E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,277 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 95,776 times. The last Post () by jack82.

  • finally It will be great to have an option to insert into epg the old vents available in the xml files. This is useful in case of crash, while epg is corrupt, no epg are shown.

    What for? Have time machines been invented? What does the import of events that have already passed? And what does this have to do with any crash? This only leads to an increase in the import time and the size of the epg.dat(epg.db) file - no more


    In order to understand how EPG works on Enigma2, you need to delve into the source code of the epgcache.cpp file and the eEPGCache class in the enigma.py file of the image you are using. A lot of interesting things will open up for you ...

  • What for? Have time machines been invented? What does the import of events that have already passed? And what does this have to do with any crash? This only leads to an increase in the import time and the size of the epg.dat(epg.db) file - no more

    To recover the current epg which started in the past and not import in epg by e2m3u2b, so instead of having the current epg displayed we have empty epg until next epg event.

    Epgimport imports all events, past, current, future. The past delay cache is configurable, and with this method we never have empty epg for current epg.

    So an implementation for e2m3u2 could be to import at least current epg and future ones.

  • To recover the current epg which started in the past and not import in epg by e2m3u2b, so instead of having the current epg displayed we have empty epg until next epg event.

    Nothing to do with reality ....

    Once again, read very carefully my explanation to you WHAT EVENTS are imported into the EPG .... I described in more detail - E2m3u2bouquet Plugin - in last paragraph !

    Epgimport imports all events, past, current, future. The past delay cache is configurable, and with this method we never have empty epg for current epg.

    1) With a probability of 99% this is a "flaw" on the part of the authors of the original EPGImport plugin

    2) I told you earlier where to get acquainted with the principle and logic of the EPG on Enigma2 ... Pay attention there to the "Clear outdated cache" functionality and the relationship of this with "The past delay cache is configurable", as well as the principle of generating the epg.dat (epg.db) file and part of the load() and save() functions

  • So I don't understand why sometimes, programs are not imported by e2m3u2b and if I do the same operation with epgimport it is imported. A problem with the timestamp, the GMT or something like that.

    To speak about implement past events, sometimes it's very usefull to find a missed program and find it's next broadcast. But ok I understood, you don't want to implement this.

  • But ok I understood, you don't want to implement this.

    You do not understand or interpret not correctly. I do not need to do this: since I do not "cling" this functionality in any way in the image you are using

    So I don't understand why sometimes, programs are not imported by e2m3u2b

    Why did you decide that they are not imported? More precisely, why did you conclude that the events of which you do not see on the screen were present in the original XMLTV and were not "processed" by the plugin? Just based on the fact that you do not see them on the screen?

    E2m3u2bouquet Plugin -

    The last paragraph! Read it very thoughtfully! I just do not understand how to explain in more detail .... I am not deleting anything when interacting with eEPGCache I only use adding events - eEPGCache.importEvents() or eEPGCache.importEvent() . If the event was previously in the cache, I do not interact with it in any way

  • Why did you decide that they are not imported? More precisely, why did you conclude that the events of which you do not see on the screen were present in the original XMLTV and were not "processed" by the plugin? Just based on the fact that you do not see them on the screen?

    E2m3u2bouquet Plugin -

    The last paragraph! Read it very thoughtfully! I just do not understand how to explain in more detail .... I am not deleting anything when interacting with eEPGCache I only use adding events - eEPGCache.importEvents() or eEPGCache.importEvent() . If the event was previously in the cache, I do not interact with it in any way

    I think they are not imported because effectively not displayed on screen, and are present in the xmlsource, simply because If I execute manually epgimport on this source, the epq appears correctly.

    If only there was a command to execute epgimport via crontab, I'd have my solution! :unhappy1:

  • I think they are not imported because effectively not displayed on screen, and are present in the xmlsource, simply because If I execute manually epgimport on this source, the epq appears correctly.

    How is this supported, apart from your fantasies? Do you have an xmltv example? EPGimport log? Or should I spend a month or two of time looking for such xmltv on the internet?

    E2m3u2bouquet Plugin - Remember I wrote to you? Why are you wasting my and your time on "empty" scribbling?

  • I describe what I see

    Feel the difference in the wording:

    1) "I describe what I see" - most likely because you have an example xmltv on which this occurs. Moreover, this situation is on one of the 35-40 playlists used by you

    2) "I cannot repeat this" - most likely because no one else has this situation, and without analyzing YOUR xmltv - it is NOT possible to find the reason ... Please note that only on this forum the latest version was downloaded 35 times, on the rest - even more. None of the downloaders described a problem similar to yours. Moreover, as far as I understand, you only have this problem with one provider out of 35-40 you use.

    I hope it's so clear why the conversation goes in circles?

    Nobody gets angry, what are you, I fully admit that the problem is taking place. But, I do not know how to guess "from stories", even if you are not а "fabulator" :beer1:

  • This is an example of epg xml that sometimes generate errors.

    The channel definitions are ok, but we can find multiple times the same epg content in the xml for the same channel, each line are not necessary in the time order. Example with "Live Music replay" Channel id 5873fc21cad696fb37aa9054. In this case sometimes but only sometimes the past and current epg are not imported. I'll send you a log and a new epg xml, and log when the case will appear again. But this xml will show you how are built these xml, not really clean.



  • But this xml will show you how are built these xml, not really clean.

    The structure of this XMLTV is absolutely standard.

    I see no reason for the plugin not to import events from the "programme" node unless the start time of the import is greater than the value of the "stop" attribute. In other words, when 100% event is no longer relevant and has passed. Again. If you started import at 3 am, then events from the "programme" node of ANY channel will not be imported into the EPG if the value of the "stop" attribute in the "programme" node is less than 3 am of the current day

    that sometimes generate errors.

    The keyword is "sometimes"! So, in order to "catch" the answer why "sometimes" you need exactly the XMLTV on which it happened "sometimes"... Well, or you yourself can track the values of the "stop" attribute in the "programme" node for the channel you are interested in

  • Hello,

    I have few questions concerning 1.0.55 and 1.0.56 updates:

    - Are the manual update, manual create bouquets and planned (fix hour or interval) doing the same process in your code or is there differences.

    - I think, but not sure, you will confirm or not, I have an idea for the case when the current event is not displayed in the screen, so certainly missing in the epg.dat. Do you take in account the gmt to integrate the current event? All my epg xmls are in gmt +00:00, but I'm in Paris timezone so gmt +01:00. Epgimport (the original not the mod one) take in account this difference of one hour and add events in the epg with one hour difference. Yours in e2m3u2b too, but perhaps not for the case of calculation of which current event to put in the epg so the currents are sometimes missing. Have to describe examples, but it concerns certainty events with a duration less than one hour, it seems.

    Sorry if that what I say has no sense for you, but I'm still in progress to understand this case and to deliver you examples with corresponding logs, but it's not so easy. But this case exists. An option to integrate past events, or simply all events from the treated epg xml will perhaps prove my idea and solve the case. This option could be simply to add in configuration screen / "Import EPG after updating bouquets", with by default yes for the current working, and add a "yes all xml "events" option.


    Edited 8 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • - Are the manual update, manual create bouquets and planned (fix hour or interval) doing the same process in your code or is there differences.

    The same

    Do you take in account the gmt to integrate the current event? All my epg xmls are in gmt +00:00, but I'm in Paris timezone so gmt +01:00.

    The processing of timestamps is done according to the standard as required by XMLTV, and if a time zone is specified there, it is taken into account when generating start and stop timestamps. You can see it in the source texts of xmltvconverter.py. They are available and no one hides them. There is very simple and understandable text in python. There is nothing complicated in it and if you wish, you can see everything there

  • but perhaps not for the case of calculation of which current event to put in the epg so the currents are sometimes missing. Have to describe examples, but it concerns certainty events with a duration less than one hour, it seems.

    I have already explained to you at least twice, with examples and links, that when determining the events to be imported, neither the start time of the event nor its duration is involved (duration is not present in xmltv structure) ....More precisely, the main analyzed time is the end time of the event - E2m3u2bouquet Plugin

    A simple example to understand. If you start importing EPG events at 10:00 and the imported event ends at 10:00 or 10:01, then it will be imported. Is it clear now?

  • I have already explained to you at least twice, with examples and links, that when determining the events to be imported, neither the start time of the event nor its duration is involved (duration is not present in xmltv structure) ....More precisely, the main analyzed time is the end time of the event - E2m3u2bouquet Plugin

    A simple example to understand. If you start importing EPG events at 10:00 and the imported event ends at 10:00 or 10:01, then it will be imported. Is it clear now?

    Arbitrary example, with e2m3u2 start 20220115130000 , we are in the condition to import this event in the epg. But this event is not the current event but the future one because it will really start at 13h43m46 in gmt+1 hour system.

    But what about the previous one that start before 124346, it is in reality the current event for gmt+01 hour system. I think so the previous one is not take in account.

    If I have false, I will stop my researches...

      <programme channel="FRBB340000115" start="20220115124346 +0000" stop="20220115135910 +0000">
        <title>Le secret de Manta Corridor</title>
        <desc>Passage du Désir, dans le Xe arrondissement de Paris. Une jeune assistante sociale, Vanessa, est retrouvée étranglée, les pieds tranchés. Juste en dessous de chez elle, Ingrid Diesel a son cabinet de massages.</desc>
        <icon src="https://tvpmlogopeu.samsungcloud.tv/platform/image/contents/vc/00/01/16/FR_VC_CTI_USQT620324A_FRBB340000115_LeSecretDeMantaCorridor_FILM_Video_V_20220115072442051.jpg"/>
  • Arbitrary example, with e2m3u2 start 20220115130000 , we are in the condition to import this event in the epg. But this event is not the current event but the future one

    Tell. I explained to you three times that the code is not interested in the start time of the event at all. What do you not understand?

    But what about the previous one that start before 124346, it is in reality the current event for gmt+01 hour system. I think so the previous one is not take in account.

    I explained to you three times that the code is absolutely not interested in what was the previous event and when was the time of its start.

    The EPG parser code of this plugin adds to the EXISTING eEPGCache object of your Enigma2 only events whose end time has not yet arrived at the moment of importing this event! What do you not understand? Look at the sources. This is a planar code at the level 2+2=4

    Removing an event from eEPGCache is handled by the cleanLoop() function built into the source code of the epgcache.cpp file. It works on its own timer with a specified frequency. This function is never called from this plugin. This is a system function that always starts after Enigma2 starts and eEPGCache.load() is executed.

    Please study the kernel sources of any Enigma2 image as well as the source texts in python of the algorithm for importing EPG events of this plugin!

  • I could have made the same message speaking the end time of the event. It was an arbitrary example. So please don't block on a word, replace it by stop to understand.

    So I'm not a dev, just a user who have difficulties after each new import. The only plugin which do the job as expected is EpgImport form openATV (not sure it's the same in OpenPli). Now I decided to run manually a full import update with it as soon as I have an empty event anomaly for one or more channel after e2m3u2b processing. The execution is quite fast and fix all the problems, using the same epg xml files, the empty events are miraculously back and past events too limited to the content of the xml and the retention set in the epg parameters. 1.0.56 solve none of these problems. The better version being the 1.0.43.

    For Epgimport, miss just an option to execute it more than once a day or by command line.


  • a user who have difficulties after each new import.

    Sometimes and with one of the very many XMLTVs used... Let's be precise in the wording

    The better version being the 1.0.43.

    It's not clear what you mean? 1.0.43. didn't know how to import EPG events AT ALL .... In terms of the logic of parsing m3u playlists and working with override.xml - it is "ancient" ... What is better in it - is not clear.

  • t. The only plugin which do the job as expected is EpgImport form openATV

    Disable the import of EPG events in this plugin and use EPGImport form openATV .... Who forbids you to do this?

    Please note that no one has the problem you describe. Except for you, no one on any forum wrote with such a problem. Repeat your bug, after repeated attempts, I did not succeed. How can I fix what neither I nor anyone but you have - I do not understand. There are no errors in the logic of the code. Otherwise, you would have this error on all used XMLT

    Use EPGImport form openATV feed

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