E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

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  • I have one of my providers which doesn't have a epg url, so I was wondering where do I put serviceref override, to match epg with corresponding dvb channel? Thanks

  • I have one of my providers which doesn't have a epg url, so I was wondering where do I put serviceref override, to match epg with corresponding dvb channel? Thanks

    Linking DVB EIT with the channels used in any IPTV playlist is virtually impossible for many reasons ... The simplest of these reasons is simply the absence of channels from your IPTV playlist in the DVB broadcasting grid ... not to mention the "technology" of how EPG is implemented in DVB broadcasting.

    But there are no desperate situations ... The plugin implements an algorithm of auto-selection of events from XMLT (EPG) specified by you in the "card" of the provider ... This process is not fast and depends on the size of your playlist and the number of records of XMLTV used and on the performance of the processor of the Sat-top box used by you.

    You can read about how it works here - RE: [Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet

  • Oh I see! Well, I have this public list which contains tvg-id for each channel, and the plugin seems to correctly read them and put in the override xml like this:

    <channel enabled="1" name="Rai 1" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai1.it" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride="5002"/>

    <channel enabled="1" name="Rai 2" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai2.it" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride="5002"/>

    <channel enabled="1" name="Rai 3" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai3.it" tvgidOverride="" serviceRef="" reftypeOverride="5002"/>

    <channel enabled="1" name="Rete 4" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rete4.it" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>

    But for some reason I don't get the epg for the channels of this list. Epgimport is set up with sources for it channels. Any ideas on why it behaves like this?

  • whooops, that was just one of my tests, but as far as I know, it doesn't exist anymore

    Edit: sorry, I messed up something in one of the xml overrides, because with a clean install everything worked as expected

  • btw this is the free list I'm trying to get epg for

    I explained a few posts above what you need to do ... Is it so difficult to write ANY XMLTV EPG source for Italian channels into the "card" of this provider (playlist) ?

    Снимок экрана 2023-11-01 в 20.11.27.pngСнимок экрана 2023-11-01 в 20.14.05.pngСнимок экрана 2023-11-01 в 20.15.16.pngСнимок экрана 2023-11-01 в 20.15.27.png

  • Yeah I had probably messed up the overwrite.xml, because I tried adding a XMLTV EPG source for that provider and at the first tries got no epg. Only when it started to got stuck in elaborating picons I understood that something wasn't right and tried a clean install which recreated the overwrite files. From that moment everything worked smoothly.

    Just one more thing: is there still a way to add placeholders which create invisible markers, to change the numbering?

    Another nice feature would be to decide whether a bouquet should start numbering from a certain round number, so that if the previous bouquet in the order would expand or reduce its channels, the following ones would always start from the same number. But not asking for anything, it's just a suggestion. Thanks for all the effort you put into this project.

  • Hello,

    I have a question about the epgimport binary. Is it able to take in account all tags from an epg?

    I have a new epg source but with tags like actor, director, date, category, country....

    None of the content of these tags are charged in the epg. dat but only the title, sub-title and desc tags.


    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • None of the content of these tags are charged in the epg.

    From XMLTV I can "pull" anything I want, any values of any fields ... But it's just not clear where to put them ... the thing is that the standard eEPGCache does not provide ANY fields for storing tag values like actor, director, date, country e.t.c

    epg.dat (epg.db) is a cache file where data from eEPGCache is "dumped". The only thing that can be realised somehow is the category. But it is impossible to automate this even by 30% ... Because DVB standard defines certain hexadecimal values for certain categories ... but not their alphabetic interpretation. Therefore "fitting" of categories requires manual edits for almost every XMLTV of every language region.

    DVB EPG event data tuple has the following "structure"

    And any tag values such as actor, director, date, country, etc. ... can theoretically only be added to the short description... there's no room anywhere else. But ! The short description is not dimensionless and cannot contain more than 240 characters (as far as I remember from the standard). The field "short deecription" is currently used for saved values from the sub-title tag if they exist in XMLTV.....

    Therefore, it is easier to sacrifice not the most necessary information from XMLTV due to DVB limitations than to try to "put the owl on the globe".

  • I searched informations and it seems that Enigma2 has only 5 fields for EPG. Start time, duration, title, short description and long description.

    The solution used for rytec epg is to put all informations in the long description.

    An e2m3u2b evolution idea would be to add every contents for other tags in the long description. Each content in a new line


    would become:

    It's not really readable I think but better than no informations. Perhaps adding a description of the tags can make the epg more readable, or to delete some tags, I don't know.

    The <sub-title lang="xx"> can be use too for some informations.

    What do you think about that ?


    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • What do you think about that ?

    I wrote to you in a previous post everything I think. There's not much to think about. We are limited by the EPG data structure for DVB format

    The solution used for rytec epg is to put all informations in the long description.

    It's nothing like that. There is no need to confuse how XMLTV is coded (no matter if it is by rytec or someone else) with what fields (tags) and their values are involved in EPG generation for Enigma2. I'll try again, maybe it's easier,

    event description = title

    short description = sub-title

    extended description = descr

    The <sub-title lang="xx"> can be use too for some informations.

    so you don't allow multi-language XMLTVs ? =) Too bad ... moreover the parser code in e2m3u2b takes this feature into account and takes descriptions from the section that corresponds to the GUI language of your Enigma2.

    What and how do you intend to use it? Please just read the XMLTV standard before generating "ideas"

    The task of the XMLTV importer in "epg.dat" is to "emulate" as much as possible the behavior of the EIT EPG ...

  • tags like actor, director, date, category, country....

    In principle, it is possible to "add" the data from these fields with the "descr" tag value and write it to the extended description in epg.dat .... Difficulties will arise with multilingual support ... because if you combine the tag name (which will always be in English) with its value, which can be in any language... In order to translate the tag name, you will need either an additional "customisation" table or an online API translator (which is extremely slow and you may be banned by the API for multiple requests).

    Anyway ... drop me an example of the XMLTV you are using ... adding values of different tags to descr is not difficult . I will "play around" and see how nice it looks in EventView window of Enigma2.

  • No, not everything, but do I have to decide for everybody the tags to keep.

    For me Director, actor, Year, Country are interesting. But for TvShows the episode number too.

    Perhaps you can add an option like "import every tag from xml if available yes/no"

  • maybe the old MIPS system is a utopia, but modern chips are pretty fast, for example Broadcom 7356 with 2 core 1.3 GHz and hardware H264 decoding!

    The MIPS is a very energy efficient architecture and outperforms Arm at the same frequency!

    Edited 2 times, last by victor_z ().

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