TSmedia Plugin Support

There are 611 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,727 times. The last Post () by mfaraj57.

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    Thanks master G....noob question now....do I install them all or just one and how do install?

    What box are you using and what build are you up to on vix? I've just been watching stuff on tsmedia without a problem

    If you already have TSMedia installed you don`t need the dependencies, it wouldn`t have installed without them..

  • my problem is, when I install tsmedia from vix feeds and try to upgrade it, it goes through the same routines, restarts and its still stuck on 4.1. I tried installing it manually but says the 'cant allocate memory' stuff.

    never had the problem before fresh flash of vix

  • I don't know if it just mine, but I'm finding Icefilms is struggling with links as with 1channel. On Icefilms, movreel and billion uploads are the only ones I can use on my solo box but a lot of them are saying "invalid link" and every other ones are saying I need a gstreamer plugin which I've checked....I know piracy is on the crackdown down so is this the start of the end??

  • my favs listings are empty after reflashing vix 774 but on my hdd the tsmedia favs xml file is still there can i upload the old favs in anyway save installing them all again?

  • I've had nothing but bother with the vix image updates. Keeps on resetting my swap manager. But anyway what problems with tsmedia?? As we've said In Previous posts that a lot of links are down but I'm putting that down to the crackdown on piracy

  • Hi Guys Help!!! i cant seem to upgrade my TS Media from 4.2 to 4.4 its just wont work ive tried telnet as well i have a solo 2 and B/H 2.0.7 still nothing am i doing something wrong ???

    :80: kiki 008

  • Hi Guys Help!!! i cant seem to upgrade my TS Media from 4.2 to 4.4 its just wont work ive tried telnet as well i have a solo 2 and B/H 2.0.7 still nothing am i doing something wrong ???

    I tried to update yesterday as well it says update and reboot but when you check, it shows last version.
    It happened last time and update worked few days later with Solo2.

    VU+ SOLO2, VIX(latest image) Technomate TM-2600 Super Motor(28.2E - 30W), Triax Dish 1.1m.

  • Dont use online update, try ftp TSmedia 4.4 to tmp and install via telnet.

    opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    That worked for me last time.

  • I can ony find TSmedia 4.3, here's info from another site posted yesterday.

    TSmedia 4.3 enigma2 plugin

    -fixed filmon,groups added, use settings low for wathing bbc1,itv1 and non working channels on high settings
    -fixed reported bugs


    by telnet

    opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

  • i tried that still goes back to 4.2 wont work .....so frustrating !!!!

    Uninstall it from your add on and then re-install it should work.
    I uninstalled but I could not completely uninstall it as I could still see it in the main menu as well BH Green Panel, but it disappeared from Add on.
    I updated it from 4.2 to 4.4 and it worked.

    I think there is something working with the installation. There got to be some kind of Bug. Some one with more experience might have an idea about it.

    VU+ SOLO2, VIX(latest image) Technomate TM-2600 Super Motor(28.2E - 30W), Triax Dish 1.1m.

  • Something was wrong yesterday, tried to update to 4.4 myself a couple of times, didn't work...

    Updated today through the plugin no problems.


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