E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 93,857 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • For me back to 1.087 is the only way to have a full batch without stop working.

    It seems to me that I solved this problem this morning... After small changes in the code, I can no longer repeat this situation... several dozen regenerations of bouquets in a row and not an any "fall out"... But I still need to "play around" in a longer period

    + I've optimized the EPGImport code a lot... on Python3 it's amazingly fast now ... Maybe closer in the evening, I'll send you a test version for a "test run"

  • For me back to 1.087 is the only way to have a full batch without stop working.

    It seems to me that I solved this problem this morning... After small changes in the code, I can no longer repeat this situation... several dozen regenerations of bouquets in a row and not an any "fall out"... But I still need to "play around" in a longer period

    + I've optimized the EPGImport code a lot... on Python3 it's amazingly fast now ... Maybe closer in the evening, I'll send you a test version for a "test run"

    Great news. Today I will be available for tests this evening. So you can count on me.

  • Hello,

    There is a problem with the configuration of gstplayer

    In the screen I have 8192 for data buffer size. I update it to 4096. The display is ok, the config file is ok.

    <buffersize>4096</buffersize><!-- (Optional) GST_BUFFER_SIZE buffer size in kilobytes -->

    If I come back to the provider config I have 8192 and in config I still have 4096.

    But the generate tv bouquet file take 8192 as value:

    #SERVICE 5001:0:1:24aa:76ff:ff47:1010101:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/5f8ed0f17564a300082b676a/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT=%7BTARGETOPT%7D&deviceId=%7BPSID%7D&advertisingId=%7BPSID%7D&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain=%7BAPP_DOMAIN%7D&samsung_app_name=%7BAPP_NAME%7D&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus#sapp_ring_buffer_maxsize=16384&sapp_buffer_size=8192&sapp_buffer_duration=0&sapp_video_sink=dvbvideosink&sapp_audio_sink=dvbaudiosink:PLUTO TV CINÉ PTV HD

    Sorry I initialy don't posted in the good thread.

    Edited 3 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • Am I able to delete vod, series and channellist before I create my bouquets?

    Because it takes forever to add the picons in the channel list…

    There are two options

    1) If the "vod"-channels belong to certain groups of the playlist being used, then you can add these groups to m3ufilter.conf, similar to the entries already existing there ... Further, in the "provider card" enable the " use restricted groups filter" slider and neither this group nor the channels belonging to it will be imported

    2) You can use the "custom" sorting in the provider's card and edit the ****-sort-override.xml template for any of your wishes, excluding the specified groups, channels from the "generation", specifying the order you need, etc. A small instruction on the use of templates - RE: [Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet

  • Hello Pepsik,

    Thanks for your hard work to have a new stable release, we had a lot of difficulties during the test.

    Now I have another case detected today.

    The basis to detect new channel on a playlist is the name of the channel. When detected, the channel is added to the corresponding override diff file if it's not available in the sort file.

    A problem seems to exist when the same channel exists for different country declinations.

    I have an example:

    - The channel "The Dick Van Dyke Show" exists for different countries in the pluto all m3u file (canada and usa).

    - So the channel exist one time in the usa m3u file.

    - It is a new channel, so it does not exist in the pluto us sort override but it is available in the pluto us diff file, so everything is fine

    - In the pluto all override sort file the channel does not appears for usa provider (usa section), only in canada section and the channel is not available in the pluto all diff file.

    There is something strange, this channel is available in the usa sort file but not in all sort file.

    Here are the files: m3u, override.

    Hope you understand what I'm trying to explain !!

  • Am I able to delete vod, series and channellist before I create my bouquets?

    Because it takes forever to add the picons in the channel list…

    There are two options

    1) If the "vod"-channels belong to certain groups of the playlist being used, then you can add these groups to m3ufilter.conf, similar to the entries already existing there ... Further, in the "provider card" enable the " use restricted groups filter" slider and neither this group nor the channels belonging to it will be imported

    2) You can use the "custom" sorting in the provider's card and edit the ****-sort-override.xml template for any of your wishes, excluding the specified groups, channels from the "generation", specifying the order you need, etc. A small instruction on the use of templates - RE: [Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet

    I'm using the second option to treat a playlist with more than 338000 channels. In the sort override file I have disabled all VOD, SVOD, Series categories and more to keep only categories I am interesting in. And now the batch is running with a "normal" delay.

  • . When detected, the channel is added to the corresponding override diff file if it's not available in the sort file.

    It's not a mistake. This is specially made logic. You yourself have to decide what to do with the new channels that appeared in the original m3u and where (to which group, to which ordinal place, etc.) to transfer them in the template

  • . When detected, the channel is added to the corresponding override diff file if it's not available in the sort file.

    It's not a mistake. This is specially made logic. You yourself have to decide what to do with the new channels that appeared in the original m3u and where (to which group, to which ordinal place, etc.) to transfer them in the template

    I've never said it's a mistake. Just a fact. The problem is described at the following line after these words!

    Edited 3 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • Seems hard. I need to do that in notepad?

    Is there a possibilty that you can help me?

    Am I able to delete vod, series and channellist before I create my bouquets?

    Because it takes forever to add the picons in the channel list…

    There are two options

    1) If the "vod"-channels belong to certain groups of the playlist being used, then you can add these groups to m3ufilter.conf, similar to the entries already existing there ... Further, in the "provider card" enable the " use restricted groups filter" slider and neither this group nor the channels belonging to it will be imported

    2) You can use the "custom" sorting in the provider's card and edit the ****-sort-override.xml template for any of your wishes, excluding the specified groups, channels from the "generation", specifying the order you need, etc. A small instruction on the use of templates - RE: [Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet

  • Is it possible to add a channel list from an .m3u file?

    Of course, your playlist file can have any name and be located in any local path you specify, here are more details - RE: [Discussion] E2m3u2bouquet , or, alternatively, in the scheme http://localhost/


    I don't want to work, I have the m3u file on the usb.


    I enter: file://media/usb/myplaylists/iptvplaylist.m3u



    and it doesn't work what am i doing wrong?

  • The problem is described at the following line after these words!

    - In the pluto all override sort file the channel does not appears for usa provider (usa section), only in canada section and the channel is not available in the pluto all diff file.

    How do you propose to determine that these are different channels if it is absolutely the same line in two different places in the template file ... How can you determine any "language affiliation"?

    The only diff in


    But ! The "override" algorithm assumes the ability to move a channel to the group you need ... not necessarily inside its "native" group, but to any group, even created by you and not present in the original m3u

    Now imagine the situation that you have a channel - "The Dick Van Dyke Show" in the m3u playlist it is in the "Show" group, and in the template, you moved it to the "Channels for Wife" group .... Is this a new channel or an existing one? And how to understand?

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