E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

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  • & in the playlist i

    I can “predict” with 100% certainty that the playlist you are using does not have & , but there is simply a symbol &... Which MUST be represented by default in the xml structure as & ... I very much doubt that double ;amp is created automatically in the template. Please show me the line of the m3u playlist with the name of this group.

  • & in the playlist i

    I can “predict” with 100% certainty that the playlist you are using does not have & , but there is simply a symbol &... Which MUST be represented by default in the xml structure as & ... I very much doubt that double ;amp is created automatically in the template. Please show me the line of the m3u playlist with the name of this group.

    here is the line in the m3u8:

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="ChassePeche.fr" tvg-name="FR| CHASSE & PECHE FHD" tvg-logo="" group-title="FR| CULTURE FHD HD",FR| CHASSE & PECHE FHD

    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • I have a playlist with channel names with a & symbol... It doesn't matter that is the channel or group name

    In the playlist it looks like this

    #EXTINF:0 catchup-days="0" tvg-id="hgtv" tvg-logo="https://www.icon_server.tv/picons/upl/7/hgtv.png" group-title="Познавательные",HGTV Home & Garden

    On the screen it looks like this

    Снимок экрана 2024-04-02 в 18.08.15.png

    in ***-sort-override.xml it looks like this

    <channel enabled="1" name="HGTV Home &amp; Garden" nameOverride="" tvg-id="hgtv" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>  

    No doubles any ';amp'

  • tvg-name="FR| CHASSE &amp; PECHE FHD"

    This is outright stupidity... this “someone”, when creating a playlist, namely converting some HTML into plain text, simply forgot to unescape special HTML characters

    According to the rules it should be like this

    tvg-name="FR| CHASSE & PECHE FHD"

    Of course, I can make changes to the parser code so that such nonsense in the playlist is removed “on the fly” ... but no one is safe that “tomorrow” someone will make another stupidity

  • I can make changes to the parser code so that such nonsense in the playlist is removed “on the fly”

    Done ... I'm already testing with your playlist


    ***-sort-override.xml created successfully ... no ";amp"doubling

    <channel enabled="1" name="FR| CHASSE &amp; PECHE FHD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="ChassePeche.fr" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/> 


    Снимок экрана 2024-04-02 в 20.20.53.png

  • There are also “stupidities” associated with using a tab character instead of a space in group names... Now I’ll add a correction for such nonsense

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="Vintage Mecanic S01 Vintage Mecanic - S01E06 - Jaguar    Type E Cabriolet" 

    But you must understand that any addition of analysis of the contents of the line and its correction leads to a decrease in the speed of processing the playlist... Miracles do not happen

  • A feedback of 1.5.1 version. Everything works fine and is optimized.

    I have just one question, I don't know what my provider want to do, but what the plugin do with this kind of special character: ⏺️

        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] LA UNE 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="laune.be" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] TIPIK TV 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="ladeux.be" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] OUF TIVI 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="latrois.be" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] PLUG RTL HD ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="plugrtl.be" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] CLUB RTL HD ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="clubrtl.be" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] RTL TVI 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="rtltvi.be" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>

    My box is unable to display that.

    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • , but what the plugin do with this kind of special character

    All unicode characters from the range 2500-27bf (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters) are removed from group and channel names while parsing m3u. These characters are not supported in 95% of E2 images and are not displayed on the screen

    "[BE] LA UNE 4K ⏺️" in m3u will be "[BE] LA UNE 4K" in bouquets if ⏺️ belongs to the above range

    p.s.“⏺” is U+23FA , This symbol is not deleted... I will add it in the next version

  • Ok thanks. I checked a little more. This symbol is in the sort and the diff override file, and in the .tv file it already taken in account I think. So I think you have no modification to do.

    This square is not displayed on the screen.

    Again and again exotic configuration caused by the files delivered by our providers....

  • About special characters. I don't know if it's the good place to speak about that but why not ;-)

    With an example to understand:

    - Name of a channel CANAL+ UHD

    - Name I want to display CANAL+ ᵁᴴᴰ

    - I tried this as nameOverride="CANAL+ &supUHD;" (using the html code for exponent &supXXX;)

    - The result is CANAL+ without UHD as exponent characters.

    Any help is welcome. Thanks

    Edit: no &sup is just available for 1, 2, 3 so my syntax isn't good.

    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • Are you sure Enigma2 supports upper index characters? Personally, I don’t))) So this is not feasible due to the fact that it is simply not supported by E2

    Yes my box supports (OATV 7.4), see screenshot:


    In fact I can simply copy and paste these exponent characters and I have the result I want. I'd like to have UHD, FHD+, FHD, HD+, HD, SD

    ᵁᴴᴰ ᶠᴴᴰ⁺ ᶠᴴᴰ ᴴᴰ⁺ ᴴᴰ ˢᴰ

    But, as you can see I haven't find the uppercase F and S.

    I will continue my research.

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