is adapted but still we cannot give any support in case of crashes that we can guarantee what comes from us.


    get it so that this doesn't get endless

    what works 100% is estuary! and we can support that. if you just want to watch tv no problem, if you want to use PurE2 or FNC plugins no problem but also use PurE2 and estuary is a skin and feature of PurE2!

    Sorry but if you need slyk then you should rather use vix everyone has their preferences

    in a nutshell like any other team would say we support our own plugins and skins and that is what we from Team PurE2 do. my tip estuary skin, epg importer and FNC plugins and you have fun


  • When pure2 came out. It was interesting. It had fresh ideas.

    Unfortuntalely I think you have gone the wrong way of late.

    Making users have to use estuary skin is very draconion and preventing users from personalising there box. I even get bored of my own skins and use others now and again.

    Just fobbing off any alternative oe-alliance skins is a bad way to work. Like you guys say, you dont use any other skins other than estuary, so you don't really care. I don't use pure2. But if I was informed why my skins have suddenly stopped working on your image I could probably fix it. But if you have made your image non oe-alliance compliant nowadays, then maybe I cant fix things.

    I also think the way you have been speaking to people of late, especially noobs and people who are not clued up about these boxes or the various images, is also getting quite rude.

    Just because you know, doesn't mean they know.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • KiddaC - for the most part, so far in our dealings you were helpful and cool. Sometimes you were constructive and we appreciated that! Sometimes we tried returning the favour, giving you some constructive suggestions back - but truth be told, we were not getting any response.... So, I have difficulty understanding which leg are you standing on, right now?

    Please, don't take this the wrong way but I now must respond. It will be fact based, no wild accusations, broad sweeps of the brush - but let's keep it amicable by keeping it a lot more factual, shall we?

    In that spirit, while maintaining the right to defend myself and my Team, I must tell you this: sometimes - I don't know if anyone told you - you have a tendency to be rude, short-shrifting people, ignoring questions or suggestions that you possibly do not see as resolve-able by you etc. Some of my Team and I did not comment in such situations, we just let it slide. Sadly, you did not do the same now, which I think is showing some double standards here...

    Therefore, this reaction of yours now is quite presumptuous, putting me in a difficult situation - since I can only say so much and even then, even at a bare minimum, to deal adequately with such a set of accusations, given you have not asked any questions, even behind the scenes, if you are somehow concerned - leaving me no space whatsoever but forcing me to have to publicly write about things which are not only private but also intimate, in a way... So, not cool at all!!! I hope my Team will forgive me for this... :unhappy:

    OK, let's get down (and stick) to the facts, first and foremost. Otherwise, we are gonna get into conspiracy loonacy... And I get mad then... Because without asking questions - passing judgements from on high is very, very wrong! So, now I'll deal with both what is said and what is implied or just was not taken into account in any way, at any level....

    0) Context is everything. Without understanding the context, the circumstance - one can go mad trying to "figure things out", bearing in mind I now have to tread a very fine line... Echhhh....

    Most of our team are from Croatia and for months now, Croatia is still getting earthquakes, destroying buildings, making things very, very difficult when your house is cracking in various places, roof is potentially about to come down on your head, with your family potentially being killed or maimed.... After-shocks, tremors keep coming, so nerves are fraying, one must try to repair the damage where and whenever possible, lives come first, hobby gets way down the line.... Shall we remember that? I mean, just because you are in a settled situation does not mean everybody is.... That's one of the coders.

    Skinner is in another country now, in another job, not in his normal profession and while he is earning much better money than he used to in Croatia, in his proper profession, things are not very good in other ways, which makes him vulnerable. Not only does he work a lot, very long hours and therefore has little time and energy left for the hobby but even the minimum rarely gets done, for objective reasons, which I kept telling people about but oh no.... Let's jump into wild accusations, why don't we... Btw, when he does have the time - I make sure everyone knows it and we still support all he writes, the Estuary skin, FNC plugins and a lot more, the best we can under rather tough circumstances.

    Our third coder also had issues - but primarily with his and his family's health and it isn't easy, combining that serious scare with a demanding job, taking most of his waking hours, with this hobby, building Enigma2 images. In PurE2 he is mostly in charge of the systemic stuff, i.e. many, many hundreds of packages that he relentlessly keeps updating and thereby pushing E2 to the edge, something he is passionate about (Python - but the real, straight Python 3, not the compatibility layer version of it that everyone else is pursuing for now, to the best of my knowledge; SSL; GCC; FFmpeg and so on and on)! By doing this, whenever he can, he is still keeping PurE2 on the edge of developments, both in PurE2 v. 6.5 and now in v. 6.6 (with straight Python 3 coming along and so on)!!!

    The fourth musketeer - also in Croatia - is running his own business and a young family in C-19 times, in an otherwise not very rich a country, also plagued by earthquakes, of late. And because of all that and more, I could not even get the minimal number of STBs necessary to them, so they are working mostly in blind mode.... We do not have most boxes we write PurE2 for. Need I say more? I call that commitment to our users and frequently without any support from the manufacturers...

    Of myself - a non-coding member, also from Croatia but living in the UK - I will only say this: I am now on 2 inhalers, some tablets, a spray, other than having to deal with some other long standing issues that require minor surgery and - yes, I am not OK, thanx for asking...

    So, a small but feisty team in difficult personal situations, in crazy times - it's not that difficult to figure out that not everything is "running as normal", is it?

    1) When pure2 came out. It was interesting. It had fresh ideas.

    PurE2 v. 6.5 has many tens and sometimes even north of 100 packages to update each time (or even worse, so only a re-flash from scratch would do, as you know!)! That is a really big job, each time PurE2 is pushed to the edge of current developments, given we have our own build from which we constantly keep pushing the relentless changes, to be ahead of everything that may otherwise prevent streaming or security or any other issues that may arise. I don't know about you but I'd call that "having ideas" or "thinking ahead" or "being interesting" or "being on the bleeding edge" and so on.... For instance, PurE2 v. 6.6 with straight Python 3 now has a picture on the TV screen - but still a lot of work to be done!

    2) Unfortuntalely I think you have gone the wrong way of late.

    Wrong impression, based on inadequate information, jumping to conclusions, without asking any questions. What do you call that? Rude? Presumptuous? Whatever....

    3) Making users have to use estuary skin is very draconion and preventing users from personalising there box.

    Look at the above. If you think we can deal with other people's skins when at times we do not even have the time and energy to deal with our own sufficiently - oh, well... And I have informed everyone of Franc's rather difficult and in many ways unenviable situation, many a time, in various places/fora/threads/umpteen posts - but oh, no.... Why should one consider it...???

    4) I even get bored of my own skins and use others now and again.

    Good for you! And I mean it! "Boredom" is the mother of creativity. Without time, strictly speaking - not much new can come about!

    However, not everyone is so fortunate, can you dig that?

    5) Just fobbing off any alternative oe-alliance skins is a bad way to work.

    It has nothing to do with not wanting (see above!) - we have shown before that we have the good will even when other people's skins are not exactly compatible with our pesky PurE2, by modifying some of them, to give users options. I spelt it out in some detail, showing users how they can deal with not wanting Estuary, because they want PiG and so on.... See in Estuary thread and elsewhere, where I am explaining the ins and outs of it all, anyone can check that!

    Moreover, Franc has skinned various other people's plugins and tools especially, for compatibility reasons, so we have our own version of E2iPlayer or SubSupport and so on, all carefully skinned, built and integrated into our image.

    So, another unfounded, presumptuous charge!

    6) Like you guys say, you dont use any other skins other than estuary, so you don't really care.

    See above. Totally wrong and presumptuous charge! Our image is different and unique and because of it - it is not simple and easy, like it is in other images, to have it all (different skins and plugins, tools etc.) fully functional on PurE2.

    Now, you do understand "unique" and "different" because you are also trying to be creative and bring in some novelty while preserving functionality etc.

    Could you do us the courtesy of considering all of the above, which may be somewhat different from your own situation?

    7) I don't use pure2.

    Sadly, KiddaC - neither have I the time nor the health to find another coder who would keep other people's creations in line with our specific version of E2... Much as I would love to have one! Make no mistake about that - I tried! But it ain't easy at all! Alas, reality is not so rosy for some of us...

    I mean, you tried to make a skin that is compatible with PurE2 and you failed, remember? You tried in good faith - and we appreciated it(!!!) - and you are not a novice, you are not exactly somebody who can't do things well, right? There is a track record of yours that proves otherwise! So, this effort of yours - it wasn't easy. For my part, I kept asking you about it, also in good faith - but you kept constantly ignoring my polite questions. I offered our help in resolving the issues you may have ran into - not once. You totally ignored that, too. So, I am sorry but you can't have it both ways. You can not charge us with "not caring" or "making things difficult on purpose, for other people's skins" - there is no such intention on our part, I assure you!!! - while you yourself do not accept our help when you run into trouble trying to make something PurE2 compatible, to keep up with an ever changing, evolving PurE2 environment, sorry...

    I mean, you can now understand how difficult it is, surely? It's why PurE2 is unique, different, complex, its Estuary skin is in itself complex, doing (as you called it, "funky") things, esp. with FNC plugins, which are not to be taken lightly. Many, many nights and days have been spent on this image, on this skin, on those FNC plugins and tools etc. It was anything but "easy" to modernise old PBnigma image, of which we are the rightful heirs, to get it fully functional and then to push the limits, in order to keep apace with developments in streaming, security and whatnot, while also maintaining a high degree of aesthetic standard... (All credit goes to Franc, as the graphic designer, of course!)

    It's a challenge we accepted and we are pursuing it - relentlessly, to the max of our abilities, limited by time and manpower, plus the coders' situation...

    8) But if I was informed why my skins have suddenly stopped working on your image I could probably fix it.

    Suddenly? I don't know if that is correct. While Franc moved to a new country and a new job, not even having a PC or an STB (now he does but initially, for months - he did not), the rest of PurE2 kept developing, with many hundreds of packages changing all the time, as the rest of the Team kept pushing to the edge. It may have been gradual, I don't know, sorry. But it is not difficult to comprehend that these things happen, in such a situation. We just do not have the manpower, resources and time to maintain compatibility with everything other people make, that is frequently done with older tools etc. It is understandable that we can only do what we have to do - to do our thing. Do you agree, given all of the above?

    I mean, factually speaking, it's a minor miracle we managed all that we have managed so far, despite everything - but we did. And therein lieth our limit, as well. We can only do so much. But to infer that we are somehow making other skins and so on incompatible with PurE2 on purpose - it's just wrong to do that and I have to reject that wholesale and vehemently, once again, sorry!

    Nevertheless, the offer to help, from our side, still stands! Despite serious difficulties we find ourselves in! If you still want to make a skin compatible with PurE2 - we're up for it! With thanx in advance!

    Whenever we can, in whichever way we can, we always pass on our achievements to the Community, one way or another.

    On the other hand, we try, when we can, to make skins, plugins etc. compatible with our image, Heck, some of those plugins etc. in our feed we build especially for out image, we do not just take an ipk and put it in our feed. We can't! It would not be possible. E2iPlayer etc. have to be made especially for our version of FFmpeg etc. etc. But by the same token, given our special environment, we simply can not do that with everything. Our time and resources are rather limited.

    That does mean we have to concentrate primarily on our own products. It's a fact of life. We are only a very small team. And you know that, ergo....???

    9) But if you have made your image non oe-alliance compliant nowadays, then maybe I cant fix things.

    Possibly. I mean, I don't know as I am not a coder. I doubt it - but I may be wrong. There is only one way of finding out. When our coders have a moment, I will personally make it a priority that they help you with whatever questions you may have, just don't ignore us this time, as it leaves a rather bad taste in one's mouth.... OK? A deal?

    10) I also think the way you have been speaking to people of late, especially noobs and people who are not clued up about these boxes or the various images, is also getting quite rude.

    Nope, sorry! I will not apologise for several things I do consistently!

    One of them is when somebody tried to patronise me and I challenge him to prove his hoity-toity position, then he fails to deliver! That pisses me off no end, so I react badly to that, yes! It happened but again, one must put things into context to understand it properly.

    Secondly, when a user is wasting my time or rather when I am wasting my precious time on people who ask me for help and then rather (substantially) rudely ignore whatever I spend a lot of my precious time on explaining to them in some detail - and moreover they do not tell me they ignored whatever I told them but they come back to complain about PurE2 and suspect PurE2, rather than themselves! That is SUBSTANTIALLY RUDE and I will continue to give them the bollocking they deserve for wasting my time, not giving me the full information but still want to complain about PurE2! I take pride in what I do and I will defend it! Whatever I did so far - there was a goddamn good reason for it! I don't do frivolous, I don't do rude groundlessly!

    If you still think I was wrong - please ask but in concrete terms and I will explain. But no "general accusations without details", no trial by proxy, please... That is easy and anyone can do that.

    11) Just because you know, doesn't mean they know.

    Again, I took to pains to serving everything on a silver platter to EVERYONE, not just those who keep asking me for help privately, one-on-one, which I also find substantially rude and wrong, violating the ethos of these fora - but I still help them, one way or another. So, no! Sorry, you are just plain wrong about this! I have been at it for more than 20 years. My record speaks for itself. My good will is second to none. But that does not mean I like to be taken for a ride, not given the essential info, my advice totally ignored and then a finger pointed at me, PurE2 and my Team! That immaturity and "underhandedness" I will always react "badly" to! And I don't care who is throwing mud at me at that point. I will defend my good will and my work, as well as that of my Team, tooth and nail, primarily with facts!

    I would agree with you, had I not spent a lot of time first writing detailed tutorials for all - but I did that! And then, I helped individually, too: I am regularly guiding some people, despite the fact they have (if not all then at least) most of the help they needed right in front of them. That is a lot of good will from my side! So, generally speaking, as a principle, I would go further and say this: I did way more in terms of user support than most (including some considerably bigger) teams do! So, sorry - given all of the above - I stand by what I did! And I would do it again! I mean, if you want to understand why, at times, I act the way I act, then you must put things into context to understand them. Otherwise you would be utterly unfair to pass a quick judgement without seeing if somebody did me wrong, having been substantially rude to me first, somehow - and I merely defended myself, my good will and my work... Or would you deny me that principle?

    Last but not least, since we are now addressing the whole of our little Community: PurE2 is still the edgy, unique, modern, malleable, special little project of ours that we passionately spend unaccounted hours on, our good will, our diverse talents and just pour sheer love into it - and for as along as we can we shall continue to do so!!! It doesn't mean we can do everything, especially the stuff we ultimately can not be held responsible for, as they may not be our product. We will keep trying, though - to the utmost of our (obviously considerable but still limited) abilities. So long as everyone remembers we are a very, very small Team, hence with limited capacity!!! Yes, we are rather creative, feisty and trying to make our mark on the hobby. And that push - which makes it all fresh for us, over and over again, which keeps us going - will have to take precedence over everything else, of course...

    In good faith, yours truly....

    "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"


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