Olympic tax dodging campaign

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 499 times. The last Post () by pacman362.

  • I read the below article it made my blood boil its a total disgrace but not really a surprise in this day and age there is a online petition that over 240k have signed you can do so here


    The cost of the 2012 London Olympics has ballooned spectacularly to over £9 billion, creating an already vast public debt legacy. Corporate sponsorship of the games has provided around £1 billion in Olympic revenues yet the corporate sponsors have managed to get themselves exempted from paying tax on their Olympic profits, meaning that they will be able to claw back most of their Olympic sponsorship outlay at the expense of the British public via lost tax revenues.

    The Olympic tax dodge means that the British taxpayer is effectively subsidising the cost of foreign companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola blathering the Olympic games in totally inappropriate advertising for their unhealthy food and drinks. I know I am not alone in finding this legalised tax evasion abhorrent since over 100,000 people have signed the "Stop the Olympic Tax Dodge" petition on 38 Degrees despite a mainstream media blackout on the subject.

    Once again the the job of protesting against this kind of corporate favouritism has fallen to small independent organisations, independent bloggers like myself and social media activists, whilst the corporate mainstream media prefer to remain silent. One of the most worrying aspects of this mainstream media blackout is that it has allowed the obnoxious BNP fascists to cash in on the outrage and rise to the first page of UK results for search queries such as "Olympic tax dodge" and "Olympic tax" where they have coated their outrage at this situation in a predictable layer of racist language.

    Speaking of fascists it should be noted that one of the big London 2012 Olympic sponsors Coca Cola were big players in Nazi Germany, with hundreds of bottling plants and they were proud sponsors of the 1936 Nazi Olympics in Berlin. In fact their product Fanta was initially developed to provide sugary drinks to Nazi Germany once supplies of Coke syrup ran out. Perhaps the BNP should be happy that a fascist supporting company like Coca Cola are being allowed to cash in on the Olympic games at the taxpayers' expense?

    Sticking with the Nazi theme, the Olympic's corporate sponsors have insisted that the British public sector provide them with hundreds of local council staff that they can turn into their own purple shirted "brand enforcement" militia to ensure that nobody but the official corporate sponsors benefit from the Olympic games by using words such as "Gold", "Silver". "Bronze", "Summer", "Sponsor", or "London" in their advertising and to enforce strict monopolies by banning anyone but McDonalds from selling chips within the Olympic zone.

    The UK population has already provided £9 billion towards the cost of the games, yet the corporate sponsors have shown that they are determined to milk even more cash out of the British taxpayer to subsidise the blathering of their logos all over the games and have even insisted that the taxpayer provide them a private militia of "purple shirts" to rigorously enforce this ubiquitous corporate branding that they have conned the taxpayer into subsidising.

    These scams would have been great for the corporate sponsors had they not been picked up upon, but now that the public are becoming aware, actually accepting these tax breaks looks extremely likely do more long-term harm to their corporate reputations in the UK than the few hundred million pounds they were planning to scam out of the taxpayer. If you want to help these corporations to see sense and rescind these Olympic tax breaks please take a minute to sign the 38 Degrees Olympic tax dodge petition.

    Update: McDonalds have swiftly acted to reverse the tide of negative publicity by stating that they now intend to pay tax on their Olympic profits. This is a fine demonstration that online activism can work. Next up Coca Cola

  • Media Blackout - They Control the Media!
    People (Taxpayers subsidising) - They Control the People!

    Uproar or Not there products will sell....its not the Tax wrongdoings, Cheap Labour, Sponsor Deals e.t.c that should stop that, its the Crap they put in there products but that's another story!

    Although i will always support a cause with people that want to stand up e.t.c i do wish that this support was directed at other Causes or the Main Cause - Governements, Financiers and the CONTROLLERS
    or even more at home Fathers for Justice, Libor Rates, PPI and Bank Charges (That we havent heard about), High Fuel Costs, Support for the Family, Youth Culture, Problem Families the list goes on and on! and on!

    Good Post though lol the Heat be effecting me sorry!



    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • .

    Once again the the job of protesting against this kind of corporate favouritism has fallen to small independent organisations, independent bloggers like myself and social media activists, whilst the corporate mainstream media prefer to remain silent

    i think you should take a look at the illuminati conspiricy mate then you'd of known this was a scam before it even started !

    Your spot on MrGMX

    There is a bigger picture to look at !

    LoL olympic tax dodge :mrgmx:

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  • Just on the subject of Tax dodging.....Google Losses past 3 years don't make me laugh!....like i said one of many!

    How much longer can Google escape the UK tax system?

    Every year when Google files its documents with Companies House, a fresh wave of
    outrage follows at the small size of its tax bill.

    The UK is Google's second largest market, with $4bn in sales coming via UK customers
    last year according to US filings. However, Google UK posted only £395m in revenue
    and paid £6m in UK taxes in 2011.

    In a completely legal tax structure, if you buy an ad from Google, the contract isn't
    with the UK office, but with Google Ireland - which has a corporation tax rate of 12.5%
    compared to the UK's, which recently fell to 24%.

    That means Google UK posts a relatively small profit, and often a loss, keeping its tax bill down.
    Google UK has failed to post any profit in the past three years, losing £24m in 2011, £27m in
    2010 and £9.7m in 2009. In 2011, its tax bill was less than £1m, and in 2009 it was £2.9m

    With heavy public sector cuts and outrage over tax avoidance schemes, Google's skimpy tax bill is
    starting to grate. MPs are demanding answers and an online petition has gained more than 46,000 signatures.

    John Mann MP, a member of the Treasury Select Committee, said it was likely a Google executive would be
    called before MPs, and told The Independent: "Whether it is illegal or immoral, the British taxpayer loses out."

    Google's tax structure
    Tax campaigner Richard Murphy points out that Google pays "pretty much the full tax rate that you'd expect"
    in its home country. "Outside the US, Google pays almost no tax," he said. "We’re talking single digits and
    low single digits most of the time, over the last several years."

    There are two ways Google does this. First, non-US sales are predominately routed via Ireland, which has a
    lower tax rate and an "extremely relaxed" approach to taxation, Murphy explained. Second, its IP is held in
    Bermuda and licensed to other Google arms - meaning more money is pumped into the tax haven.
    "It’s no doubt that what Google is doing is legal," Murphy noted. "Those who are arguing against this are
    saying that for a company that says 'don’t be evil' - and therefore implicitly recognises from the outset
    that it has moral choices to make in the way it conducts its business - in this case it's got this
    moral choice wrong.”

    What can be done?
    In theory, negative public sentiment could push Google to alter its tax structure, said Murphy. "Sentiment is
    clearly moving on this issue. Tax avoidance was once seen as smart. For a company completely dependent on
    consumer goodwill, it is a major issue," he said. "If they were a chip manufacturer that nobody has ever
    heard of, this would have no impact at all."


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • I saw these articles and thought of this thread lol

    Starbucks doesn't pay a bean in UK tax, Facebook Fools Taxman! :taxman:

    Since coming to the UK in 1998, the coffee group has opened 735 outlets
    Taken more than £3billion in sales but paid just £8.6million in corporation tax
    In the last three years it's paid no UK tax at all despite £1.2billion in sales

    Starbucks has paid just £8.6million in tax in 14 years of trading in Britain, it emerged last night – and nothing at all in the past three years.
    The tiny payments to the Treasury come from a coffee chain whose 735 UK outlets have so far run up sales of £3billion.
    It uses a range of complicated measures to minimise its profits – and its tax bill. These include paying large royalties to another arm of the firm for using the brand name.

    Over the past three years the company, which prides itself on its ethical standards, paid no UK tax at all despite racking up sales of £1.2billion.

    During 2011, the most recent year for which figures are available, the group posted a UK loss of £33million on sales of £398million. Because of this it paid no corporation tax.
    By comparison, McDonald’s racked up a 2011 tax bill of £80million on £3.6billion of sales and KFC paid £36million on sales of £1.1billion.

    Rival: Starbucks is the second largest restaurant or café chain in the world after McDonald's but claims to have made no profit in the UK over the last ten years

    All of the practices deployed by Starbucks are legal.
    The company’s US reports show that it incurred a tax rate of 31 per cent on its profits there last year. But for its overseas operations, which include the UK,
    the company’s average tax rate was only 13 per cent.

    How can a set of rules that are so biased against small businesses be justified? The local competitors aren't playing against Starbucks on a level playing field'
    Tax accountant Richard Murphy

    John O’Connell of the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: ‘The tax system is now so hideously complex that large companies can afford expensive accountants to find loopholes
    and lower their tax bills. That can mean higher taxes for hard-pressed families.’

    Last week it was revealed that Facebook, another American giant which has major UK operations, paid only £238,000 in tax despite raking in £175million in revenues.

    The Mail has reported how Google avoided more than £200million in tax, only contributing £6million to HMRC during 2011 despite making revenues of £2.6billion.


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

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