Wheres the /tmp folder located??

There are 19 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,299 times. The last Post () by daveyboy.

  • No good :(

    This is what Im trying to do




    1) Upload file in /tmp
    2) goto Black Pole Addons Manager (green -> yellow)
    3) Click on Manual Install Bh/Bp packages

    And theres a file attached which Ive downloaded

  • /var/volatile/tmp and /tmp are essentially the same thing - /tmp - at least in the image I am using is just a symbolic link to /var/tmp - and /var/tmp is a symbolic link to /var/volatile/tmp - The arrow you are talking about sounds like an indicator that it is a symbolic link. Try to find /var/tmp and /var/volatile/tmp - if one of these does not have the small arrow on the folder icon, then it is probably an actual folder rather than a link, and this is where you should put your file.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • I bet he hasn't changed the file attributes, that may possibly be why its not working.

    After you have have ftp'd the file over to the box you then need to change the attributes on the file to 755. It will be either under attributes or chmod dependent on which FTP software you are using.

    If its not set to 755 or 777 the file will not be able to run.


  • If you are using winscp, just browse to the tmp file, right click on the file and you will see a few boxes with ticks in, and a space to put 755 then save

    I have never had to chmod to 755 on package (IPK) install, only if I install plugins etc manually direct to the folders.

    If you can be a bit more clear about what you see, what you click on and what goes wrong, then we might be able to get a better idea

    You are just saying it doesn't work, and I haven't yet got a clear picture as to what you are doing in the image.


    1) Upload file in /tmp
    2) goto Black Pole Addons Manager (green -> yellow)
    3) Click on Manual Install Bh/Bp packages

    What happens at each of these stages, what do you see, what do you click on, what do you do next, and what messages do you see?

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • OK, What the story is I have a vu duo running black pole. These few problems started occurring.

    1. It says in updates I have 39 updates available, I press install reboot when done but it still says 39 after reboot?

    2. I cannot download anything from the plugin menus any longer, just keep getting error not found?

    3. Box has stopped going to standby after epg update?

    A search on google revealed this


    Thats what I have been trying to do to date but with no success..

    Just changed the attributes but no joy

  • Ok - suggest a reflash
    then before doing anything else or installing anything else - try to apply the fix. When it asks you if you want to do an online update once the image is installed - refuse, and then do this after the fix is installed and the receiver is rebooted.

    It is hard for me to suggest anything else because I am still finding it hard to visualise what you might be doing wrong, I did ask you to describe what you see after following all the steps of the fix guide, and you then went on to tell me what led you to search and find the fix, so no closer there... might save a lot of time doing the reflash and then trying again. I remember when I had the Duo and tried this image I managed to apply the fix after flashing but hard to think back to exactly what I saw! - should be as simple as pasting to /tmp and then installing with the BP panel and rebooting - should not have to chmod to 755 for this I definitely don't remember doing this.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


    • Official Post

    If you have access to the other folders you can install the fix manually.

    Here are the files, put them in these locations Then reboot.

    plugin.py - /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/SoftwareManager

    nab_e2_restart - /usr/sbin

    Both will overwrite files that are currently there so accept when prompted.

  • reflashing will not lose your recordings - they are stored on HDD or other drive - reflashing doesn't touch this.

    No point doing an image backup if it is giving you these issues - not sure on BP image but you might be able to backup your settings - ie - plugins - channel settings etc.

    Of course if you are running CCcam/oscam you might want to back up your configs.

    Alternatively you can try what Ten Below suggested, or post screen shots to try to explain what is going wrong - because you said it isn't working but you haven't explained what is happening, what you are pressing and what messages you are getting etc - which would help if you want us to help you we need a better idea what is happening, rather than you telling me why you are trying to install the file.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


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