Vu+ products...End Of Life...!!!

There are 23 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,470 times. The last Post () by jenseneverest.

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  • BH team will still build OpenBh images for Vu+ boxes (ultimo, zero, solo2, duo2, solose, zero4k, solo4k, uno4k, uno4kse, duo4k, duo4kse, ultimo4k) just like openpli do, until it is no longer possible to do so.

    They just won't guarantee that they will be able to support any new boxes if vu+ bring anything out (unlikely), but if something changes in the core / image that requires an update from vu+ then it will be impossible to update the images for some or all of the above boxes.

  • May I inquire?

    The source for the VU+ devices from the company was updated 4 months ago or less

    04/18/2022 which is not old

    What is the problem ?

    The Black Hole team has not made any updates to the Black Hole image for more than a year

    And we know that Python 2 is about to expire as support is no longer available

    Most teams are migrating or have already migrated to Python 3.

    Where is the development team?

    One of the strongest teams that made images of the vu stb, if not the only one that took advantage of all the hardware capabilities of the devices and highlighted their strength

    But that was in the past and there was a stopped, I don't know why

    • Best Answer

    Read the posts we put on both boards at the time we stopped BH development.

    Vu+ updates from 4 months ago, were just so they could build there own factory image again (fix a few dead links to some old packages), nothing more, there was no updates to the image.

    BH image is based on vu+ git, and with no updates there is nothing to build, we can not convert and update things, it has to come from Vu+.

    We asked Vu+ around 4 years ago to update the core, because OE-A were moving things forward, with updated libs and features that were making plugins and other things impossible to support with BH, but Vu+ did nothing.

    We asked Vu+ around 18 months ago to update to python3, they did nothing.

    Now it's got to the point where it is impossible to update BH, but even if BH could be updated, nothing new would be added as there is no python2 developments anymore therefore the image is finished and we move on and concentrate on OpenBh instead.

    Vu+ have no interest in updating things there end, and have no interest in replying to Bh or Pli (and probably other teams) when asked for updates, fixes, changes etc.

  • Ev0

    Is there a recommendation to guide us as users?

    With it, we can press the company and send it from many users of VU+ devices

    Do you see a difference in this , is that useful !!

    It won't make any difference.

    Vu+ has no interest in doing anything, they don't seem to care about there customers or the image teams.

    Let them become the new dmm and kill themselves.

  • some one goes to ashes , then another company arrises

    you remember Xtrend :-) they vanished.

    we all now this companies will return back with some new name and some new boxes

    anyway it is time to move on and lett VU+ rest in peace

    for my self I hope they do something and still go on as I was one of the first to support them , but I will not cry if they dessapear :-)

  • I apologize if I also intrude as the happy owner of 4 box vu (vuduo, vuzero4k and 2 vusolo4k)
    what sense does it make or how do you interpret the move of the Korean mother house that after removing all black hole team technical support gave it to the PurE2 team?
    If, as it seems, vu is dying, what is the use of such a move?

  • Exactly for a few months.
    Except that unlike the Black Hole Team, which was initially dedicated only to Vu decoders and then dedicated them with the OBH image also to other boxes, where there was the possibility to talk on all 2 forums in Italian, in that of PurE2 the official language is German with the possibility of conversing in English
    Among other things, my request to open a section in Italian that exists in this and other forums has been trashed.
    Also this image added Vu support to all the other decoders it already dealt with

  • So to my understanding, VU+ now gave the technical support to PurE2 team instead of Blackhole? I am also holder of solo 4k and ultimo 4k.

    tromo  FrancHR  jack1.9  .atari.

    Just for info

    we from Pure 2 team create images for VU but we don't have full support either. we got some hardware and some access to sources but nothing more.

    Our images are also still in the beginning but we are getting better in the VU area and the Iamges are running

  • I apologize...
    My mistake,
    I had understood Vu gave you full technical support ...
    Anyway for the honor of truth I have been using for some months (practically since I read about your approach with Vu) in OMB on my two Vusolo4k decoders the PurE26.5 and I am very happy ...

  • All thanks and appreciation to all the teams that support Enigma and provide as much time and effort as they can, especially the teams that work for free as blackhole team

    Some questions come to my mind, and I don't mean to belittle anyone's work or effort

    Can we say some how most images are similar, and the difference between them is limited to the development of the panel and skins only?

    Is it possible to say that the python3 environment is just a change in programming other than that there is nothing new added can user touch?

    Is it possible for the Blackhole team to migrate to python3 via the E2 modification on a modern OE to be built, is it better to build new images on the openpli source python or what did on openblackhole enough by openvix source

    Why don't we see real development on Enigma 2, Has Enigma 2 reached the top so that there is stability and no forward progress?

    When, for example, images basic changes to (C++)

    Or maybe also depend on kodi as a base and add what the devices need due to the development available in kodi from the Enigma 2

    Do we dream of achieving some form of union between the teams specialized in building images for Enigma for the real advancement and development of Building images?

  • Good day Jack.

    Thanks for your clarifications .

    I hope your efforts to be continued with a python 3.0 image based too.

    It is a pity our high cost receivers to run out of support in the future.

    Everyone in the market is aware of the vu+ 4k receivers' cost.

  • We are a small team and always try to make you happy. The efforts of our dev go of course also in the direction of Phyton 3 but we are not yet ready to release it ! We are just a hobby and have little support, so we have to work on things ourselves with a small team.

    Pur-E2 -Team

    Admin of HDSC

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