CSP MySQL User Manager Latest Version

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 11,345 times. The last Post () by xandehenrique.

    • Official Post

    - Added: Custom csp values on userinfo page.
    - Added: Custom csp values as default value.
    - Added: Settings page for various settings.
    - Added: Default values on add user page. Can be set on settings page.
    - Added: Session timeout function, will kill a idle admin connection if it has been idle longer then given time. Timeout can be changed on settings page (default 600 seconds).
    - Added: Comment field added to users.
    - Added: Tool to import users from csv
    - Added: Profile manager for managing profiles.
    - Added: New tool page with various tools.
    - Added: Setting to hide all text from login page.
    - Added: Function to log all failed login attempts.
    - Added: Setting to show/hide help icons from the add user page.
    - Added: Tool to delete all disabled users.
    - Added: Tool to enable/disable all users.
    - Added: Setting to give the c.m.u.m server a custom name.
    - Added: Information page to show all the info about a user.
    - Added: Setting to fetch various data from given csp server.
    - Added: Tool to fetch/install new user files to csp.
    - Added: Function to show if a user is online on the csp server.
    - Added: Tool to import users from csp xml config.
    - Added: Tool to empty the entire user database.
    - Added: Function to kick a online user from the csp server.
    - Added: Quick enable/disable users by clicking on their status icon.
    - Added: Setting to change layout on add-/edit user pages to 1 or 2 columns.
    - Added: More info on the home page.
    - Added: Email-address field to userdatabase.
    - Added: New profile handling system.
    - Added: Warning message if config.php is not setup correctly or not found.
    - Added: Group field to userdatabase.
    - Added: Created and last changed logging added to users.
    - Added: Admin accounts can now be set as enabled or disabled.
    - Added: Charset is now configurable from config.php (default is utf-8).
    - Added: Different color for odd and even lines on user-/admin-/profile listing.
    - Added: List after online users on manage users page.
    - Added: Update-users command is sent to csp server on logout if 'fetch data from csp server' is active.
    - Added: Charset setting to genxml.php (default is utf-8).
    - Added: Border around all input buttons.
    - Added: MySQL connection check, will show a error if it's not possible to connect to the MySQL server.
    - Fixed: Add-/edituser handling.
    - Fixed: Various layout bugs.
    - Fixed: Minor layout improvements for internet explorer.
    - Fixed: The 'maxconnections=0' bug.
    - Fixed: Auto remove of empty spaces in beginning and end of textfiled 'quicked' and 'search' on the manage users page.
    - Fixed: Cancel-button didnt work on edit profile page.
    - Fixed: Modified the code to prevent PHP Notice errors.
    - Fixed: List option "Disabled users" now also lists users with NULL as enabled value.
    - Fixed: Max connection field only accepts numbers.
    - Changed: Most of the mysql code.
    - Changed: Some mysql field types to speed it up a bit and to save some storage.
    - Changed: Replaced "Profile(s)" with "Password" on manage users page.
    - Changed: Moved the mysql server info into genxml.php so it can be placed anywhere on a server.
    - Changed: Changed "mySQL" into "MySQL" in the name to follow the officiall name of the database.

    - Added: Password must be given 2 times and match when changing then password .
    - Added: SQL server checks in upgrade script.
    - Added: Custom csp values to csv user import and export.
    - Fixed: Typo in configcheck.
    - Fixed: Csp xml user import got broken in version 2.0.5.
    - Fixed: Username and password must be included when importing users, else import will skip that user.
    - Fixed: Export users to csv output.
    - Fixed: Some tools didnt get selected when choosing them under tools.
    - Fixed: Improved update csp users tool.
    - Fixed: Improved send osd message page layout.

    CSP MySQL User Manager v2.0

  • Hello everybody,

    Hope you all had a blast this new year. And now when we are al sober again, here is a new version of cmum ready for you all.

    This version includes some minor fixes and tweaks, but also includes a major bug when using the 'add user and stay' button. There are also some new features like: level rights on admins, iphone/android favicon, function to change admin username and some more. You will find all the news and changes in the changelog here.

    2.3 - 2012-01-10
    - Added: Iphone/Android favicon.
    - Added: Ecm rate to default values.
    - Added: Optimize database tool.
    - Added: Database version check on login page.
    - Added: Administrator level to admins (administrator/manager).
    - Added: Function to change admin username.
    - Added: Real name field for admins.
    - Added: Setting to turn off csp connection check.
    - Fixed: 'Add user and stay' didnt load the defaults values after a user were added if that function was turned on.
    - Fixed: Mixed layout fixes on some pages.
    - Changed: Removed Accounts Expiration from home page.
    - Changed: Changed 'addeby' and 'changedby' to use admin.id insted of admin.name.

    You can download 2.3 here Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

    Well, that was all for this time. I got some big plans for the upcoming versions that are allready in the making. So stay tuned.


    • Official Post

    CSP MySQL User Manager v2.3.1 released! [HR][/HR]


    Hello all my friends,

    I know this has taken forever for me to get done, but now it's finaly here. This version includes mostly fixes and updates, but also some new stuff. Where is 2.4 you might ask, well it's being worked on. But 2.4 will include big new functions that will require more time. And I wanted to get a new version out to you all since it's been some time since the last version now, and there are some nice new and fixed stuff in this version.

    - Added: Function for genxml to require a key to generate the xml output.
    - Added: Added/addedby/changed/changedby added to the csv import/export function.
    - Added: Function to turn off/on php notices errors (debug mode).
    - Added: Added 'js' folder to the robots.txt disallow list.
    - Added: Better support for special characters.
    - Added: Sorting after latest user first.
    - Added: Function to create random usernames.
    - Fixed: Charset error on the "you are not authorized" page.
    - Fixed: &-char could cause genxml to stop working.
    - Fixed: Removed unneeded mysql calls.
    - Fixed: Secured tools from url hack.
    - Changed: Removed the '::' in the page title.
    - Changed: Locked the 'csp value' textboxes under 'importing profiles from csp' tool.
    - Changed: New style for buttons.

    Hope you all will enjoy this version, and I hope I can get 2.4 ready in some months cause it will include some MAJOR new goodie features

    Cheers all and happy halloween!

    Thanks to dukereborn

  • Hello, I installed everything as the tutorial boss, but when I access the panel this message appears:

    It works!

    This is the default web page for this server.

    The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

    Could anyone help me?

  • Hello, I installed and configured everything as is in the manual, but when I set up the user in the receiver, this error appears:

    2014-10-24 16:45:21 - WARNING: NewcamdSession[60146:net] - User 'teste' (xxx.xxx.xx.xxx) login denied, unauthorized/invalid/missing password

    Is there any port that I should have opened?
    I appreciate if you could help me.


  • 3.2.0 [2015-06-27]
    [+] Enable/disable groups
    [+] Ability to override and force database upgrade
    [+] Check for invalid characters in username and password
    [+] Auto update check
    [+] Wrong genxml key gives 404 error
    [+] Ability to shutdown csp server
    [+] Setting to set default user order
    [+] Update-users command is sent to csp server on logout
    [+] Support for IPv6 logging
    [#] Changed update check url for new releases
    [#] Removed cmum dbversion from database
    [#] Hide csp server tools when csp connection check fails
    [#] Improved manager activity log
    [-] Empty input fields in modals if cancelled
    [-] Fixed some possible header exploits
    [-] Removed php closing tags to avoid header errors

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