There are 81 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 16,990 times. The last Post () by digiteng.

  • is there problem with openhdf ?

    PosterX does not download posters , only files with ZERO kb .

    Is there any modifications should I do to work with openhdf ?

    Openhdf-Debug-Logging aktivieren...…-openHDF-Image-erstellen/


    I have improved this code further...

    but the tv is broken...

    so the new version will be a little late...

    You can follow the development on github.

  • Thank you for the smart recommendation

    Now the file can identify and search for any movie poster in any language


  • can you share code of languages with your modifications ?

  • remove old

    os.system("cat /etc/enigma2/settings | grep config.osd.language|sed '/^config.osd.language=/!d' > /tmp/language.txt")
    leng = open('/tmp/language.txt', 'r').readline().replace('config.osd.language=', '').replace('_', '-').replace('\n', '')

    replaced by new

    1. Just that
  • does tmdb support multi languages ? i think it's use 1 language per request

    so how it should work ?

  • depend on event name by any language , one language will be per request

  • can you quote full code please to explain ?

  • I meant a similar thing, but only the default language can work this way, and search on TMDB in that language

    of course, the timer must also be revised, not all boxes are supported

    this is just my example or suggestion, it may not be good for the author or for everyone

  • your file didn't work for me...openpli..

    some stbs don't have language setting in "settings"...

    It is added after choosing the language from the menu settings...


    It's simpler to get the stb language like this...


    the following file priorities,

    language code...language="xx"

    stb language

    tmdb default(en)

  • @digiteng

    Can you please explain more about how to write next 4 or 5 event as you say before



    download as many posters as you want...

    the value here is the number of events...

    not the number of posters...

    If each event is different, the poster will go down as much as the value you write.

    I tested with 50...

    the default value is 1 if not added to the code...

    1 poster is downloaded...

    but i am failed to do next event it always the same event poster



    i try as followed but failed also

        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="PosterX" nexts="0" position="685,313" size="100,150" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />    
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="PosterX" nexts="1" position="685,313" size="100,150" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="PosterX" nexts="2" position="690,480" size="100,150" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="PosterX" nexts="3" position="692,642" size="100,150" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="PosterX" nexts="4" position="690,808" size="100,150" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="PosterX" nexts="5" position="687,139" size="100,150" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="9" />

    Edited 2 times, last by biko ().

  • next="#" is to load # number of posters for # next events

    like next = "10" it will load the next 10 events for the current channel , not to load specific event poster

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