EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,642 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • Also wird im Fehlerfall nur das addErrBack ausgelöst.

    Only in case of an error, addErrBack is tiggered.

    After he wrote that dhwz gave the tumbs-up. Earlier dhwz pointed to this document: Twisted document

    addErrBack looks to me to kind of lighting rod that takes the error so the script can continue. But then I am not a programmer.

    In a earlier posting by dhwz: posting by dhwz

  • Detecting the if a channel file is downloaded enables to get better crutches. When a IPTV file then Twisted is used and when two files are downloaded then (EPG and channels) then Twisted is not used.

    if twisted.python.runtime.platform.supportsThreads() and not (self.channelFiles and isDreamOS):

    This is only for users that experience lockups or reboots using EPGImport on non IPTV files. This till the source of the problem is found.

    Edited 2 times, last by msatter ().

  • Detecting the if a channel file is downloaded enables to get better crutches. When a IPTV file then Twisted is used and when two files are downloaded then (EPG and channels) then Twisted is not used.

    Instead of posting fantasies that have nothing to do with reality, you would rather read a Python tutorial...

  • pepsik That fantasy never felt that real....just pinched myself...it is real.

    Next test a manual import of mixed IPTV and Rytec. To see if that works also. It is a work around, nothing more.

    Update: YAY it works also with mixed sources.

    Three sources of which the first one is a IPTV (one file):

    journalctl -f | grep twisted
    Sep 02 14:17:34 dm7080 enigma2[2226]: [EPGImport] ### using twisted thread, yay!
    Sep 02 14:21:45 dm7080 enigma2[2226]: [EPGImport] ### twisted thread not supported, sadly :(
    Sep 02 14:22:53 dm7080 enigma2[2226]: [EPGImport] ### twisted thread not supported, sadly :(

    Complete log of Twisted:

    Edited once, last by msatter: Also mixed sources are now working. ().

  • That fantasy never felt that real....just pinched myself...it is real.

    Understand one simple thing... I know this code "by heart" ... every line of the log that you post, moreover, I know why they appear there, how it works at all =) ... Your logs and experiments will NOT help .. and even more so "pseudo-scientific" conclusions based on them. Be patient... Everything will be resolved in time... I'll try to find an ancient DreamBOX like 7080... and check it out

  • pepsik My DM920 does the same. I tested that this morning thinking that maybe the might be the Mipsel processor that might causing it.

    Open for me is, having a clean install and only EPGimport installed to see if any other plug-ins interfere.

    I know, and I am patient. For the time being I will have lean on 'crutches' untill I can walk again without them.

    Edited once, last by msatter ().

  • pepsik

    Installed Jedi EPG Xtream (plugin for assign epg.xml to channel) and found it latest version of EPG Import 1.91 not bring EPG to channel

    just tested previous versions and EPG import 1.8.9 working correctly with plugin Jedi EPG Xtream - program import EPG to channel.

    could you make compability with Jedi EPG again please?

  • What is it and what does it have to do with the EPGImport plugin?

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • @sarsan

    I asked for a link to this "stray"? I asked what EPGImort is related to this plugin?

    Furthermore !! Why did you decide that the error is in the EPGImport plugin??

    Attached a screenshot of the code of the latest version of jedi EPG Xtream... the arrow indicates an error due to which this plugin does NOT work when parsing XMLTV...

    Once again for understanding - Why did you decide that the error is in the EPGImport plugin?

    Снимок экрана 2022-09-19 в 19.22.05.png

    p.s. Why should I waste my time on your misunderstanding and searching for "holes" in someone else's code?


    log posted before :

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • Why did you decide that the error is in the EPGImport plug

    EPGImport 1.8.9 working fine but last version EPGImport 1.9.1 not.

    what else should user think? im not coder, just user.

    do appologies. SORRY


    create the log and attached it,


    init 4;

    ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=6 enigma2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log.txt

    ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=4 /usr/bin/enigma2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log.txt


  • EPGImport - import events from selected sources?

    Jedi EPG plugin - created source.xml and channel.xml (attached)

    - EPGImport v1.9.1 dont import event from that source

    [EPGImport] download failed: Unsupported scheme: jex.epg.channels.xml

    - EPGImport v 1.8.9 do importing event from same sources

    [EPGConfig] Processed: 1 channels
    [EPGConfig] Formed lookup table for: 1 channels id
    [XMLTVConverter] Enumerating XMLTV event information
    [XMLTVConverter] Keep outdated EPG set to: 00:00:00
    Processed 32318 events in 00:00:04 or ~7412 per second
  • - EPGImport v 1.8.9 do importing event from same sources

    I'm not quite sure about that .... Here is the channels.xml that you posted above

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <sourcecat sourcecatname="Jedi EPG">
    <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="jex.epg.channels.xml">

    What is it ??? Where is the jex.epg.channels.xml file located?


    How should the EPGImport plugin code figure out where to look for it?

    If there set /media/hdd/channels/jex.epg.channels.xml or /etc/epgimport/jex.epg.channels.xml .. then everything will work ... How to guess WHERE the jex.epg.channels.xml file is located from the config created by some third-party plugin? And what does EPGImport have to do with it?

  • /etc/epgimport/jex.epg.channels.xml .. then everything will work ...


    yes is located there : /etc/epgimport/jex.epg.channels.xml

    then everything will work ...

    its working with v1.8.9 , but problem are with new version 1.9.1

    How should the EPGImport plugin code figure out where to look for it?

    why EPGImport 1.8.9 know where to look, and EPGImport 1.9.1 not?

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

    Edited once, last by sarsan ().

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