mgcamd on Vu+duo and CCCAM at the same time?

There are 13 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,704 times. The last Post () by kennboy.

  • Hi guys!
    I am wondering if its possible to run both cccam and mgcamd at the same time..
    at the moment i have cccam installed and all is fine but i also want to use mgcamd
    and receive from to different servers..
    I am a newbie and will appreciate links to step by step/tutorials in same kind..

    Thanks in advanced.


  • Hi Davis,

    I think the only way you may be able to get close is,

    Install CCcam and MgCamd on Duo through TSPANEL

    Add your Cccam.cfg file and Newcamd files/lines to box

    Select Cams (Blue button unless you have changed)

    Select which Cam you want to watch.

    I don't think you will be able to get the 2 to run at same time, but switching Cams should give you links to different servers?

    Can someone Add/Change if this info isn't 100%


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  • ok ok i think i messed it up with my question..i dont want to run it at the same time i just wanted to know if it is possible to have both cams on the box..i already made som research and found out that i can use Meoboot to boot between the two..
    I now formated a usb and installed Meoboot now i need to know how to transfer the Mgcamd files and operate them and also how i go in to boot menu and choosing the preferred image to boot with.
    Sorry for the confusion....

    • Official Post

    i just wanted to know if it is possible to have both cams on the box

    Yes it is pal, install as many cams as you like on the same image, theres no need for multiboot to use CCcam and mgcamd at the same time.

    You never mentioned which image you are using for me to link you the correct file for mgcamd, though it can be found on TSPanel plugin or Emulator packs for images.

    There are three important configuration files that will be installed, newcamd.list, cccamd.list and mg_cfg, they will be found in /usr/keys.

    Add C lines to cccamd.list and N lines to newcamd.list.

    mg_cfg may need editted depending on which image you are using, change default box type to dreambox.

    Let us know how you get on buddy.

  • I have enigma2 with the latest blackhole multiboot version, i downloaded now the enigma2 plugin from the link you posted TSpanel plugin but there is only one file inside (enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_5.5_mipsel.ipk) and you mentioned also three configuration files..where do i get them and do i need to manually ftp and copy them to the usb?

    • Official Post

    TSpanel plugin is an addons panel that you can download mgcamd from, the file you need i have attached for you.

    Follow this guide, How to - Enigma2 ipk files installation, or FTP ipk to /tmp > Green button > Yellow button > manual install ipk.

  • so i installed the ipk file but im not sure what is the next step, i went to Meoboot click OK, and i can see "current Running image: flash - meoboot installed on usb
    install image - boot image - delete image - help
    i press on the install image and getting BH message - you have to select one image to install please upload your zip file in the folder:
    /media/meoboot/MbootUpload and select the image to install.
    I might missed this information but which zip file they refer to?

    • Official Post

    Forget about meoboot for the moment, its not needed.

    Now you have the ipk installed mgcamd can be activated from softcam manager, press Blue button and scroll left or right to select mgcamd as default softcam, press OK to start.

    Follow the steps i gave you in post 5 for what to do next.

    How To Use New Version Of MeoBoot.

  • i hope ive been reading this right ive got v+ duo and i want to use mg and cccam together. ive downloaded the files for black hole image 1.7.8. can i use any user and password or do i use my cline that i give to my peers. and do i have to open any ports for mgcamd ive looked at the thread mgcamd and cccam 211 i think thats the 1 i downloaded. if thats right do i need the script that is posted with install thr ipk then put the scipt in am i right in saying that. and does it still open bulsat.i read running these together it will open that package. ive tryed with oscam but i agree it is a pain to set up when its set up i have peers saying im on/off and just got fed up with it.this is the 1 ive been looking at sorry about the copy and paste but was not sure how to show link…822-how-mgcamd-cccam.html

    and this for example is that ip of v box if so i should have somthing like this C 123.456.7.890 V+ DUO
    so would my flime look like this F V+ DOU ( 2.0.0 ) 123.456.7.890. just need a little advice please been looking alover different site and this looks what im looking for thanks.

  • thanks for editing my post , was hoping for some answaers.anyway ive installed the files and there is 7 so do i delete the rest and just keep cccamdlist and mg_cfg ? what ive done is this

    cccamdlist C: 192.168.xx.xx port user password then in my cccam config ive done this
    cccam cfg F: user password port 192.168.xx.xx is this right so far the port user and password are the same and i altered the script to this



    CAMNAME="CCcam 2.0.11-Mgcamd 1.38"

    remove_tmp () {
    rm -rf /tmp/ /tmp/ /tmp/cardinfo
    case "$1" in
    /var/bin/mgcamd_1.38 &
    sleep 15
    /var/bin/CCcam &
    touch /tmp/mgcamd_1.38
    sleep 5
    killall -9 mgcamd_1.38 CCcam 2>/dev/null
    sleep 2
    $0 stop

    do i leave cccam as it is in script and do the keys for mgcamd go in keys any help please thanks.

  • well i thought i would have got some advice on this ive tryed it,.rebooted v+ box with black hole image 1.7.8 on it but it will not clear anything. what have i done wrong as you can see from my post ive done fline and cline and useing cccam port or do i have to use a different port for mgcamd anybody please thanks.

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