E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

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  • when we see the probability

    That’s true... But ... A little theory ... Based on the C code, a unique hash sum for EPG is formed from serviceref's SID:TSID:ONID

    uniqueEPGKey service( eit->getServiceID(), onid, tsid);

    If we consider the provider name specified in the card as OriginalNetworkID (ONID). then we only have ServiceID and TransportServiceID (SID:TSID) ... Let's assume that each channel "inside" the provider has a unique "transponder" (TSID) ... Therefore, the number of possible options (channels) within one provider can be 168 - 1 = 4 294 967 295 ... If we consider TSID as a "group name" then a provider can contain a maximum of 65534 groups (bouquets) each of which can contain a maximum of 65534 channels -> this option is not suitable because:

    1) The playlist can be “planar” and not contain a single group and have more than 65534 entries (channels)

    2) One group (bouquet) can contain more than 65534 records (channels)

    3) One and the same channel can be located in several groups (bouquets) at the same time... although in each

    So only the first option remains, which gives us the maximum possible number of channels per m3u-playlist - 4 294 967 295 ... I hope this is enough for any user :beaming face with smiling eyes:

  • I am having trouble to ignore import of all vod groups.

    what would be the correct regex to remove groups that start with "|String|String"

    I have tried

    group = "|*|*"


    group = "\|*\|*"

    the plugin still imports all groups starting with the pipeline

  • the plugin still imports all groups starting with the pipeline

    The m3u playlist parsing algorithm has never filtered/removed the "|" character. This symbol is normally displayed on all E2 images and is quite widely used in group and channel names of different providers. For example

    #EXTINF:0 group-title="Украина | Українські" tvg-id="3307"
    #EXTINF:0 group-title="Канада | Canada" tvg-id="2347"
    #EXTINF:0 group-title="США | USA" tvg-id="4562"

    The plugin filters and removes unicode characters that fall in the range 2500-27bf - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters

    If you want to remove the "|" symbol in row in m3u-playlist - https://regex101.com/r/Wb5Snl/1

    If you are using m3ufilter.conf and you want any bouquets that contain the "|" symbol in the name to not be generated, add this "section" to the m3ufilter.conf file.

    group = "\w+\s+\|.*"

    The name of the section can be anything ... you can do it like this with a section name like yours

    [VOD]                                                                                                                                     group = "\w+\s+\|.*"

    This will "filter out" all the names of bouquets (groups) in which the symbol "|" occurs at least once, and neither they nor the channels belonging to them will be included in the favorites

  • Hello,

    Are the "/" allowed in category name or service name?

    example for group:

    <groupe name="ES TDT/AUTONOMICOS">

    example for service:

    "UFC 00: Uae warriors 45 // UK Tue 17 Oct 4:00pm // ET Tue 17 Oct 11:00am"

    This sort of service name is ridiculous but I have in the process log errors like that:

    [17.10 07:51:51] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: Reload bouquets ...

    [17.10 07:51:51] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: 'STARZPLAY SPORT | EVENT PPV'

    [17.10 07:51:51] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: An error occured during update

    [17.10 09:19:36] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: Reload bouquets ...

    [17.10 09:19:36] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: 'ES TDT/AUTONOMICOS'

    [17.10 09:19:36] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: An error occured during update

    [Storesat_Brut]: Provider skipped without creating new bouquets 👎

  • example for group:

    <groupe name="ES TDT/AUTONOMICOS">

    example for service:

    "UFC 00: Uae warriors 45 // UK Tue 17 Oct 4:00pm // ET Tue 17 Oct 11:00am"

    There are no prohibitions on the use of the "/" symbol. Neither in group names nor in broadcast (channel) names. Most likely the problem is with the use of ***-sort-override.xml. Check the integrity of the xml-structure of the used ***-sort-override.xml.

  • Are the "/" allowed in category name or service name?

    Moreover, the plugin has no restrictions on any characters in the values of tags group-name, tvg-id, tvg-name, etc. Just in the process of playlist parsing it filters out all unicode characters (I've given their range above), which in most cases are simply not displayed in E2 images due to their absence in the system fonts.

  • Ok, the problem is somewhere else, because the .diff file is created, the .tv files too but it seems it's the reload bouquets action which generate this error message.

    I purged the sort file and regenerated a new one with no error.

  • Hello,

    Are these new developments possible?

    - When there is an error during the process, generate a specific log with a name containing "error".

    - Create a delete file when custom sort order is choose, exemple:

    samsung-all-sort-override : contain channels but the deleted ones too

    samsung-all-diff-override: contain new detected channels in the m3u and not registered in the sort_override file

    samsung-all-delete-override: a new file containing the channel not in the m3u file but available in the sort-override file.

    I ask this because I discover after delays that channels have been deleted and I have no way to detect them except doing a zapping on all channels.

    What do you think about that?


  • - Create a delete file when custom sort order is choose, exemple:

    I don't quite understand the logic ... describe the problem more precisely

    Ok I will explain with a simple example:

    - I have a provider with a m3u containing a channel named "Channel 1"

    - The channel is in the sort-override file

    - My provider do some changes in the m3u list and remove "Channel 1" and add "Channel 2"

    - I will have a file diff-override containing "Channel 2"

    - But nowhere I have the information of the deletion of "Channel 1" so the channel will stay in the sort-override file

    - The idea is to keep "Channel 1" in the sort-override file, because once created the process don't do changes on it, but to create a file delete-override containing "Channel 1" .

    - In fact it's the same process than diff-override but for deleted channels.

    Hope I am clear :upside down face:

    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • - The idea is to keep "Channel 1" in the sort-override file,

    As far as I remember, channels deleted by provider from original m3u-playlist are not deleted from ***-sort-override.xml ... Another thing is that if provider often changes broadcasting "grid" (m3u playlist), such "lost" records remain in the template and increase its size. But this is critical when we are talking about thousands of "lost" records ... Ok I will think ... maybe I will add a variant of "symmetric" difference between "new" and "deleted" in comparing the template with the current playlist.

  • Hello, I'm trying to have a stb using only iptv, so without antenna. The question is, with E2m3u2bouquet is it possible to have the bouquets start from channel number 1, instead of 101? I'd like to press 1 on my remote and just view the first channel on my list. Maybe there is some parameter I can use in the override file?

    Thank you for the great work

  • , instead of 101?

    Apparently you are talking about the original version of e2m3u2b ... the mdification does not have this . The numbering will correspond to the order of the channels in your playlist, provided you don't have any other favourite bouquets. The thing is that "numbering" is not done by the plugin, but by your image when adding records to favourite bouquets.

    Below is a screenshot of IPTV channels generated by me in the order they are "arranged" directly in m3u

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-31 в 07.58.25.png

    Now you can switch the channel by its number by selecting it on RC

    This will work if you have one playlist and one favourite bouquet ... Otherwise channel numbering in the next bouquet will start from the number following the last number from the previous favourite bouquet ... BUT ! If you enable the "alternative" numbering mode in the ChannelSelector settings of your image, then each favourite bouquet will start from the 1st number.

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-31 в 08.04.06.pngСнимок экрана 2023-10-31 в 08.02.57.png

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-31 в 08.03.31.png

    With the alternative channel numbering mode, you can switch by pressing the channel number on the RC "inside" the current favourite bouquet

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