Venton HD3 - enigma/alternative to Vu+/Xtrend 9500?

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,794 times. The last Post () by Owen Hart.

  • I wonder if enigma can be installed on this receiver, as I read that the original fw is ViX.
    Can ViX enable download of same plugins as enigma?

    Is This box a good alternative to Vu+ultimo and Xtrend 9200/9500?

    Thanks for anybody's feedback

  • Hi Gemelli,

    Yeah this box is a Linux Box so will run all the goodies we talk about on here from it!

    'Vix' is the image.....There are Various images out there that will run on this box.....Vix is one of the most common/user friendly...others inc....Black Hole....Black Pole....Vti to name a few
    any will work from this type (linux) reciever!

    Plugins can be added to the box via the Plugin Downloader from within Image or by manually installing ipk files by ftp them to your reciever and manually installing thrugh UI

    You missed our raffle a few months ago we had one for a £5 lol - Shame not sure if winner has commented on the box yet though....but it looks good and we havent heard any major issues with it as yet!

    May not be a like for like alternative but not a bad choice if you decided to go down this route....think its a bit cheaper then the others also!

    Let us know if you get? and what its like!


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  • Thanks awfully

    Will send feedback for sure!

    P.S. Really like your english: I'm not mother-tongue, and always enjoy real language and idioms.

    Be good

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