Writing File Permissions Denied

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,712 times. The last Post () by Antepenultim8.

  • Hi there,

    So I put up a new oscam server and for some reason, it doesn't let me edit the files from webif...is that normal?

    I'm using AWS, an EC2 instance running Debian Linux. I need to know where to put the server files and what permissions to use on them.


  • Hi.

    So first of all ... by the term "oscam server" you mean a file called "oscam.server" or directly Softcam Oscam as a server ?

    Secondly ... how did you find out there was a problem with access rights ?

    The location of the directory with the Oscam configuration files can be found here:

    OscamWebif -> Files -> oscam.version ------- search the line "ConfigDir"

    You have to place your configuration files there. Of course, you should also assign the appropriate access rights to them, with the chmod command.

    If you place there some new configuration files, don't forget to restart Oscam to load them again. Then direct file editing via the "Files" MENU should work in OscamWebif, but also via the standard GUI configuration MENU items (WebGUI items).

  • I mean the softcam server, when I try to edit any file from the interface it says failed

    so I have to edit them from Linux itself via nano, I changed the chmod of the oscam.server and the others to 755...nothing


    I think this is why it also doesn't get active and use data from the readers

  • the installation instructions made me put these files in /var/etc, these same files that need sudo access every time I need to edit them

    you know what, I'm open to dispose this instance completely, put up a new one and reinstall oscam

    I tried from the wiki but I did something that broke it, so I need more help

  • yes, oscam web interface

    OK, I made progress...

    I managed to edit the files from the webif, but I had to chmod the var folder which is like super risky but oh well 😂

    now it's connected to my receiver via cccam but no EMM activity is happening

    my source server I'm testing with is also cccam, is that why it's not working?

  • I just told you it's var/etc

    but I failed to mention a file called oscam in usr/local/bin

    there are no other directories related to oscam

    if that doesn't answer your question then I don't understand the question

  • Uhm...

    that's weird. According to Oscam's source code, configuration directories are searched in a certain order, ie if a directory has not already been specified directly in the startup command-line with the argument "-c /full/config/directory/path".


    I don't know your Linux. There is probably a trigger of the Oscam process, just as script in the "/etc/init.d" folder. There should be a directory specification via the "-c /directory" argument. You can change it or delete it altogether + restart Oscam (with the help of this "init.d" script - for example: /etc/init.d/softcam restart). If you delete the argument "-c /directory", then Oscam will search the config dir, in the order you see in Oscam's source code. Or is it even better to change the directory, where you have access as a Linux-user, for example to the "home" folder ? Then move your Oscam configuration files there (to the "home" folder).

    BTW, you know I also hope that just one "oscam.server" file is not enough. Usually three files are always used:




  • when I went into the init folder I found no oscam file...

    I'm over this installation, I will terminate this VPS and make one again, do you have a ink to install oscam but more simplified from the wiki? the wiki tells you about all options and I have no idea what to enable and disable

    My usage is pretty basic, I want a server to make cccam lines for receivers and newcamd for exchanging, maybe try cache in the process.

    and thank you for your help

  • What are you writing again, oh ...

    In the "init.d" folder of the system, there can only be control shell-scripts, for some processes. OScam process can also be one of them.

    Configuration files for Oscam, I have already explained to you 3 times - where is the directory, how to change it, how to find it and how it actually works with the path to the configuration directory. You can find the appropriate shell script and change or delete the "-c /directory" argument.

    The shell script can have any file name, but is usually called "softcam.oscam" or "softcam" or just "oscam". Find it yourself... for example with the command: grep -l "oscam" /etc/init.d/* or, for example, somethins as this: grep -l "cam" /etc/init.d/*. Then open and check the files found. So you find out which one starts your Oscam process. There may also be an "-c /directory" argument, which you can modify to change the directory/path where you have full access as a user, and where you want to upload Oscam configuration files.

    I recommend to read this :


  • VPS

    Hi there,

    So I put up a new oscam server and for some reason, it doesn't let me edit the files from webif...is that normal?

    I'm using AWS, an EC2 instance running Debian Linux. I need to know where to put the server files and what permissions to use on them.


    and the default directory is /var/etc/

    from the vid he sent to me

    and i still think it's read write privlages on the PHP side of things

    parabéns cr7 & moliveira88

    Μπρέντφορντ Φ.Σ

    RIP Vangelis Papathanassiou

    Edited once, last by Antepenultim8 ().

  • there's absolutely nothing related to oscam in init.d, I literally opened every file and found nothing!

    I looked up the status of phpmyadmin to realize that php is not even installed to begin with, should I install Nginx?

    Now I terminated the VPS instance and made a new one, then I used the instructions from the sat supreme and now I'm back to square 1

  • Unfortunately, full-fledged Linux systems require the compilation of source code, directly for the appropriate processor, into a specific Linux kernel + to add the necessary libraries according to compatibility (library revisions). Therefore, it is used in full-fledged Linux, just the compilation of Oscam source code, on a specific PC.

    You need to download and compile the Oscam source code in your Linux. That's a pretty big problem - in terms of compatibility. Therefore, written shell scripts that do everything for you don't always work correctly.

    However, there are many instructions on the internet. Do not rely on the VPS, but on the version and name of the Linux distribution. So, search for a HowTo for your Linux, not for VPS. And it has to work. Alternatively, try more HowTo-s (procedures). It doesn't matter if you use the "svn" tool (https://trac.streamboard.tv/oscam/wiki/BuildingOscam) or if you download it manually to a folder and simply use the "make" tool. Only compatibility is important. You need to supplement the necessary libraries and tools designed to compile Oscam or to supplement the libraries for running compiled Oscam.

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