OSCam cak7_support-test include (1856) For boxes [ arm, aarch64, mipsel, ]

There are 113 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 23,635 times. The last Post () by samur.

  • Card-Green Work all night ecm-Total 2977 (100.00 %)

    today start on my vu+duo2 (mipsel) toolchain build from s3

    caid 1813 ok see Entitlements!!!

    caid 1843 ok see Entitlements!!!

    Caid 186A only start log card not active

    Caid 1884 only Start log card not active

    ps: is posssible build arm for test for vu+duo 4k-openblackhole

    OpenSSL 1.0.2r 26 Feb 2019




    Edited 3 times, last by bingo ().

  • Buongiorno, scusate la mia ignoranza. Ho scaricato OSCam-11703 armv7ve OpenSSL-1.1.1 libusb per provarlo sul mio gigablue; in questo momento sto usando oscam-emu. Per poter provare il file sopra devo disinstallare oscam emu e se si, il file come lo installo? grazie per le risposte.

  • bioseeker this sektion only English these are the rules

    Give your old oscam rename in oscam.old then give new oscam same name for old attributi 775

    You have problem open new post in this post only test!!

    bioseeker questa sezione inglese devi scrivere in inglese queste sono le regole

    basta rinominare oscam vecchio da ad esempio oscam.old quello nuovo che hai scaricato qua gli dai il nome del veccchio cosi se non funziona puoi usare dinuovo il tuo ricordati di dare al nuovo attributi 755 se no non parte

    se hai problemi apri nuovo posta qua solo test per nuovo oscam-cak7


  • other updates will come but we need to be patient ;


    for the 186A (HD+) i think, it should work because configs and keys are available on the net .

    and what do you mean about: "1884 only Start log card not active" ?

    because, i see everything is ok in your log except the EMM Handling which the issue is for a years like that...

    do you have your own DATA (NUID, CWPK0,mod1,.....etc) for the 1884 ?

    Note: for me i don't have Nagra cards to do tests that's the problem...



    Edited once, last by samur ().

  • the card has expired i use caid 1813 there everything is ok

    config for caid 1884 and 1813 i have.

    caid 186a has expired for me but caid 1843 everything is ok.

    for other updates I can wait just no stress!!!!


  • sorry, I thought I was in the Italian section :redface:; Thanks for the reply.

  • ok oscam start ok ecm decrypt ok I'm waiting for EMM :fingers crossed::fingers crossed:

    (1856@000000/0000/0D4F/A9:EDCA1D67EB1E866E7F34149D3D48E5C5): found (187 ms) by Green - Rai 4K

    (1856@000000/0000/11FC/A9:F0DF8BD28B08330557024E1734DC6F5F): found (186 ms) by Green - Museum 4K

    (1856@000000/0000/0450/A9:F41DE43EF6CC0D217784213BD77F9C71): found (186 ms) by Green - MyZen 4K

    (1856@000000/0000/11FB/A9:E3D3B64E6D70EF1AA3D5B36BC61AC080): found (187 ms) by Green - TRAVELXP 4K

    (1856@000000/0000/007A/A9:CB96B27F80688DEA88DAE9CC93A97FD2): found (188 ms) by Green - Canale5 HD

    at this moment no emm will continue testing so wait all night for emm.


    Edited 6 times, last by bingo ().

  • Code
    OSCam-11703-798 (armv7ve OpenSSL-1.0.2 libusb) ok on dreambox 920
    it has been running for 20 minutes on the dreambox 920 with OpenPli 8.1
    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • Code
    OSCam-11703-798 (armv7ve OpenSSL-1.0.2 libusb) ok on dreambox 920
    it has been running for 20 minutes on the dreambox 920 with OpenPli 8.1
    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • piterfree see webif emm written.

    Moning test emm for caid 1813 and 1843!

    Controlla su webif se arrivano emm su written

    Da me niente emm.

    For smod

    nagra merlin] Successfully added EMM to /media/usb/oscam/keyslog/Black_global_emm.log


    Edited 2 times, last by bingo ().

  • vedi che fa'....o cambiato qualcosa.....

    see what he does .... or changed something .....

    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • Italiano


    (emu) Key file not found in: /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.TivuSat_Black
    (emu) Key file not found in: / var / keys

    this is not the path of the 920 openpli decoder.
    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920

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