Streamlinkproxy Python3 Only!

There are 267 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 29,582 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • di999

    and you did it incorrectly .. - just have a quick read and try to understand that in "query" url can't be a parameter without a value

    Now the question ...

    Why should something work (e.g. some plugin) if the link you have given is incorrect (incorrect, not working, etc.) ?

    What does a plugin or streamlink library have to do with what you did wrong yourself?

    Please be careful in your actions when checking the operability of these or those services with the plugin ... at least - use the correct links, which you write in the bouquets

  • di999

    Add these strings with your credentials to bouquet, restart gui, and show strramlink logs

    #SERVICE 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//localhost%3a8088/https%3a//****@***.***&zattoo-password=******&zattoo-purge-credentials=1 


    steamlinkproxy manualstart TRACE - and you will see a list of available "broadcasts" for your country ... In the log below you can see that the above example works for me ... I am waiting for your log.

  • di999

    In the log below you can see that the above example works for me ... I am waiting for your log.

    Another example ... I took from the list of available (log a few posts above) channel 1+1 UA .... added it to the bouquets ....

    The log shows that the zatoo plugin found the broadcasts

    [stream.dash][debug] Available languages for DASH audio streams: uk (using: uk)
    [streamlinkproxy][debug] ZATTOO plugin found sreams: ['288p', '288p_dash', '432p', '432p_dash']

    And the broadcast in DASH of this channel began

    [stream.dash][debug] Opening DASH reader for: ('1', '0', '0') - video/mp4
    [stream.dash][debug] Opening DASH reader for: ('1', '1', '3') - audio/mp4
    [stream.dash][debug] video/mp4 segment initialization: downloading (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z / 2024-01-22T05:15:49.956651Z)
    [stream.dash.manifest][debug] Generating segment timeline for dynamic playlist: ('1', '0', '0')
  • di999

    Add these strings with your credentials to bouquet, restart gui, and show strramlink logs

    #SERVICE 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//localhost%3a8088/https%3a//****@***.***&zattoo-password=******&zattoo-purge-credentials=1 


    steamlinkproxy manualstart TRACE - and you will see a list of available "broadcasts" for your country ... In the log below you can see that the above example works for me ...

    orf2_europe doesn't work in switzerland

    srf_info works in switzerland

    Uninstalling streamlink and reinstalling streamlinkproxy didn't work.

    Deleting streamlink folder and reinstalling streamlinkproxy worked. Zattoo is working.



    1) Freshest streamlink library from GitHub

    2) Added full support for Stream transport options, HLS options, DASH options, FFmpeg options. They can now be sent into url-query similar to the parameters for the streamlink plugins. For example



  • A small, perhaps useful, application of StramLinkporxy on a local network ... Suppose you have other devices besides the receiver with Enigma2 that can "play" m3u playlists (SmartTV, Android-box, VLC -) on PC). In this case, your Enigma2 receiver works as a server ... For the experiment make m3u-playlists of this type

    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", Bloomberg europe                                                                                                        
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", THE ERIC ANDRE SHOW 
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", 360° reportage (
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", Concert (

    Where is the IP address of your Enigma2-"device" on the local network (you will have your own)

    Open it, for example, in VLC on any computer in your home network ..... and, oh, my goodness. you have everything working on your computer without having to install the steamlink library on it ... At the same time on Enigma2 everything works too. You can watch different channels on several devices at the same time

    Снимок экрана 2024-02-18 в 08.00.42.png

  • Hello,

    This can be usefull. Tested with this playlist

    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE 2
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE 5
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE 4
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE INFO

    But unfortunately this don't solve sound desynchronization, and France 5 doesn't work by this way but work directly on the receiver, it's strange. I obtain that:



    On server (receiver), here is the process for France 5:

    /usr/bin/ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23550-1-141 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23550-2-9157 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0:v? -map 0:a? -map 1:a -f mpegts pipe:1

    And for France 2

    /usr/bin/ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-1-8223 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-2-9470 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-3-9613 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-4-4609 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0:v? -map 0:a? -map 1:a -map 2:a -map 3:a -f mpegts pipe:1

    Something is missing for France 5

  • Everyone who downloaded the installation package version 6.7.1 yesterday - download again and reinstall with the --force-reinatall parameter

    When building the package, I forgot to include the "exceptiongroup" library, which is why the plugin did not start... My mistake =) please forgive me...

  • https.....//

    #SERVICE 5002:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//localhost%3a8088/https%3a//
    #DESCRIPTION Channel Twitch


    #SERVICE 5002:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//localhost%3a8088/https%3a//
    #DESCRIPTION Channel Youtube

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