info need to create oscam.service

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,781 times. The last Post () by sunlight786.

  • HI,
    I got some question to ask and thanks in advance for the answers

    i want to add services(what actuall chanel on card) in my local and remote reader in my oscam.server


    my local card got sport,movie
    remote reader -1 got HD sports,HD movie ( but he has some other packages on hope2 also which I d,not want as hop2 ecm too high )
    remote reader-2 got mutv,espn (but he has some other packages on hope2 also which I d,not want as its ecm too high)
    remote reader-3 got asian packages ( but he has some other packages on hope2 also which I d,not want as its ecm too high )

    now what i need is i only request to watch chanel from them readers Chanel on their hop1 NOT hop2

    my problem is when i watch certain Chanel from remote raeder some time its not available on his local and take from his hop2 it brings too high ecm to me and that Chanel freeze and glitch.

    i hop you guys understand what i am trying to explain!

    another example

    remote reader-3 got asian Chanel on his local(hop1 with fast and low ecm) and on hop2 also(slow and high ecm)

    some time when i watch Chanel from the reader-3 i got freeze and glitch and that time i found the ecm is too high so it mean i am not watching this Chanel from his local.

    my 2nd question is.

    i want to add services in my reader sections and i got already service file

    now there is 2 way i can add service in my local and remote reader.

    1rst way
    service = name of the services what i have on local and remote

    2nd way
    services = ! name of those services which i d,not have on local and remote

    please advise me which way is the best to select in oscam.server and oscam.user?

  • 2 things you need to do to acheive what you are looking at.

    Firstly you need you need to restrict what you are receiving from your peers to just the local. You can do this in oscam.server entry for each peer

    ccmaxhops = 0

    the above will restrict what you are receiving from your peer as just his local.

    secondly, you need to create an entry in for each set of channels you want to receive from each of your peers. There is only one file and the trick is to add a separate entry with a different title for each set of channels you wish to receive. You then define this in the reader entry in oscam.server for each peer.

    for example - i create different entries in

    above is 2 entries - first is for boxnation and second is for free to air channels - inside the [] is the title i have given for each channel set

    if for peer 1 - i only want to accept boxnation on his local card and nothing else, i add the following to his reader entry

    ccmaxhops = 0
    services = boxnation

    for peer 2 I only want to accept free to air channels on his local and his hop 1 - i add

    ccmaxhops = 1
    services = ftv

    of course you need to find the caid of the channels you need to put in each definition in your, but as I understand - the above is the basis of the easiest way to do what you want to acheive.

    use the ! flag if you want to accept everything apart from the defined services, and don't use the ! flag if you only want to accept the defined services, but never use them together.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • thanks a lot this explanation clear a lot of my confusion about services set up.i am going to alter my some set up.
    one more issue i have notice is that i got sports package and my 3 peers also got sports packag in their local,every 24 hrs what i found that on my web info i use his sports package and not from my local which i d,nt like,
    my local been use for other packages but not sport package
    i have to restart oscam here to resolve this issue,which is also not normal.
    after restart i am stop using his packages and all request go to my card and it work for next 24hrs.i am fasing this issue past many weeks.

  • update!
    i have seen on webinfo that
    users are using a periticuler chanel from my one peer instead from my local , showing on webinfo as by remote peer3 (cache) (389ms)
    remember i have that chanel in my local so why user are using from peers with high ecm 389 instead they can use from my own local with low ecm.

    what i done is

    i have re direct my own box with selecting only my local group and try to watch that chanel which is clearly decoding.
    i refresh my webinfo page and now users are using my local far that chanel instead peer.this time i have not restart oscam

    can you please advise me for that .

    many thanks

    i am not using cachex function and my version is OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #6356(i have tried so many new also)

    here si my config files

    Nice = -1
    #LogFile = stdout
    logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
    MaxLogSize = 102400
    Sleep = 0
    FallbackTimeout = 2
    ClientTimeout = 5
    ClientMaxIdle = 120
    CacheDelay = 1
    WaitForCards = 1
    PreferLocalCards = 1
    saveinithistory =1
    lb_mode = 1
    lb_min_ecmcount = 3

    port = 878
    aulow = 120
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 1
    appendchaninfo = 1

    port = 13000
    reshare = 1
    version = 2.1.2
    stealth = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = oscam
    httppwd = oscam
    httphideidleclients = 1
    httprefresh = 60
    #httpallowed =,
    httpallowed =,
    httphideidleclients = 1

    port = 13001@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    allowed =
    keepalive = 1
    mgclient = 1

    ####server file###

    label = my local
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 001:006
    services = !servise i d,nt have
    caid = 0963
    boxid = xxxxxxxx
    detect = cd
    mhz = 480
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    lb_weight = 101

    label = remote-peer1
    protocol = cccam
    device = dyndns,12000
    user = user1
    password = psw1
    group = 2
    cccversion = 2.1.3
    ccckeepalive = 1
    audisabled = 1
    ccmaxhops = 0
    services = services they have in their local

    label = remote-peer2
    protocol = cccam
    device = dyndnsv,14000
    user = user2
    password = pass2
    group = 3
    cccversion = 2.1.4
    ccckeepalive = 1
    audisabled = 1
    ccmaxhops = 0
    services = services they have in their local

    label = remote-perr3
    protocol = cccam
    device = dyndns,12000
    user = usesdr1
    password = pswert1
    group = 4
    cccversion = 2.1.3
    ccckeepalive = 1
    audisabled = 1
    ccmaxhops = 0
    services = services they have in their local

    label = remote-peer4
    protocol = cccam
    device = dyndnsv,14000
    user = userff2
    password = passdd2
    group = 5
    cccversion = 2.1.2
    ccckeepalive = 1
    audisabled = 1
    ccmaxhops = 0
    services = services they have in their local

    #######user file#########

    user = aaa1
    pwd = bbb2
    group = 1,2,3,4,5
    monlevel = 0
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    cccreshare = 0
    uniq = 3

    user = aaa2
    pwd = bbbb3
    group = 1,2,3,4,5
    monlevel = 0
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    cccreshare = 0
    uniq = 3

    user = aaa3
    pwd = bbbb43
    group = 1,2,3,4,5
    monlevel = 0
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    cccreshare = 0
    uniq = 3

  • I have noticed a behavior in oscam where if a service fails to clear on a reader then it notes it as a 'bad sid' so if for whatever reason a service didn't clear on your local, it would block it in future - but a restart resets this. Also it is worth checking the files you have set up on your local. I found not to work very well when applied on the local reader so maybe if you disable entry for your local reader entry then it might help.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • thanks,
    the only thing i d,nt want is use my peers line for those chanels which i have my own and they are their just as back up i mean for rainy day.

    i will #services from my local group 1 reader .
    but can i leave services on remote readers,becuse i only want their chanel what exact they offer in their share.
    so far i tried services = what they have and also
    services=! what they d,nt

    it is very pain full matter to me as when i recieve them chanel from peers with a bit high ecm they glitch and freez.ofcourse come out from my local very very low ecm and more smooth.

    i am continiuing seeking for permanent solution for this oscam behavior as when i use peer line like that ,he might think i am hammering him for nothing.
    normaly i use their back up when i have issue my own though.

    what else we can do for the local service which block because it think its 'bad sid' ?

  • try deleting the boxid line you have in your reader entry - this has been known to cause issues - Oscam will get this automatically - i think is useful for chosing what you give your peers in the user account you create from them, and also for what you want to or don't want to receive from them in the reader entry you create for them, but I didn't find it much use in the reader entry for my own local as it didn't seem to make any difference. I am not running oscam now because I didn't like some of the things it does using the CCcam protocol so it is hard for me to try anything you are trying, but mess around with the info given and see what results you get - hopefully it has some use!

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • update!
    since 06/06/2012 I am using OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #6356 and so far things are settel with out any issue.the only thing i am not sure off is,

    on the status page of the webinfo if i click on my local or some time remote reader uder LB Value / Reader
    I found some timeout messages against those chanel which i have,
    09*3:000000:10CE:0000 *** Movies Action & Adventure 0062 timeout 5000ms 5000ms 24 07.06.12 11:16:55

    please advise me on that.thanks

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