Oscam-emu for OBH v5.0

There are 7 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,500 times. The last Post () by hecha71.

  • Have installed on Vu+ Duo2 OBH image v4.4 with softcams-oscam_11.703-emu-r798 and softcams-oscam-supcam_11.703-emu-r798 and they worked perfectly. When I tried to install these softcams on OBH image v5.0 they couldn't get installed. Any suggestions which softcams are compatable with image OBH v5.0. Thanks.omcompatablepatableompatable

    • Official Post

    In those multi image installer files OBH 5.0 does not excist since it still not released official.

    So you have to do it manual.

    From your OBH 4.4 backup with ftp this folders and files.

    /etc/tuxbox/configs (here is your oscam config files)

    /usr/camscript (here is the start and stop script for your oscam)

    In folder /usr/bin you find the oscam bin files they can be named more then jus oscam bit it does you need.

    Now in your OBH 5 image copy the backup files to same location with FTP

    Important is that you give the correct file permission to the oscam bin files and files inside your camscript folder

    They should be set to 755

    If you use FileZilla as your FTP software just right click with your mouse in the files to open the menu

    Choose in the bottom "File permission" and in the text box just change to 755 and press OK button


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  • Have installed on Vu+ Duo2 OBH image v4.4 with softcams-oscam_11.703-emu-r798 and softcams-oscam-supcam_11.703-emu-r798 and they worked perfectly. When I tried to install these softcams on OBH image v5.0 they couldn't get installed. Any suggestions which softcams are compatable with image OBH v5.0.

    there are no problems with the installation . you need to do everything right..

  • Glad for you that the oscam didn't gave you any problem. On my part today I tried it on SoloSE and it was the same as on Duo2. After installed the OBH v5. 0 image I put the settings and then installed the Oscam the same as yours. From the tmp it gave me no problem and was installed in the system (the Oscam was shown in the Uninstall list), but it showed that only 1 cam was installed and there was no config, nothing in usr/camscript and also nothing in usr/bin. I had to do as seagen advise me to do. After that it showed that 2 cams were installed and everything worked good. Hope that it was only me that had this problem.

  • Hope that it was only me that had this problem.

    you won't believe it... I'll tell you in confidence that yes, this problem is only for those who do it wrong... or installs the wrong package. and I will say even more that the emulator package will be installed in the receiver if it corresponds to your processor architecture, mipsel, and also if the package is personally made for a specific image of pli, atv, black hole, and so on, this only applies to the startup script.. and has nothing to do with the revision of the image at all, let it be 2 python, 3 python..

    this package is built for any image for OE 2.0 what can be seen in the package name .......emu 798_all.ipk

    after executing the installation command in the terminal, you can see that the installation package is still pulling up the missing libs from the feed

    "study, study and study again" - so said the great leader of the proletariat Vladimir Lenin :laugh1:

  • Hi, Im glad I found this post.

    I have a new VU+UNO 4KSE I installed OBH5 and Oscam latest (1.20+svn11704-r1) when inserting my config files nothing opens but get no error mesages.

    If I use Openvix Image 6 it works fine.

    So am I using the wrong OSCAM file in OBH5 for my reciever as I have a feeling it may have somthing to do with Python3?

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