183D/183E EMM Activation via the http/https server with OSCam

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  • del piero1 use OSCam from: Here...! with this reader


  • ;

    del piero1 use OSCam from: Here...! with this reader


    I use OpenATV 6.4 and 7.1 , gigablue trio 4k
  • hi, you have emu active only on the prov. AFN, but the Tvsat Reader is not active, where I put the Card.


    P : 183E:000000,005411

    Hello piterfree,

    i will try it again, but sorry, where i changed it in the server and config of oscam. Because it is the receiver of my mother in law and i do not want to be killed :) I can use WeCam and it should work directly without any config, right?

  • thx to every body here :winking face: :winking face:

    ih have this proplem

    everything works fine for 2 to 3 hours and then I get this error message

    ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:A967CF97548DE97F318289781F0C9651): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:34 6728369B r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --2023/10/16 13:05:34 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!2023/10/16 13:05:35 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids!2023/10/16 13:05:35 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 183E PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1535 ANY CHID PMTPID 0111 VPID 05A02023/10/16 13:05:35 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 36 30 31 20 52 65 76 4D 38 37 14 2023/10/16 13:05:38 6E0D6180 c (ecm) tivusat (183E@000000/0000/10E1/91:BD8CE5B62343234AB936BCB0EBCF6E67): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E2023/10/16 13:05:38 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:A967CF97548DE97F318289781F0C9651): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:39 6728369B r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --2023/10/16 13:05:39 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us2023/10/16 13:05:39 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids!2023/10/16 13:05:39 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 183E PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1535 ANY CHID PMTPID 0111 VPID 05A02023/10/16 13:05:40 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:A967CF97548DE97F318289781F0C9651): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:42 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!2023/10/16 13:05:42 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5001 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:42 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 36 30 31 20 52 65 76 4D 38 37 14 2023/10/16 13:05:42 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids!2023/10/16 13:05:42 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 183E PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1535 ANY CHID PMTPID 0111 VPID 05A02023/10/16 13:05:43 6E0D6180 c (ecm) tivusat (183E@000000/0000/10E1/91:BD8CE5B62343234AB936BCB0EBCF6E67): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E2023/10/16 13:05:43 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:45 64B0737E c (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --2023/10/16 13:05:45 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 1 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids!2023/10/16 13:05:45 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 183E PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1535 ANY CHID PMTPID 0111 VPID 05A02023/10/16 13:05:45 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:46 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us2023/10/16 13:05:48 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:48 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 3 disabled ecmpids!2023/10/16 13:05:48 64B0737E c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 183E PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1535 ANY CHID PMTPID 0111 VPID 05A02023/10/16 13:05:48 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E - LA7 HD2023/10/16 13:05:49 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!2023/10/16 13:05:50 6728369B r (reader) Tivusat_183E [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 36 30 31 20 52 65 76 4D 38 37 14 2023/10/16 13:05:50 6E0D6180 c (ecm) tivusat (183E@000000/0000/10E1/91:8F445C2EBACD586638D63453732D7CDC): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E2023/10/16 13:05:50 64B0737E c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by Tivusat_183E can someone help me ?

    Edited once, last by master G: Merged a post created by master122 into this post. ().

  • 183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by


    hi, are you also using Cilinee...not good...deactivate in dvbapi id ( I =183E ) try.

    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • 183E@000000/0000/004F/91:3D8505F2778673216BB16EC7C2B2B3B4): timeout (5000 ms) by


    hi, are you also using Cilinee...not good...deactivate in dvbapi id ( I =183E ) try.

    yes to schare to my mother is use a cline ...what is then best method share to my mother

    my dvbapi look like this now ------------> P : 183E:000000,005411

    thx for your reply

  • I have the cilinea but to have the Germans I have 300...400 of timeout, you 5000 is too high you have to do a different setting...unfortunately I am not an expert in these things you will find out more on the web how to do it...and it must not exceed 500 timeout otherwise you better buy him a card.

    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • I have the cilinea but to have the Germans I have 300...400 of timeout, you 5000 is too high you have to do a different setting...unfortunately I am not an expert in these things you will find out more on the web how to do it...and it must not exceed 500 timeout otherwise you better buy him a card.

    that's just the problem

    183E works fine for a few hours and then it doesn't, and then I get a timeout

    i restart oscam and work fine

    see log

    23/10/16 20:07:26 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:57F61673FAD0FAC7F631D99AE9170A04): found (206 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:07:41 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:8588182575478C4FAA8477025BCBB763): found (205 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:07:56 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:3526534FEAC6A7B99E8DE5041A8452E9): found (222 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:08:11 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:5498AC8F9E2EF47800A48A3621AE7BFD): found (222 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:08:26 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:E2832993C25C07203C9A56477211E984): found (222 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:08:41 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:92C394270F05BB699028F6F9230810A9): found (223 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:08:56 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:F68FC7B7AA383934CD1F85F4683413B9): found (224 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

    2023/10/16 20:09:11 260E407C c (ecm) dvbapiau (183E@000000/0000/0079/91:91CEA53015EAAE4052CE35018E721D40): found (222 ms) by Tivusat_183E (L/1/2/2) - Italia1 HD

  • as I said it is something in the oscam that is not perfectly correct (casch or automatic restart of the oscam) there is something similar.

    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920

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