dm 500-s question

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,501 times. The last Post () by nano.

  • hi , i have question how to test LNB .
    Why my receiver start working and stop working .When it's working if i don't change channels no problem when i switch to other channel u don't knw when all the channels disappears .

  • This should be interesting. I'm just intrigued to know why you are suggesting a factory reset Tytus?

    Have you actually considered that it may actually be a problem with the lnb or cables. Have you asked him if he is using a DISEqC switch in the system, you know other things that may be causing the issue.

    If he does a factory reset hes going to lose all his settings. What about suggesting that he backs all his stuff up first, like CCCam config, bouquets etc etc.

    I would check all the connections from the dish first before even thinking about suggesting a full reset.


  • i didn't liked factory setup idea ether cuz i backed up image from good working dm500-s box .
    That box still working perfectly when i connect to the same wires .

  • What i would suggest in that case then is to reinstall the known working image again and see what happens.

    Hang on its just dawned on me. Does this problem only happen when both boxes are on at the same time?

    If you used a direct copy of the image from one box any CCCam or NewCS lines on the first box will copy over to the back up, so when you run the other box you will have two boxes trying to connect to the same server using the one line that should only be used on the first DM500s.

    No idea if what you are experiencing is to do with that, but that would certainly cause the image to stop and start as one box connects to the server and the other gets booted off.

    Failing that it could be as suggested by Annie a duff tuner or corrupt image. If it is the image, reflashing the backup should rectify the issue.

    Are you connected to a payserver by any chance as that could also be another issue.


  • HI, Thanks nano. i will try to ex plane. I backup image from my friend's Dm500-s to tmp folder witch is still working fine at his house.
    The same file i flashed in my Dm500-s with Universal dreamup Version There is options when backingup and when flashing.
    May be i selected wrong option . When i backup the image from my friend's box i just clicked backup end of the process message was
    some thing like file backup successfully. then i clicked OK disconnect and exit .
    After waiting few minuets i connected my dm with null modem and opened dreamup and i selected flash and erase then flash i selected tmp folder .
    This time i clicked no. So i don't know where i did mistake. I have only one box and i have rogers hi speed internet.
    when i leave the box for unknown time plugged it start working but when i change the channels it keep working for some time.
    after some time it stop working .

  • Have you tried the receiver at your friends house? Its just to eliminate if the problem is with your dish or cables.

    I would also try using the receiver at your house on your own dish, but try it with the PSU from your friends box. The PSU that came with your own box may only be giving out enough power for the box to function. It may not be able to give the extra power if the receiver has to send the 19v up the cable without storing it up first, (hence the delay) to switch the local oscillator up to high band in the lnb.

    If you try that and it doesn't work, stick another image on it, like EDG Nemesis or Powerboard Enigma VX. Both are good images. If it still doesn't work on a known working dish setup, it stands a chance that the box is on its way out and its time to get a new one.


  • Yes nano his receiver is working at my house no problem.
    You think my internet connection maybe Conflict. Should i use LAN cuz i have Desk top and two laptops.
    Desktop has wireless network adapter and receiver is connected to router.
    I did not tried my receiver at my friends house that came in my mind to. OK i will go his house tomorrow and check it.

  • which setting you use? Sometimes the issue is loro.è happened to me and replacing the settings and restarting the decoder everything is ok .non is the decoder or the lnb, otherwise it would not work in spurts. if you want to check the correct operation of tuner and decoder eliminates the current channel list and do a search for channels. if this does not convince you that the problems you are setting problem loaded

  • Sha you are confusing me now? Where did the DM800 come into it.

    Do you have a DM500s or a DM500HD?

    You can find all the Powerboard images for all DM receivers here (make sure you fix the http bit at the front of the URL)


    You will find the EDG image on this forum in the relevant section. Make sure you use the correct image for your receiver as at this moment in time i have no idea which receiver you are talking about.

    Anyway, the original problem, does this problem manifest itself if you just flick through free to air channels, i.e ones that aren't encrypted?


  • Hi nano today i went to my friend's house with my receiver . I connected all the wires then turned the power on and its working just like his receiver.
    All the channels working. Now what could be the problem.

  • If its working at your friends house it must point to the lnb or the cable between the receiver and the lnb.

    Check all the connections for water ingress or bad connections. If they are ok, buy a new lnb and try that.

    I have given you all the things i can think of. You will just have to try replacing the other hardware connected to the receiver like lnb, cables and check for dish alignment. If that doesn't work then i am out of ideas.

    There is little i can help you with now. Try what i have suggested and see what happens.


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