E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

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  • generation xml from multiple files

    As an option, merging two XMLTVs into one solves your problem


    Yes my method to merge xml is ok but the file is increasing day after day because I add sources.

    Another method is this one:

    #EXTM3U x-tvg-url="http://localhost/static/epg/epg1.xml,http://localhost/static/epg/epg2.xml,http://localhost/static/epg/epg3.xml,....")

    Is this syntax correct and normalized? I test it but e2m3u2 generated errors because it 's looking for a file with this url:


    so it doesn't manage url as separates ones.

    Thanks for your help.


    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • #EXTM3U x-tvg-url="http://localhost/static/epg/epg1.xml,http://localhost/static/epg/epg2.xml,http://localhost/static/epg/epg3.xml,...."

    This is not up to M3U standards! The x-tvg-url tag is used to set an alternative link for XMLTV if the main one is specified in the tvg-url or url-epg tags, and is unavailable for some reason. Moreover, the XMLTV content given in the x-tvg-url is absolutely identical to the XMLTV content in the main link. It's just a different way to get the same XMLTV. In the "proposal" described by you - you have DIFFERENT XMLTV containing DIFFERENT data... Yes, I know that some IPTV players support this option of setting links. But this is a "gag" for the sake of users who collect "Noname" playlists on the Internet and try in this way (often by some coincidence of the channel name with the channel name in XMLTV) to get event data. This is a kind of attempt to pull an owl on a globe ...

    I test it but e2m3u2 generated errors because it 's

    The plugin informs you that the tag value you set is NOT a REFERENCE. This is not a plugin error, this is a warning to you. In this case, bouquets are generated, but the incorrectly specified link to XMLTV is not processed.

  • Yes my method to merge xml is ok but the file is increasing day after day because I add sources.

    Because the strategy of "merging" was chosen incorrectly... You do not need to supplement your previously created XMLTV file from sources daily, but create it again by "merging" all the used sources into one

    p.s. It is also not entirely clear to me what is the difference in the "amount" of data that is subject to processing if you yourself "merge" XMLTV or I will do this in the python code by parsing the string and merging sources into one XMLTV

    #EXTM3U x-tvg-url="http://localhost/static/epg/epg1.xml,http://localhost/static/epg/epg2.xml,http://localhost/static/epg/epg3.xml,...."


    It's also not entirely clear how to "parse" the list of links separated by commas that contain commas in the query (these are allowed by the URI standard) - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986


    Just imagine that tomorrow you want to add 3-5 such sources separated by commas :exploding head:

    Now the plugin code only checks the validity of the link against the URI standard, and then the EPG parser checks the content against the XMLTV standard. Therefore, the link to the EPG can be anything, and not necessarily ending in xml or xml.gz or something else. The main thing is that the content received from the specified link complies with the XMLTV standard

  • Ok pepsik. Everything is clear for me.

    For the merged xml file, I'm creating a new one from empty every day. But if I want a specific channel, sometimes I have to add a big xml file just for this channel. That's why my xml is increasing day after day, i't because i'm working for a perfect channel list and corresponding epg!


  • . But if I want a specific channel, sometimes I have to add a big xml file just for this channel.

    You can only add data on one channel... But you still have to iterate over ALL records of the target XMLTV to fetch the data you need... Thus, it is a double-edged sword. Or spend time fetching and transferring data to a new file, or quickly "merge" two files and fetch the necessary data later :weary face:

  • You can only add data on one channel... But you still have to iterate over ALL records of the target XMLTV to fetch the data you need... Thus, it is a double-edged sword. Or spend time fetching and transferring data to a new file, or quickly "merge" two files and fetch the necessary data later :weary face:

    To add only specific channels I have to develop a specific script. But why not.

    I have a question about override. Are we able to override specific channels beginning by 4097 and modify them to 5002 for example. I have channels that work only with gstreamer (no sound with other players) but other with Extepleyer3, so Id like to have a solution to do that.

    Can you help me please?


  • Hey i have 0.9.1 this is better and the original epgimporter! The dorik have many Bugs !

    i found No the py in home root with dorik

    Py3 is all Bugy all addons i Go Back to py2 Image and happy with all addons

    This Work in original 0.8.5 with home root the py

    python e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://provider_url/get.php?username=YOURUSERNAME&password=YOURPASSWORD&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://provider_url/xmltv.php?username=YOURUSERNAME&password=YOURPASSWORD"

    The dorik Version No Work

    GitHub - oe-mirrors/e2m3u2bouquet-plugin: Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet (Enigma2 IPTV m3u parser and bouquet creator)
    Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet (Enigma2 IPTV m3u parser and bouquet creator) - GitHub - oe-mirrors/e2m3u2bouquet-plugin: Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet…
  • i found No the py in home root with dorik

    And who told you that .py should be at all?

    The dorik have many Bugs !

    Plugin? or Dorik?

    If the plugin - then where are the logs or error descriptions? If Dorik - then where is the doctor's note confirming this?

    Py3 is all Bugy all addons

    This is where I began to doubt who is with the "bugs"...

  • Hello,

    I'm using more and more functionalities of e2m3u2bouqyuet. Now in my playlist I have set tvg-logo tag. I think there is perhaps a problem when I do an update. If a picon already exists in target directory it isn't override by a new source in the source directory. I have to delete it from target directory to have the new desired picon.

    Is it a bug or a wanted thing?


  • Is it a bug or a wanted thing?

    The fact is that downloading logos takes time, especially if you have a lot of them. Therefore, only those that do not exist are downloaded. Periodically do - "Reset bouquets" from the main menu (1-2 times a quarter). This will clear ALL channel logos and the next time you import them, they will ALL be downloaded again

    I can add an analysis of "Last-Modified"/"if-modified-since" headers and if the logo file creation date is less than the current file modification date on the provider's server, then download from a new one .... But not all providers support "Last-Modified"/"if-modified-since" ... some use "Etag" headers, but I will not add their processing. There are significantly fewer such providers than those working with "Last-Modified"/"if-modified-since"

    In the example below - this will work after I make changes to the code

    p.s. But it should be understood that with such a change in the algorithm, there will be a significant increase in time when re-generating bouquets. Now only the presence of the file is checked, and after the changes, the presence of the file will be checked, a request will be sent to the provider's server, waiting for a response, comparing header values ... and so on for each logo file

  • have a question about override. Are we able to override specific channels beginning by 4097 and modify them to 5002 for example. I have channels that work only with gstreamer (no sound with other players) but other with Extepleyer3, so Id like to have a solution to do that.


    I can add an analysis of "Last-Modified"/"if-modified-since" headers and if the logo file creation date is less than the current file modification date on the provider's server, then download from a new one ...

    Done ... Very much depends on the number of logo files. For 9700 files without "Last-Modified"/"if-modified-since" check, the generation of bouquets takes 12 sec ... With checking - 2 min 12 sec ...

    Снимок экрана 2023-02-01 в 13.54.19.png

    Add it to the release?

  • Should the setting be global for all providers or individually in the card of each provider?

    definitely idividually for each provider

    Personally have 5 providers: if do testing new (sixth) them plugin will created all (5 bouquets) again. plus new No6

    If do only creating bouquet for new provider No6, then rest five bouquets are removed - deleted. (did ask you couples time to keep bouquet when creating new one - but you are refused unfortunately)

    Please new option for checking picton just for each provider

    thank you

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • Done

    Done ... Very much depends on the number of logo files. For 9700 files without "Last-Modified"/"if-modified-since" check, the generation of bouquets takes 12 sec ... With checking - 2 min 12 sec ...

    Снимок экрана 2023-02-01 в 13.54.19.png

    Add it to the release?


    I say yes too !

    You will please write a little description of how to convert a specific channel to a specific reader I suppose?

    For the logos, I understand you explanation. You can add the changes to the release as an option, nobody will yell you if the treatment time increase. ;-)

  • This runs in py3 Dev in pli but the file is not in home root but in

    etc/enigma2 and running ! Commands from the original site are of course best done via telnet

    but before that

    opkg update

    opkg install python3-image python3-imaging

    GitHub - BliNeR-KeY/e2m3u2bouquet-plugin: Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet (Enigma2 IPTV m3u parser and bouquet creator)
    Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet (Enigma2 IPTV m3u parser and bouquet creator) - GitHub - BliNeR-KeY/e2m3u2bouquet-plugin: Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet…

    or you can do it yourself

    GitHub - oe-mirrors/e2m3u2bouquet-plugin: Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet (Enigma2 IPTV m3u parser and bouquet creator)
    Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet (Enigma2 IPTV m3u parser and bouquet creator) - GitHub - oe-mirrors/e2m3u2bouquet-plugin: Plugin fronted for e2m3u2bouquet…

    Thanks for working on py3

    with the original epgimporter everything is great

    sorry but dorik hangs too often and epg problem or it hangs often with parsing m3u

    I actually like it original no mods

    on the pc you can also edit it yourself with 2to3 py mfg

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