Cloudflare WARP on Enigma2 python3-based images

There are 75 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 8,542 times. The last Post () by bk201.

  • and now it work by router ip

    According to the screenshot you also have a connection error ... and that's why it doesn't work ....

    I wrote above and gave the exact same log with the exact same error. Maybe it has something to do with using OSCAM... I don't have anything to test OSCAM I don't have a dish I only watch IPTV.

  • According to the screenshot you also have a connection error ... and that's why it doesn't work ....

    I wrote above and gave the exact same log with the exact same error. Maybe it has something to do with using OSCAM... I don't have anything to test OSCAM I don't have a dish I only watch IPTV.

    i don't understand the relation with oscam, i stopped all emus

    as log give success as not connected to cloud flair server

  • odem2014, biko

    comment this line in config

    Endpoint =                                                                                             
    #PersistentKeepalive = 25
  • I don't have an answer

    p.s. The last attempt ... try to change the domain name to its IP

    Снимок экрана 2024-01-26 в 23.57.44.png

  • I don't have an answer

    p.s. The last attempt ... try to change the domain name to its IP

  • odem2014, biko

    comment this line in config

    Endpoint =                                                                                             
    #PersistentKeepalive = 25

    Still stucking with this command


    root@novaler4kpro:~# curl -4

  • I don't have an answer

    p.s. The last attempt ... try to change the domain name to its IP

    Снимок экрана 2024-01-26 в 23.57.44.png

  • Must change [#] ip link set mtu 1480 up dev wgcf-profile to 1420



    The CloudflareWARP VPN installation package has been added to the first post and the installation instructions have been modified. Now it is enough to install the package and specify your private key. Scripts for VPN are written universally and will automatically work with any type of connection (wired or wifi) of your Enigma2 receiver. All necessary parameters of connection are formed automatically and do not require you any actions on editing any scripts

    p.s. If you have previously created your configuration files manually, delete them from the /etc/wireguard folder before installing the ipk-package

  • Which one compitiable with VU Solo se

    Mipsel stb?

    Neither the architecture of the processor (arm, mipsle), nor the model of the receiver - does not matter ... The main thing is that the image has the necessary dependencies for wireguard

     wireguard-tools, wireguard-tools-bash-completion

    execute the command in the console and see the output

    opkg list | grep wireguard

    And you'll see if there are the right dependencies in your image

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