E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,088 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • I'll give you my config



    <name>Digitale terrestre</name><!-- Supplier Name -->

    <enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->

    <settingslevel>1</settingslevel><!-- GUI settings level (0 - simple, 1 - expert) -->

    <m3uurl><![CDATA[http:/]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->

    <epgurl><![CDATA[http://xmltvepg.nl/rytecIT_Basic.xz]]></epgurl><!-- Forced loading events from the specified XMLTV EPG URL -->

    <streamtypetv>5002</streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001, 5002 or 8739) -->

    <gstreamer>0</gstreamer><!-- (Optional) Stream type: 0 (no buffering), 1 (buffering enabled) or 3 (progressive download and buffering enabled) -->

    <progressive>0</progressive><!-- (Optional) EXT3_PLAYBACK_PROGRESSIVE (0 or 1) -->

    <livets>0</livets><!-- (Optional) EXT3_PLAYBACK_LIVETS (0 or 1) -->

    <buffersize>8192</buffersize><!-- (Optional) GST_BUFFER_SIZE buffer size in kilobytes -->

    <bufferduration>0</bufferduration><!-- (Optional) GST_BUFFER_DURATION buffer duration in seconds -->

    <multivod>1</multivod><!-- Split bouquets into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->

    <usenickname>0</usenickname><!-- Create bouquet name from provider name and group name (works if you have only one provider) (0 or 1) -->

    <restrcat>0</restrcat><!-- Apply restricted categories filter (0 or 1) -->

    <allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create "All in one" bouquet as separate bouquet if multivod enabled (0 or 1) -->

    <picons>1</picons><!-- Automatically download picons (0 or 1) -->

    <usepil>1</usepil><!-- Use PIL to optimize loaded channel picons (0 or 1) -->

    <piconsalt>0</piconsalt><!-- Forced loading of piсons from the specified XMLTV source (0 or 1) -->

    <sortmethod>0</sortmethod><!-- Sorting method for playlist content (0:default, 1:alphabet, 2:custom) -->

    <abgroups>0</abgroups><!-- Sort group names alphabetically (0 or 1) -->

    <abchannels>0</abchannels><!-- Sort channel names alphabetically (0 or 1) -->

    <newbroadcasts>1</newbroadcasts><!-- Create "New broadcasts" bouquet (0 or 1) -->

    <streamlink>1</streamlink><!-- Use streamlink proxy syntax (if this plugin is installed) when creating serviceref entries (0 or 1) -->


  • I uploaded some m3u8 dtt italia lists on some of them it doesn't allow me to display all the bouquets correctly on the other hand the lists work I tested them on VLC and they work I was wondering if my configuration that I posted to you is correct for creating the bouquets

  • I'll give you my config

    What should I see there? Regular configuration file. Obviously for some playlist with Italian channels... What exactly is not working for you?

    p.s. What did I do...

    1) I found the first available playlist with Italian channels and created a “card” for it in a plugin with the same EPG source as yours

    Снимок экрана 2024-02-24 в 09.19.46.png

    In the “card” I included settings items responsible for downloading channel icons, sorting, dividing into groups, etc.

    2) In the configuration menu of the plugin, I enabled the item "Import EPG after creating bouquets"

    3) Then I selected "create bouquets"

    Снимок экрана 2024-02-24 в 09.23.15.pngСнимок экрана 2024-02-24 в 09.23.36.pngСнимок экрана 2024-02-24 в 09.23.58.png

  • A cool function has been fully written and is being tested... Now you can select “needed/not needed” groups of channels in the provider’s “card”. Bouquets will be generated only for the groups you select.



    Time spent getting a list of groups from a playlist with over 1,200,000 entries that is located locally on VU+Ultimo4K ~13 sec

    photo_2024-03-08 08.29.14.jpeg

    This is the largest playlist that I managed to find and test ... You should understand that if your playlist is specified by URL link, then the time for selecting groups increases by the time it takes to download the playlist and depends on the speed of your Internet connection

  • This new feature will directly do the modification into the diff.override file?

    This is the playlist group setting. Bouquets will be created only for selected groups. including only for these groups the sort-override template will be created.

    Sorry I wanted to say sort-override ;-)

    Ok great. But the unselected groups will be in the sort-override as disabled I suppose. If not they will be detected as new.

  • Hello,

    I've installed the new 1.4 version. Everything work great I think. The group selection implementation is very useful and simple to use.

    I have just a request, is it possible to add a button "deselect all" in the group selection screen. In fact I have a playlist with 653 groups :face screaming in fear: and I want to select only 13 of them.


  • Hello,

    I have installed the new 1.4.1 version. First of all, great performances. With the previous version I had a 21.5 minutes for the batch and now just 6 minutes!!!

    I have a problem with a selected group in my huge playlist. The name of the group is "[FR] CANAL & CINÉMA", in the generated sort.override file I have for this group <groupe name="[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA"> but this group is too seen as new so in the diff.override I have <groupe name="[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA"> too. Perhaps a problem with the "É" character.

    Other thing. In the sort.overide file I have 2 groups generated but not viewed as group with the remote control, it's logic because they are empty.

    <category enabled="1" name="" nameOverride=""/>

    <category enabled="1" name="NoGroup" nameOverride=""/>

    This last point is not important because I can disable them in the sort.override file.

    Thanks for this great work.

    Edit: no it's not a problem with the É character because I have another group with this and there is no problem. So certainly a problem with the "&". I will verify.

    Edit2: tried this:

    <category enabled="1" name="[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA" nameOverride="[FR] CANAL+ / CINÉMA"/>

    but "[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA" is still in diff-override file.

    Edited 4 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • I think it’s not a matter of &... you need to look at the playlist file, most likely there may be non-displayable unicode characters in the group name

    Oh yes there is a space after CINÉMA: group-title="[FR] CANAL & CINÉMA "

    But I don't know how to solve my problem.

    The 1st time the sort-override was created with this group without space. The diff display the same group (and exactly the same content) without this space . And the channels are only in the diff.tv, create with the space at the end of the group name.

    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

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