AJPanel Enigma2 Tools - discussion & support

There are 811 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 109,003 times. The last Post () by Bella Italia.

  • i insert screen in previous post with config options and you see no update

    please don't Quote massage in other

    are you read the topic ????

    are you have the file for update which link attached ????

    are you set folder on external and use all panel function ???

    if you not did all of that then you miss a lot !!!!

  • In IPTV Tools menu, can you add a "Delete" function?

    I go by "Local IPTV", then I use the filter "VOD", and then I want to delete all the VOD channels that are listed. But there is no "delete" option in the options.

    Now by function you use you are display server contain ------> how you will delete it !!!!

    what you can delete or rename or move ....etc only what you have on your box !!!

    if you transfer that to the box as bouquet then you have full control to do what you want because it on your box

    Sorry, I did not explain that well enough. They are in my bouquets. Let's say I found a couple of iptv's with multistalker and put them in my bouquets. They all come with VOD's and series. With AjPanel I search the local IPTV channels, and I have all of them in a list. I use the filter VOD and have a separate list for VOD channels. Now I want to delete them from the bouqouets. I thought that if there were a "delete all that are listed" function in that menu, I can get rid of them all at once. Then I make the same thing with "series" filter, and get rid of the series channels as well. I hope I was able to explain.

    In short, the channels are transferred to my box as bouquets, and I want to delete them from the bouquets.

    Thank you.

  • Sorry, I did not explain that well enough. They are in my bouquets. Let's say I found a couple of iptv's with multistalker and put them in my bouquets. They all come with VOD's and series. With AjPanel I search the local IPTV channels, and I have all of them in a list. I use the filter VOD and have a separate list for VOD channels. Now I want to delete them from the bouqouets. I thought that if there were a "delete all that are listed" function in that menu, I can get rid of them all at once. Then I make the same thing with "series" filter, and get rid of the series channels as well. I hope I was able to explain.

    In short, the channels are transferred to my box as bouquets, and I want to delete them from the bouquets.

    Thank you.

    Try to move all bouquets you need to one bouquet and Then use option -------> Enable Multi-Select -----> Delete

  • Sorry, I did not explain that well enough. They are in my bouquets. Let's say I found a couple of iptv's with multistalker and put them in my bouquets. They all come with VOD's and series. With AjPanel I search the local IPTV channels, and I have all of them in a list. I use the filter VOD and have a separate list for VOD channels. Now I want to delete them from the bouqouets. I thought that if there were a "delete all that are listed" function in that menu, I can get rid of them all at once. Then I make the same thing with "series" filter, and get rid of the series channels as well. I hope I was able to explain.

    In short, the channels are transferred to my box as bouquets, and I want to delete them from the bouquets.

    Thank you.

    Try to move all bouquets you need to one bouquet and Then use option -------> Enable Multi-Select -----> Delete

    Sorry, but I don't know how to do it. I am in this position. How do I move them to a new bouquet? The only option I have (yellow button) is "add to a new list".

  • If you have added those vod things in a bouquet that you had created ,

    Then - open AJ panel then - You go to bouquet editor, select that bouquet then Try Yellow button (options) - select all and then red button (delete)

    You cannot delete the content of the server from the IPTV menu !!!!!!!!

  • If you have added those vod things in a bouquet that you had created ,

    Then - open AJ panel then - You go to bouquet editor, select that bouquet then Try Yellow button (options) - select all and then red button (delete)

    You cannot delete the content of the server from the IPTV menu !!!!!!!!

    No they are not in a bouquet alone. It would be very easy to delete the bouquet if that were the case. There are live channels and series in the same bouquet, all of them together. You find an iptv from somewhere, and put its channels in a bouquet, unfortunately all live, vod and series channels come together in the same bouquet. I want to get rid of the vod and series from this bouquet because there are thousands of them and it slows down the box.

    So in short, I have a bouquet with 50.000 thousand channels, some are live channels, some VODs, and some series. How do I keep only the live channels and delete the others in this one bouquet.

    AND OF Course I can not delete the content of the server. I know it.

    I hope I was able to describe my problem.

  • Excellent plugin. You can very easily install the new maps you want and insert the channels you want into your map. It's simple and fast. Take a data keyboard with a usb cable and put it in dreambox two. The only thing you have to do when creating maps is take your remote and open the IPTV list channels, but not on the AJPANEL Plugin, but on the normal list in your dreambox two. Open the entire list of IPTV channels and on the one list you want, you don't open the channels, but press on the remote menu and you have add bouget, press it and make a map of the one you want via the data keyboard. After that, you go to AJPANEL and press IPTV server Browser and open the live map. After that, open the channel map, for example Germany, and when all channels are opened, press the yellow Options button. Then you go to Enable Multi-Select and press Download Options, press OK on each channel which you want. When you have done all that, press Options and you will see an example of adding 30 channels that you have selected, click on that list and then your map will appear, which you created at the beginning, and press that map and 30 channels will be transferred to your mapu. You can do all that via the data keyboard. You can create all the maps you want first and thus transfer the channels you want to your maps. Everything really goes very fast through AJPANEL PLUGINS. When you install everything as you want, if you have a USB, make backup and you can restore all that via AJPANEL PLUGIN. :smiling face with halo:

  • In IPTV Tools menu, can you add a "Delete" function?

    I go by "Local IPTV", then I use the filter "VOD", and then I want to delete all the VOD channels that are listed. But there is no "delete" option in the options.

    The option you are looking for is coming in the next update isa

    I appreciate your help. Thank you. But my questions never ends, sorry. I have another one. I have never been able to screen capture with AjPanel on my dreamTWO. The screen capture future is on, I tried jpg, png and bmp, but I could not do it. Can you tell me which button I should use with this remote?

    Thank you in advance.

  • I have never been able to screen capture with AjPanel on my dreamTWO.

    The screen capture future is on, I tried jpg, png and bmp, but I could not do it.

    Can you tell me which button I should use with this remote?

    The problem with the Dream One/Two not the panel

    are you can take screenshot via OpenWebif from your box, i think noooo

  • I have never been able to screen capture with AjPanel on my dreamTWO.

    The screen capture future is on, I tried jpg, png and bmp, but I could not do it.

    Can you tell me which button I should use with this remote?

    The problem with the Dream One/Two not the panel

    are you can take screenshot via OpenWebif from your box, i think noooo

    I dont know what you mean with openwebif, but from my PC with Dreambox Webcontrol I can capture the screen.

  • It's literally a few posts back....

    I don't get how lazy some people are and demand everything to be just provided to them without even moving their fingers and eyes.

    It would have taken you less than 1 minute to find it yourself.

    But no, instead you spent more time to call me vague cuz I didn't serve it into your freaking mouth!

    Well done!

    I really regret even answering to you in the first place.

  • Don't bother answering if it costs you so much. I can say the same, it would have taken you less time giving the answer than writing all this crap.
    I don't need you answer.
    Thanks anyway.

  • I actually BOTHERED AND replied to you in the first place, cuz I chose to help you, BUT you were too lazy to literally just go a few posts back... (It would have taken you a few seconds)

    And instead of doing that you decided to call my answer vague, indirectly demanding to freaking serve it into your mouth so you don't have to even move your fingers!

    And on top of that, instead of just saying I'm sorry I missed it, I actually found it because it is in the previous page, cause obviously you didn't even bother to go in the previous page and take a look... you came back attacking the one that helped you in the first place.

    Why? Because you demanded it to be provided to you right in your freaking mouth.

    I guess you were raised this way.

    It's sad but unfortunately many people are just like you.

  • Who the hell are you to judge me.
    As I said don't answer if you don't intend to give a clue and watch your language because if there is a "freaking" mouth here that's yours.

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