Cant see scrambled channels on Enigma 2 but can on Spark

There are 25 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,264 times. The last Post () by northern343.

  • Hi.

    Sorry if this question keeps getting asked but I have an Amiko Alien box that I got a few days ago. I followed online tutorials to get my n line converted and then put into the oscam server file on spark. This worked and I got all the channels.

    Yesterday I decided to give Enigma 2 a go and again following some online tutorials I have all the non scambled channels but cant get any scrambled ones. I am not sure how to edit the oscam server file in Enigma. Is it as easy as it was in Spark (just had to replace the oscam server file by FTP) or is there more to it.

    Im guessing I have to go into the settings of the receiver to do something but I dont know what. I would appreciate any help?


  • hi witch image you have ,have you fixe oscam on the image enigma2...ect

  • Dont know what you mean about fixing the oscam image? The image I downloaded is from Dec 2012. I have everything working except the part where I need to enter my n line.

    I was told to go to Menu, HDMU Centre and then the Add Server option but I dont have that option within HDMU centre

  • you have to download oscam if you have the option in the plugin then green boton softcam

  • you have to download oscam if you have the option in the plugin then green boton softcam

    There was an oscam file within the emu section of the plugins. I downloaded this and then I went into the softcam section of in the HDMU centre. The oscam is there but I cant seem to do anything with it.

  • You need to edit your oscam.server file, you will have to FTP your box, the file will be in usr>keys

    There are 7 different oscam files within usr/keys. I ftp'd the same Oscam server file I used when setting up spark but even though it works on Spark it isnt working on Enigma 2. Is there something extra I need to do?

  • Download the oscam plugin from plugin's
    FTP your oscam.server file to replace the one that was downloaded by plugin
    Restart oscam plugin you may need to restart box

    Worked for me

    The only oscam plugin I could find was within the emu section of the plugins. There where 3 different oscam files there and I downloaded all 3. When I go into the softcam control section of HDMU centre I can see the 3 of them there but when I ftp'd the oscam.server file to replace the one that was already in the var/keys folder and I rebooted nothing happened.

  • hi you have to change in 3 block and add your n or c line..ect

    oscam configuration/ oscam server/ and oscam user . this configation not have nothing to do with sparck is for e2.

    then reboot and restar oscam

  • hI All

    I have the same problem

    Set up oscam in spark via USB inputted clines in manually (which wasnt an issue)

    I also want to enter my cliines & nlines into enigma

    Have downlaoded Yodas E2 Image (the one with catseyes as an option)

    I have read a lot of oscam info over the last few days so decided to give it a go

    Copied Yoda's Oscam config for spark and E2 into PC then transfered it via filezilla into VAR/KEYS

    I assume from that point you edit the file via notepad test and re-save in the same location

    No joy sorry so will see below am I missing something I have shown where

    label = remote
    description = Newcamd Example
    protocol = newcamd
    device =,12000 (My info goes here)
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    user = username (My info goes here)
    password = password (My info goes here)
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0000:000000
    group = 1
    audisabled = 1

    label = remote
    description = CCcam Example
    reconnecttimeout = 5
    protocol = cccam
    device =,12000 (My info goes here)
    user = username (My info goes here)
    password = password (My info goes here)
    group = 1
    blockemm-u = 1
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    caid =
    cccversion = 2.1.4

  • sorry sent before finishing

    Is this correct or is ther anything else have to be changed ?

    I am adding both N & C lines


  • hi you have to have 2 folder

    oscam server
    oscam cfg
    oscam user

  • yes mate shud there

    Hi Rami

    In Var/Keys the following files exist

    Oscam Conf
    Oscam dvbapi
    Oscam provid
    Oscam server
    Oscam services
    Oscam srvid
    Oscam user

    Please advise


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