Cannot access Oscam webinterface

There are 23 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,302 times. The last Post () by ddinc.

    • Official Post

    Actually yes a new oscam but webif used to work thereafter

    Any connection problems with FTP or SSH to this dreambox?

    The router shows its connected and has an ip address?

    Network test ran on the dreambox?

    Reverting the changes you`ve made back to when it was working is the probably the best solution here.

  • It could also be that you have several Oscam configuration files "oscam.conf" (configuration directories), from which Oscam selects the wrong configuration and always stays on the port that contains the next configuration file.

    Usually, many service technicians for set-top boxes, set 83 port to softcam, but this is not recommended because these low port values are usually used as system ports. They are usually strictly secured - on many active network elements.

    Try to find all "oscam.conf" files in the file-system of the set-top box:

    find / -type f -iname "oscam.conf"

    If this does not help, try to verify whether Oscam is running at all and what its startup command-line looks like.

    It can be verified in several ways, but it depends on the distribution of your Enigma2, which Linux it uses. In some Linuxes, the same commands do not work (it is limited by a different version of the command or even by using BusyBox). So try something like this (copy as CTRL + C / V, the whole script, into the linux-shell and run it):

    OSCAM_LOCAL_PATH=$(find /usr/bin -iname 'oscam*' | head -n 1)
    if ps --version 2>&1 | grep -q -i "busybox"; then
        OSCAM_CMD=$(ps | grep $OSCAM_BIN_FNAME | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | grep -o '/.*$')
        OSCAM_CMD=$(ps -f --no-headers -C $OSCAM_BIN_FNAME | head -n 1 | grep -o '/.*$')
    echo "${OSCAM_CMD}"

    The "top" command can also help display the Oscam full command-line. However, this "top" command may not work the same on every set-top box (BusyBox VS full Linux command):

    top -c

    Then find oscam in the list and see what startup parameters it has (configuration directory).

    There... in this startup command-line for Oscam, you should see, a modified path to the configuration directory if there is no default path.

    As a last thing, it's a good idea to check if the ports on the set-top box are open and if so, for which services:

    netstat -tulpn | grep cam

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