E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,276 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 95,365 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • Can I enter the m3u-URL using console?


    Depends on what devices you have mounted ... Look at the path of the configuration files in the "menu" - "configuration"

    Is it recommended to put relevant paths for this plugin on external storage?

  • Is it recommended to put relevant paths for this plugin on external storage?

    The plugin itself, by default, will find the mounted device with the freest space and offer it to you as a place to store configuration files in the "menu" - "configure" ... Whether to leave the proposed or independently choose what you need, for any of your reasons, is up to you. I recommend leaving the storage path that the plugin picked up "automatically", i.e. what i wrote in the code

    Снимок экрана 2022-10-10 в 20.01.06.png

    p.s. Channels picon paths - can't be random and hard-coded into the image you're using... Usually /usr/share/enigma2/picons, /media/usb/picons or /media/hdd/picons e.t.c. ... Depending on the image used, you will be offered a choice of pre-installed "bookmarks"

  • Hi

    I'm using the new version of e2m3u2bouquet with the latest EPGImport.

    Unfortunately I don't get an EPG.

    In the EPGImporter there is also no source from the e2m3u2bouquet.

    If I enter the link from the EPG into the browser, I get the code directly.

    My box is a VU+Zero4k with OpenATV 7.0.

    The log file gives an error.

    But I don't know what to do.

    What could be the cause?



  • I'm using the new version of e2m3u2bouquet with the latest EPGImport.

    Unfortunately I don't get an EPG.

    1) Who and where told YOU that this plugin is compatible with the basic version of EPGImport ... Why did you decide that if any third-party plugin you use does NOT work with the configuration files of this plugin, then e2m3ub is to blame, but not a third-party plugin you are using??? Where does this logic come from???

    2) Especially for people with "perverted" logic, confusing causes and consequences, I remade the standard version of EPGImport , for sharing with e2m3u2b ... Although it's a mystery to me why to use it, because e2m3u2b independently imports EPG events for the used m3u-playlist , and does it much better and faster. Moreover, it can select EPG-events by channel name, which EPGImport has never been able to do and will not do.

  • Ok, I understood.

    You don't need an EPGImporter for e2m3u2bouquet.

    With the new version I meant the EPGImport Mod from Dorik1972 1.9.1

    Have now uninstalled the EPGImporter.

    But the error remains.

    No way to bind EPG events found. EPG will not be available

    How do I get the EPG?

  • But the error remains.

    No way to bind EPG events found. EPG will not be available

    How do I get the EPG?

    Let's continue our conversation about "perverted" logic if you don't mind...

    Tell me .. how and who has talent and opportunity (maybe clairvoyant powers) and can answer based on TWO of your posts where you did not describe ANY of the actions you took with the plugin ... How about the log of the plugin, on the basis of which, somebody can at least approximately guess what and how you are doing there? With all due respect, the author of the plugin does not have telepathic abilities and can only guess by the logs ... All the familiar sorcerers and fortune tellers are on vacation and, unfortunately, will not be able to help

    But the error remains.

    No way to bind EPG events found. EPG will not be available

    It's not an error. This is a WARNING that is displayed in the plugin log in TWO cases:

    1) In the m3u playlist you are using, the #EXTM3U directive contains a tag with a reference to XMLTV (epg), but NONE of the #EXTINF directives contains any tvg-id tag values that match any of the channel_id values from the specified XMLTV (epg) or tvg-id tags not at all ... Thus, it is completely impossible to link the XMLTV content specified in the #EXTM3U directive to playlist positions ... In other words, the given EPG has NO relation to the playlist you are using

    2) If you set the value of the EPG url field in the provider's card (in this case, the algorithm for auto-selection of events from the EPG by the name of the channel will be used) - ... then the output of this warning to the log indicates that the plugin algorithm was NOT able to pick up any events from the XMLTV you specified based on auto-selection by channel name ... With a very high proportion the probability you given a link (in EPG url) to XMLTV (epg) which has NOTHING to do with the playlist used

  • Here's the log again.

    [18.10 16:51:04] [e2m3u2b] [IPTV]: No way to bind EPG events found. EPG will not be available

    The second paragraph of my previous post!

    If something is difficult for you to understand - send me in a personal message the first 3-5 lines of your playlist and a link to the EPG used (if you set it in the settings) I will try to explain to you on the "fingers" what and why does not work for you ... Oh ... EPGImport neither mod nor the original will apparently not help you ...

  • I am in the UK

    I sent you a solution to your "problem" for testing ... Most likely - the plugin will now work on your ISP's network. With a very high probability, your ISP intercepts and analyzes your requests "to the outside world" (your queries)

    p.s. Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean you're not being followed...

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