Tutorial - Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Auto Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install

There are 398 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 151,706 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Thanks, just to confirm, would the below be correct for the same time but just on the Sat?

    56 03 * * 6 root killall CCcam.x86_64
    56 03 * * 6 root killall oscam
    57 03 * * 6 root /var/script/configupdate.sh >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    58 03 * * 6 root /var/script/keyupdater.sh
    59 03 * * 6 root /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86_64
    59 03 * * 6 root /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/OscamCheck.sh
    03 04 * * 6 root /var/script/LogCleanUp.sh >> /var/cccamlog/CleanUp.log

  • Thank you for the script.
    I already had an ubuntu server up and running, so i had a problem because port 10000 is used by webmin, but i sorted it out.
    Can you explain how oscam and cccam works now with this configuration? i mean, if i change something in cccam.cfg or oscam.conf what i should run next to update changes.

  • Everyone does it there own way but what I do is keep a cccam.cfg file on my desktop. Any changes I make to cccam.cfg, i make them to the local file. Then I ftp the updated cccam.cfg file from the desktop to /var/config & I run the following command in the terminal


    When it comes to oscam, I usually just make the changes to the configs & restart oscam. Some people suggest stopping oscam, making the changes & restarting but that means your card is offline for the time you are working on the changes. I have never had a problem working on the configs when oscam is running & restarting when I'm finished, but I'm sure a few guru's here might better guide you if i'm wrong..

    To restart oscam run the following commands in the terminal

    Stop oscam

    sudo killall -9 oscam

    Start oscam

    sudo oscam –b

    Here is a list of all the commands you need to take care of your cccam/oscam server.

    Good luck!

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  • thank you. just a few more questions.
    I read the script /var/script/configupdate.sh , but nowhere inside it isaw nothing about restarting cccam. There is no need for that? (i'm totally new to all that (linux - key sharing).
    I mean if i change something in cccam.cfg i supose i have to restart it for changes to take effect.
    And another thing, i had read your commands, but if i stop cccam, and run sudo CCcam.x86_64 -b in terminal then i get this:
    usage: CCcam [-d] [-C <configfile>]
    -d run in the foreground (implies -v and -q)
    -v be verbose
    -q don't use syslog (use on old systems)
    -C <configfile> use <configfile> instead of default (/var/etc/CCcam.cfg)
    -f filter on specific demux data (saves some CPU,
    but some platforms might not handle this very well)
    -n show network packets
    -s disable server
    -t show timing
    -l disable self-learning capabilities
    and the webpage is not running, i suppose neither cccam is running.
    if i run it without -b then is starting, but is this the right way?
    thank you again.

  • Quote

    thank you. just a few more questions.
    I read the script /var/script/configupdate.sh , but nowhere inside it isaw nothing about restarting cccam. There is no need for that? (i'm totally new to all that (linux - key sharing).
    I mean if i change something in cccam.cfg i supose i have to restart it for changes to take effect.

    The script replaces the cccam.cfg file with the one placed in the var/config folder. This procedure (depending on your server specification) takes place within a split second and usually without any disruption to your clients. There is no need to stop/start cccam..

    Sorry m8, that was a typo from converting from word to html (And thank you for pointing it out)..

    It is supposed to be:

    sudo CCcam.x86_64 .b

    I have updated & corrected it..

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  • Hi All,

    Appreciate very much on the method of testing on whether it works with clone DM500S as card reader before sending clients to friends.


    The BEST FORUM for ALL SAT matters. Any reason that you should not be here???:85:

  • great tutorial thanks for the author just noticed something very small i am not so sure if you will need to change the owner part in > LogCleanUp.sh from Owner= share4u to your own user name ???

  • Good Find m8 & thankyou for pointing it out... I don't actually use that script manually, It is just incorporated into the crontab.
    I will add a few lines to the tut to edit the owner= in the "LogCleanUp.sh"

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • great job bud also noticed that in the script cccam starts b4 oscam is that ok ?? and been runing it now for tow days working fantastic the only thing is the oscam logs stopped after few hours for some reason and not getting cccam logs at all!! just have to point at something seen on earlier post that you need to setup your smargo card reader have to confirm that mine worked straight away once i plugged to the server didn't need any confg so i can confirm it is ready for smargo without any extra settings

  • Quote

    noticed that in the script cccam starts b4 oscam is that ok

    I presume you mean in the crontab settings? They both restart simultaneously at 3.59am (From memory I think cccam loads slightly faster) but as soon as oscam comes online cccam will share your card so it is no problem.


    working fantastic the only thing is the oscam logs stopped after few hours for some reason and not getting cccam logs at all!

    Have you edited the oscam.conf file to say where you want your log file? Here is an example of the [global] settings from my oscam.conf. I have oscam.log file saving to /usr/local/etc with no problems.

    As long as you start cccam like this it should create log file at /var/cccamlog/CCcam.log:

    /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86_64 -d >> /var/cccamlog/CCcam.log

    Check that you didnt change this line in the CCcamCheck.sh


    just have to point at something seen on earlier post that you need to setup your smargo card reader have to confirm that mine worked straight away once i plugged to the server didn't need any confg so i can confirm it is ready for smargo without any extra settings

    Thats good news m8, my omnikey also worked straight away but i still followed the omnikey tut to tweek it a little better for my setup..

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  • Thanks to everyone who had contributed to this topic. I had finally set up my card sharing server with Ubuntu 32 and clone DM500S as card reader. Tested with someone who is about 400 km away from my server.

    The BEST FORUM for ALL SAT matters. Any reason that you should not be here???:85:

  • Just want to add something to your nice tutorial!
    My CCcam server was not running, but adding "DVB API: -1" to the CCcam.cfg made it run.

  • Quote

    Just want to add something to your nice tutorial!
    My CCcam server was not running, but adding "DVB API: -1" to the CCcam.cfg made it run.

    Thanks m8, the cccam & oscam still have to be configured for your sub after the tut.. Glad you have it up & Running now..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • Hi,

    Please provide info on how to make it boot without entering the login user name and password.

    Every time after reboot will have to enter the user login name and password.

    Newbie says thanks

    The BEST FORUM for ALL SAT matters. Any reason that you should not be here???:85:

  • This version of ubuntu us ubuntu server. There is no graphical interface if that is what you are expecting. You do not have to log in every time the server reboots, once you have everything setup correctly, your server will run pretty much by itself, you will only ever have to log in to update or configure your system. I would suggest that you do a lot more reading on the topic before you go any further.

    Good luck.

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • i have the same problem whot is the root to this file so i can a mend it thanks

    Have you opened ports mate?

    amended the httpallowed line in Oscam Config file

    httpallowed =, or something similar

    boxs im good with= all ***box,s all openbox,s amiko alien 2 & SHD-8900

  • i have the same problem whot is the root to this file so i can a mend it thanks

    On PC linux, the config mostly goes in /usr/local/etc

    On receivers, its mostly in /var/tuxbox/config


    In the feature, if you need to lcoate a file, you can use

    on debian/ubuntu:
    whereis <file>

    on every linux machine from /:
    find -name "<file>"

    hope this helps..

  • thank you for that it is on a pc have found the config file and looks ok (httpallowed =, so just need to figer out why cant log on from web browser

    boxs im good with= all ***box,s all openbox,s amiko alien 2 & SHD-8900

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