E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,272 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 93,321 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • The link works on enigma2 see my screenshot.

    To dot the "i" ...

    The OpenATV development team has integrated this wrapper ("recipient of video links") of various video services - https://streamlink.github.io/ ... They call it LiveTV

    The serviceref entry you provided as an example for live-channel from youtube will only work on 4097 reftype, because in the "integration" of the streamlink wrapper, the OpenATV development team adapted exactly the built-in gstreamer "player" ... For this to work with any other reftype (5001 or 5002), need to rewrite their code to support "pipeline" and it is unlikely that the OpenATV team will do this

    The logic of working with this type of record is exactly the same as I described. Based on the analysis of the link, the streamlink wrapper "pulls out" the link to the video from it and gives it to the player ... All this can be seen in the log, which I wrote to you about earlier. Moreover, compare the link to the video from the log with the one I gave you earlier

    07:43:20.1083 [gRC] Warning: Main thread is busy, displaying spinner!
    07:43:20.7116 [ChannelSelection] zap / streamlink result url https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/expire/1687603399/ei/Z3SWZNb_LMGCyAX82pPwBQ/ip/YOUR_IP/id/gxG3pdKvlIs.4/itag/96/source/yt_live_broadcast/requiressl/yes/ratebypass/yes/live/1/sgoap/gir%3Dyes%3Bitag%3D140/sgovp/gir%3Dyes%3Bitag%3D137/hls_chunk_host/rr2---sn-3tp8nu5g-3c2s.googlevideo.com/playlist_duration/30/manifest_duration/30/spc/qEK7Bx_XVNeKA_G-gJEwrQ_tutzUN6Fy1DxZQIWjPw/vprv/1/playlist_type/DVR/initcwndbps/605000/mh/UO/mm/44/mn/sn-3tp8nu5g-3c2s/ms/lva/mv/m/mvi/2/pl/21/dover/11/pacing/0/keepalive/yes/fexp/24007246,51000023/mt/1687581405/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,spc,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AOq0QJ8wRgIhAN1wpq2JY_zrJugxnfuue2ZBusS7TT1hEx6KnTyfhTRJAiEAgfK0dFFGINe-RUtaFHRLgiRyZj2RjRgIuW5Q0N6CTjk%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl/lsig/AG3C_xAwRQIgcM0KcfpM8R8EVFEmZfIFFXx9BVIzVIPvko4FjGnAz34CIQCfEc5ebfoZkoZP9I0sN_iXvtmEuhYv9NUekCx0WPRVuw%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8
    07:43:20.7120 [Navigation] playing ref 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:streamlink%3a//https%3a//www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxG3pdKvlIs:FRANCE 24 FR
    07:43:20.7162 [eServiceFactoryMP3] **** dvb_audiosink created ***
    07:43:20.7178 [eServiceFactoryMP3] **** dvb_videosink created ***
    07:43:20.7190 [eServiceFactoryMP3] **** dvb_subsink created ***
    07:43:20.7191 [eServiceFactoryMP3] ****new play service total services played is 1****
    07:43:20.7193 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/expire/1687603399/ei/Z3SWZNb_LMGCyAX82pPwBQ/ip/YOUR_IP/id/gxG3pdKvlIs.4/itag/96/source/yt_live_broadcast/requiressl/yes/ratebypass/yes/live/1/sgoap/gir%3Dyes%3Bitag%3D140/sgovp/gir%3Dyes%3Bitag%3D137/hls_chunk_host/rr2---sn-3tp8nu5g-3c2s.googlevideo.com/playlist_duration/30/manifest_duration/30/spc/qEK7Bx_XVNeKA_G-gJEwrQ_tutzUN6Fy1DxZQIWjPw/vprv/1/playlist_type/DVR/initcwndbps/605000/mh/UO/mm/44/mn/sn-3tp8nu5g-3c2s/ms/lva/mv/m/mvi/2/pl/21/dover/11/pacing/0/keepalive/yes/fexp/24007246,51000023/mt/1687581405/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,spc,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AOq0QJ8wRgIhAN1wpq2JY_zrJugxnfuue2ZBusS7TT1hEx6KnTyfhTRJAiEAgfK0dFFGINe-RUtaFHRLgiRyZj2RjRgIuW5Q0N6CTjk%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl/lsig/AG3C_xAwRQIgcM0KcfpM8R8EVFEmZfIFFXx9BVIzVIPvko4FjGnAz34CIQCfEc5ebfoZkoZP9I0sN_iXvtmEuhYv9NUekCx0WPRVuw%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8
    07:43:20.7230 [eServiceMP3] *** starting pipeline ****

    This solution for this kind of serviceref records is only on OpenATV and nowhere else. Judging by the fact that the source texts https://streamlink.github.io/plugins.html… are used, then, in theory, all supported video services of this wrapper should be available, and not just youtube ...

    Below is a log of work with one of the services supported by the streamlink project


    08:15:43.3932 [ChannelSelection] zap / streamlink result url https://ltvlive2167.cloudycdn.services/ltvlive/_definst_/ltvlive_ltv07_ltv7_g_eb0_43187_default_1327_hls.smil/chunklist_b5128000_t64MTA4MHA=.m3u8?eitmE9V6w06u1MGpcm1062_tJM2Km7a8pVxfMaAI9h6oHmbIG8jN-BcIXh4u7S3tHRN0kvZkk7ThLlTHLxWWGuHX9uR9-glmpujy6NDyk2QiKJLlE0xfzHccYd1UTVQIYeR-hN6omBVmlQoqdRdNXkOt9O13W3J0pj5mUiXgqQRkMz9QFyoQsZeF5rB78NEgBqf2xU4MwIOrcJhZZGN1JA
    08:15:43.3938 [Navigation] playing ref 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:streamlink%3a//https%3a//ltv.lsm.lv/lv/tiesraide/ltv7:LTV 7
    08:15:43.3942 [eServiceMP3] stop streamlink://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxG3pdKvlIs
    08:15:43.3944 [eServiceMP3] stop state:PLAYING pending:VOID_PENDING ret:SUCCESS
    08:15:43.4623 [eServiceMP3] **** TO NULL state:NULL pending:VOID_PENDING ret:SUCCESS ****
    08:15:43.4650 [eServiceMP3] **** PIPELINE DESTRUCTED ****
    08:15:43.4697 [eServiceFactoryMP3] ****new play service total services played is 2****
    08:15:43.4700 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=https://ltvlive2167.cloudycdn.services/ltvlive/_definst_/ltvlive_ltv07_ltv7_g_eb0_43187_default_1327_hls.smil/chunklist_b5128000_t64MTA4MHA=.m3u8?eitmE9V6w06u1MGpcm1062_tJM2Km7a8pVxfMaAI9h6oHmbIG8jN-BcIXh4u7S3tHRN0kvZkk7ThLlTHLxWWGuHX9uR9-glmpujy6NDyk2QiKJLlE0xfzHccYd1UTVQIYeR-hN6omBVmlQoqdRdNXkOt9O13W3J0pj5mUiXgqQRkMz9QFyoQsZeF5rB78NEgBqf2xU4MwIOrcJhZZGN1JA
    08:15:43.4706 [eServiceMP3] *** starting pipeline ****


    08:46:18.8809 [ChannelSelection] zap / streamlink result url https://video-weaver.vie02.hls.ttvnw.net/v1/playlist/Ct4EywYkDmX_nJQGn_sxyd7N5C2Bzu-70gnSB-UNOzO-b1urs2NN4fJp2pqIvIGVGauA6LvqWUgGiHIerKHI6Y913GIbfYKHfNNfyZ7RaAMQMtzWBk7sHWJuqx1PpmS0X4DMRv1aG5FE6rMWX4azwDYDytR2e93WlkdA-piPqfNbogyYdU5rjvaOETkkLMWSwcGzXBEnRP8PF-Sowvw7WoP6deewbfvOiqP0JqgyrrE43Y8Gonbvj9atM-sNYI_PhrHgd_0czSSSFFDViP4HrKJ4ZRAjtx6eCGG7wUS8352YB0vkdgs3xFd97m6JH4EYDkY2dIUOASQ4kZjlegdPc_6VKv__e7hmSwRgTTjruuV3jTP4-muDo5OHR46FCQTWwLVK-3tvMOp6By1tz7gNVKg5LRXFlTfn-1MLY5M1nbDvOcnR-cTN1w2uz2KZA-XluhNLza_BELcHNHuONqzSJY6fhC7MlIpcA-5omK0q_H6ViH0AEJ6F3C4G9leVnDR1HI7SV0bywTysVfkTDPF5s0vWQbYT91kXqU5FhwrVM_hlFbm8ET53ix2a-yEKwYQlFazknzZfV0RkrjkqxWLJYrzUmjE_kPsORaZjAX7Tty6-tr3QJDmGfKBaxaDae9TI1xjUJpnZOrr8_nPHqklKwKe2o_nEzyG_DVcktOcidjwb3ExSCuE_Pqqgv_szO9uCScFyEoCZ9MI0UsDCz_vUVbM8xsLE3uDz5FPcVwyqdc4o46Joyf0c3SesVofRRujcC33MrEt_KyK_lZAAcqXWZXEqayHfBHPZNYPp2tiQhtyEGgwPdlWVY9Y4reZH-kQgASoJZXUtd2VzdC0yMPEG.m3u8
    08:46:18.8814 [Navigation] playing ref 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:streamlink%3a//https%3a//www.twitch.tv/gothicsnowangel:Twitch Test
    08:46:18.8818 [eServiceMP3] stop streamlink://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxG3pdKvlIs
    08:46:18.8819 [eServiceMP3] stop state:PLAYING pending:VOID_PENDING ret:SUCCESS
    08:46:18.9495 [eServiceMP3] **** TO NULL state:NULL pending:VOID_PENDING ret:SUCCESS ****
    08:46:18.9519 [eServiceMP3] **** PIPELINE DESTRUCTED ****
    08:46:18.9569 [eServiceFactoryMP3] ****new play service total services played is 2****
    08:46:18.9572 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=https://video-weaver.vie02.hls.ttvnw.net/v1/playlist/Ct4EywYkDmX_nJQGn_sxyd7N5C2Bzu-70gnSB-UNOzO-b1urs2NN4fJp2pqIvIGVGauA6LvqWUgGiHIerKHI6Y913GIbfYKHfNNfyZ7RaAMQMtzWBk7sHWJuqx1PpmS0X4DMRv1aG5FE6rMWX4azwDYDytR2e93WlkdA-piPqfNbogyYdU5rjvaOETkkLMWSwcGzXBEnRP8PF-Sowvw7WoP6deewbfvOiqP0JqgyrrE43Y8Gonbvj9atM-sNYI_PhrHgd_0czSSSFFDViP4HrKJ4ZRAjtx6eCGG7wUS8352YB0vkdgs3xFd97m6JH4EYDkY2dIUOASQ4kZjlegdPc_6VKv__e7hmSwRgTTjruuV3jTP4-muDo5OHR46FCQTWwLVK-3tvMOp6By1tz7gNVKg5LRXFlTfn-1MLY5M1nbDvOcnR-cTN1w2uz2KZA-XluhNLza_BELcHNHuONqzSJY6fhC7MlIpcA-5omK0q_H6ViH0AEJ6F3C4G9leVnDR1HI7SV0bywTysVfkTDPF5s0vWQbYT91kXqU5FhwrVM_hlFbm8ET53ix2a-yEKwYQlFazknzZfV0RkrjkqxWLJYrzUmjE_kPsORaZjAX7Tty6-tr3QJDmGfKBaxaDae9TI1xjUJpnZOrr8_nPHqklKwKe2o_nEzyG_DVcktOcidjwb3ExSCuE_Pqqgv_szO9uCScFyEoCZ9MI0UsDCz_vUVbM8xsLE3uDz5FPcVwyqdc4o46Joyf0c3SesVofRRujcC33MrEt_KyK_lZAAcqXWZXEqayHfBHPZNYPp2tiQhtyEGgwPdlWVY9Y4reZH-kQgASoJZXUtd2VzdC0yMPEG.m3u8
    08:46:18.9578 [eServiceMP3] *** starting pipeline ****

    What can I say about this ... The idea is interesting. But all this strongly depends on how the developers of the streamlink project provide quality support and quickly make changes to the code of their "addon-plugins" in case of changes on the sites of the supported video services....

    After testing it for 10 minutes, I have already found options in which this "streamlink" - tightly freezes , for example, if the player does not receive a stream for a given streamlink-record =)

    Let's summarize

    Your post about "How to add youtube tv channels with streamlink protocol,...." was initially fundamentally wrong ... The question should be - "is it possible to add processing (parsing) streamlink protocol records in m3u-paylist for the newest OpenATV images..." --> Feel the difference in terms and definitions ... When asking a question, it should be understood that I, or any other person, may not follow the developments of OpenATV and not even use this image ... Therefore, the question should contain at least a "hint" of what it is and where and how is it used


  • Let's summarize

    Your post about "How to add youtube tv channels with streamlink protocol,...." was initially fundamentally wrong ... The question should be - "is it possible to add processing (parsing) streamlink protocol records in m3u-paylist for the newest OpenATV images..."

    Not wrong, just not precise enough at the beginning, but during the discussion I explained more the need. But there was no need to say that my question was stupid implying that I was ignorant. This was a detestable and not adult answer. OATV is preparing a new version of Gstreamer (playbin3) which will be even more powerful than the actual version (playbin).

  • but during the discussion I explained more the need.

    Compare your "explanations" about streamlink with how I did it in the post above.

    my question was stupid

    You forgot the quotes...look at how it says "stupidly" in my post ... most likely the term "allegory" is not familiar to you and you perceive the read too emotionally ...

    OATV is preparing a new version of Gstreamer (playbin3) which will be even more powerful than the actual version (playbin).

    Happy for the OpenATV team, but I still don't use their image =) old OpenBH 4 is enough for me for IPTV ... But most likely this is either you misunderstood what they are talking about on the forum (or again confused in terms and definitions) ... As far as I understand, the source texts of this opensource project are used to compile gstreamer - https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/

  • The analysis of a link is not specific to "streamlink". You can see the same process for example on Samsung TV Plus urls. The url in entry is not the same as the url played. There is a session/token in with an expiration date. But it's an internal process of the player. For the user it's always the same https url that is played.

  • The analysis of a link is not specific to "streamlink". You can see the same process for example on Samsung TV Plus urls. The url in entry is not the same as the url played. There is a session/token in with an expiration date. But it's an internal process of the player. For the user it's always the same https url that is played.

    It looks like you didn't understand anything ...


    IS NOT A LINK !!! it's just a STRING, nothing more ... The string will be a URL link IF AND ONLY IF IT SATISFIES THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD - RFC-3986 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986) ... Otherwise it's called a string

    You can see the same process for example on Samsung TV Plus urls. The url in entry is not the same as the url played.

    between this example of yours and the construction for the streamlink protocol, the difference is in the abyss in size ... I no longer want to waste my time chewing on things that are elementary for me, but so incomprehensible to you ... I don’t have time for this ...

  • It's not a misunderstanding, just I do not care about the internal processes. I just want my configuration works. The rest is not for me, perhaps for the devs. But your plugin is a simple user utility, how it work does not interest anyone exept you. But in all case not me.

  • just I do not care about the internal processes.

    It's not about any processes or plugin code at all! In your posts you use terms and definitions in relation to certain objects, which they are not! If you write url-link , then I understand this as a string that satisfies the STANDARD, and in your posts, url-link can mean anything you like

    If you give an example with SamsungTV links, comparing it with [pipeline] streamlink, then this is akin to "pulling an owl on a globe" ... These are fundamentally different processes that you put in one row ... For me it just sounds crazy

    And all this has NOTHING to do with the plugin, or with its code, or the logic of its work.

    Good luck.

  • OATV is preparing a new version of Gstreamer (playbin3) which will be even more powerful than the actual version (playbin).

    As far as I understand, the source texts of this opensource project are used to compile gstreamer - https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/

    In fact, currently in OATV 7.3 there are 2 versions of Gstreamer with the same internal Gstreamer version, first is the same as the one in OATV 7.2 (playbin) and the new one (playbin3). The "new Gstreamer" as named by OATV team is not finished and is disabled by default (Setup/Usage & Gui/Customize system settings/Enable new Gstreamer playback), but users can switch from current to new to test it.

    How to add youtube tv channels with streamlink protocol,

    Added support for this type of record when parsing m3u playlists for the latest versions of OpenATV. Will be available in the next update

    thanks for this turnaround

  • is not finished and is disabled by default (Setup/Usage & Gui/Customize system settings/Enable new Gstreamer playback), but users can switch from current to new to test it.

    Not working with "streamlink://" :winking face:

    you have to install the package enigma2-plugin-extensions-streamlinkwrapper to have the streamlink protocol

    I slightly modified the code of this plugin to support the full functionality of the "streamlink" project. Now you can pass parameters for add-ons (plugins) in the url-fragment in serviceref ... The fact is that for a fairly large part of the video services supported by the "streamlink" project, parameters are required for their use ... The original code of this plugin DOES NOT allow them to be used in any way and this limits the list of possible use of built-in add-ons (plugins)

    As an example, below is one of the add-ons which require a username and password in order to be used

    Снимок экрана 2023-06-26 в 07.39.01.png

    In the original version of the wrapper, you will not be able to use this add-on ... in my "edition" - it is possible to pass the necessary parameters and use this (and any other similar) add-on

    Maybe I'll even commit this option to the OpenATV branch :grinning squinting face:

  • This solution for this kind of serviceref records is only on OpenATV and nowhere else.

    Having studied in more detail, I can say with confidence that this can be implemented on any Python3-based image, provided that the feed contains the libraries necessary for the streamlink code to work ... Instead of enigma2-plugin-extensions-streamlinkwrapper, you can write a simple proxy for streamlink... In this case, the serviceref line for using with a proxy will look a little different (without the "streamlink://" prefix) ... but this is not essential and will work exactly the same

  • This solution for this kind of serviceref records is only on OpenATV and nowhere else.

    Having studied in more detail, I can say with confidence that this can be implemented on any Python3-based image, provided that the feed contains the libraries necessary for the streamlink code to work ... Instead of enigma2-plugin-extensions-streamlinkwrapper, you can write a simple proxy for streamlink... In this case, the serviceref line for using with a proxy will look a little different (without the "streamlink://" prefix) ... but this is not essential and will work exactly the same

    Few month ago the command was like that (exemple with a german stream) instead of streamlink://:

  • Few month ago the command was like that (exemple with a german stream) instead of streamlink://:

    I completely rewrote streamlinksrv .. now it works with the latest version of https://streamlink.github.io/ on any Enigma2 Python3-based images ... Moreover, you can "drive" links to IPTV broadcasts of providers through streamlinksrv. Streamlink has a very high-quality "reader" of HLS streams and we can try to use it to deal with the "freezing" of broadcasts and out-of-sync audio and video ... The code of my "proxy" variant is no more than 30 lines of code :upside down face: if you do not take into account the lines of code for "demonization" of the proxy

    Снимок экрана 2023-06-29 в 13.13.54.png

  • Few month ago the command was like that (exemple with a german stream) instead of streamlink://:

    I completely rewrote streamlinksrv .. now it works with the latest version of https://streamlink.github.io/ on any Enigma2 Python3-based images ... Moreover, you can "drive" links to IPTV broadcasts of providers through streamlinksrv. Streamlink has a very high-quality "reader" of HLS streams and we can try to use it to deal with the "freezing" of broadcasts and out-of-sync audio and video ... The code of my "proxy" variant is no more than 30 lines of code :upside down face: if you do not take into account the lines of code for "demonization" of the proxy

    Снимок экрана 2023-06-29 в 13.13.54.png

    Great news :star struck:

    I guess you've planned to explain more of how to use it in e2m3u2b, and how to use the streamlink embedded reader and the plugins if they are compatible. I suppose there will be more to install.

    But, take your time, and for now thanks for your work!

  • Hi, my EPG is not downloading (https://epg.ovh/pltv.xml) has something changed? in the archive is ok.
    Pause doesn't work for me either

    Nothing has changed. Check the plugin settings to see if the "Import EPG after creating bouquets" item is enabled. Just everything that happens can be seen in the log. Open this menu item and see the contents of the log in e2m3u2b when creating bouquets for your provider

    p.s. use https://epg.ovh/plar.gz it is more informative and archived. Why "drive" planar xml if you can get data in a "packed" form

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