E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 93,769 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • nobody will yell you if the treatment time increase. ;-)

    definitely idividually for each provider

    I will not make a separate menu item that will "on" the channel logo update logic ... Everything is simpler ... If you "on" - "Download channel picons" - then new ones will be loaded and existing ones will be updated ... If you "off " - "Download channel picons", then the existing ones will be used .. I see no reason to "clog" the provider's settings card with unnecessary logic

  • pepsik

    regarding card "Status" - showing just basic information (only one line) like parsing...; downloading..., creating..,

    card "Show log" showing all process detail what plugin do now.

    i thing users would like to see all prosess info (log) instead just (status)

    what you think

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • i thing users would like to see all prosess info (log) instead just (status)

    Who forbids you to go to the "Log" menu during import and watch everything that happens in dynamics? Moreover, you won’t even need to touch the remote control ... the information will be automatically refreshed every 10 seconds

    regarding do no deleting once created or deactivated bouquet .hope you change your mind

    Not yet . I don't see the logic in this.

  • thanks excellent program, if possible a refresh option would be needed when it gets stuck on the channel like on VLC am I asking too much?

    All you have to understand when using Enigma2 is that no plugin ever "reproduces or play" anything... This one included. This plugin is a kind of "advanced" m3u parser that generates standard bouquets for Enigma2 and "links" records in received bouquets to EPG ... What and how the image you use will "play" something depends on the "player" you have installed as a system player or in the "reftype" of each entry in the userbouquet file

    If you have any "misunderstandings" with the playback of something - install alternative players, select them in the provider's card, generate bouquets - and enjoy (when choosing alternative players, you will be able to set certain parameters, such as the size or time of the data buffer, etc.)

    opkg install gstplayer exteplayer3

    p.s. I saw a plugin that monitors player activity and restarts the broadcast if it freezes for more than a given number of seconds ... In my understanding, this is a "toy" for complacency .. no more ... But users install and "play" with it - https://github.com/oottppxx/en…quarterpounder-latest.ipk



    <channel name="Eurosport 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" reftypeOverride="5001"/>

    Hi Pepsik. Thanks for theses changes !! great évolutions!

    the xml tag for this example is <channel> </channel> ?


  • I think I'm doing misyakes.

    - created reader.override.xml in /hdd/E2m3u2bouquet

    - The content of my xml:


    <channel name="LUXE.TV FHD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" reftypeOverride="5001"/>


    - No mention of this override in log, and for LUXE.TV FHD I still have 4097

    Thanks for your help.

  • Oups, sorry don't take in account this message !! After reading instructions about how to use xxx.override.xml, I have now the file created and the way to override reftypeOverride..

    But now I have a xxx.override.xml file in override folder but if I do a modification, for example this one:

    <channel name="LUXE.TV FHD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="FRBA3300060U8" enabled="1" reftypeOverride="5001"/>

    The modification is not in the final favourite tv file

    [05.02 12:23:00] [e2m3u2b] [xxxxxxx]: Nothing to override, standard ordering used

    #SERVICE 4097:0:1:9b43:277d:7dd3:1010101:0:0:0:http%3a//localhost/static/m3u8/LuxeTV-Ssung.m3u8:LUXE.TV FHD


  • I think I'm doing misyakes.

    1) Is 5001 installed in the image?

    2) whether the bouquets were recreated after making changes to ***-override.xml

    yes and yes of course.

    Found the problem ! It's an error caused by my own configuration. I used special character •●★ for my tags to look pretty. But these characters are not compatible and I understand that !! So now mod these special ones by "normal" characters and everything is OK. The reftypeOverride work great !!

    Edit: sorry, created 5 posts just because of my own mistakes...

    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • Why are the configuration parameters added to the channel E2 format line:

    #SERVICE 5001:0:1:3b08:ec6a:6a42:1010101:0:0:0:https%3a//stitcheraws.unreel.me/wse-node02.powr.com/live/5c95396f932c837b49397360/playlist.m3u8#sapp_ring_buffer_maxsize=32768&sapp_buffer_size=8192&sapp_buffer_duration=0&sapp_video_sink=dvbvideosink&sapp_audio_sink=dvbaudiosink:BEACHES LIVE FHD

    These parameters are already defined in ServiceApp. Am I wrong ?

  • Why are the configuration parameters added to the channel E2 format line:

    Because I set the parameters for this or that player according to the settings that you indicated in the provider's card

    These parameters are already defined in ServiceApp

    Because it doesn't matter to plugin (e2m3ub) what you have installed in the ServiceApp... What if you don't have this plugin installed? Who's stopping you from just installing additional players and NOT installing ServiceApp ???

    What "religion" forbids you from something like this

    opkg install gstplayer exteplayer3 ffmpeg

    The players will be installed in the system, but the ServiceApp plugin will NOT ... For example, I don't use the ServicApp plugin at all :winking face with tongue:

    The "players" that are available for use - are important. And how will you set their parameters ... by ServicesApp or command line - it doesn't matter ... If you look at the gstplayer or exteplayer3 C-code, then everything will become clear to you =) ... And looking at the code of the ServiceApp plugin, you will understand that this is a "wrapper" for setting the parameters of the players used + reassigning the default system player

  • Thanks it's clear for me !! your plugin is a real swiss knife!! (don't know if this expression is understood out of france)

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