OSCAM/NEWCAMD Viewing disruption at every key change

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,437 times. The last Post () by deepspace221.

  • I've a viewing disruption at every key change and the audio sync goes out of whack because of it.


    port                          = 40001@0919:000000
    serverip 			= ####.####.####.####
    key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
    keepalive                  = 1



    user                          = user
    pwd                           = pass
    group                         = 2
    monlevel                      = 0
    au                            = 1
    cccreshare                    = 4
    keepalive                     = 1
  • I'm trying to oscamed a test card (my cousin with permission) to see if it's feasible, and how would you go about doing it.
    It works, but with the above constraints...
    We are just messing around to see what's up, and trying to learn.

    What do you believe to be the possible causes for the disruption? Did I setup it as I was supposed to?
    How can I improve my config?

  • Sounds like ecm lag to me. How many hops are you receiving the card on and what is the average ecm time?


    port = 40001@0919:000000

    0919 is one of the older $ky Italia cards, there aren't that many about now. Are you sure its a 0919 card he has and not one of the more common 093b or 09cd cards?

    The 0919 card is probably one of the most stable for CS of $ky Italia, unfortunately there isn't that many of them around anymore. To get glitching from thatcard it must be a few hops down. I get one on Hop2 and its as near as perfect.


  • caid is fine.
    I get smooth sailing using cccam, or oscam, when I connect/watch directly (ECM is at about the 200 mark).
    The problem is when I try to reshare it to anther box (that will be hop 3 I guess).
    ESM on the third box, I'm not yet too sure how to check it... maybe through the web interface... "CW rate", is that it?
    It's currently zeroed out, so I will need to check that at a later date.
    It's seems like newcamed doesn't like to play nice...

    I'm using oscam-experimental (1.20-r4.1), will that be the preferred version to use?
    How can I verify if it's an ECM lag, as you say? It doesn't "feel" like a regular freeze would... Is it suppose to work ok for the setup I described? Other ideas? Can I use the configs at a different way in order to check?
    At the 3rd hop, I'm using progdvb with wincsc, or openbox x5, to check the connection to the newcamd server.
    Tested both as a local box on my lan, and over the net.
    I understand my configs are at least probably not the problem.

  • Hop 3 on a $ky Italia card is pushing it a little. If it works fine under CCCam why are you using Newcamd

    Because I'm trying to check how to circumvent resharing limitations, and that is the way I understood it's need to be done.
    If I could use cccam, without allowing a reshare, to redistribute, it will be good, but it doesn't seems to work, AFAICT.
    Why is that really, that I need to switch to newcamed? Can't it be done with OSCAM/CCCAM all the way through?

    I thought hop 3 would be easy peasy... Doesn't seem like a much load to me. Do people mostly use direct shares only?!
    The viewing is very watchable and quite good, if I could only get rid of those small annoying disruptions, at every key change or so, that are ruining the voice sync.
    Maybe a bug with oscam or the client, I don't know... I probably need to check it with a different version, to see if there is any change.
    Thought I'll get some advice first, as my knowledge at the moment is very limited, and it's eating away too much of my time.

    That could be any version. What does it say in the web interface?

    It's OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #7365.
    Would a stable one be preferred, or should I stick with the latest build, or any other version?

    WINCSC reports a keyleg jumping between 100ms and 480ms at hop 3. Mostly on the 480ms value or so.
    If hop 2 is 200ms for example, and hop3 is 480ms, does that mean that form hop 2 to hop3 my delay is 280ms?
    That value is from a lan connection...
    Do you suppose that is the reason for my troubles? Can I reduce it somehow? Why does the voice go out of sync?

  • You can control reshare with CCCam, no bother at all. Wouldn't it be more prudent just to ask for another line rather than trying to reshare the one you have to another receiver?

    Just ask your cousin for another line, That should sort out the issues you have as you will not be going past hop2. If you ask me anything past hop2 is pointless as all it does is interrupt your viewing.


  • I switched to acamd and the problem vanished!
    As an added bonus everything seems to be much more responsive now.
    Much better than wincsc performance, without a doubt.
    Hop 3 works very good on a lan connection, I'll test it later over wan.
    I still have some problems with some channels not decrypting, but i'll get around to that later.

    Thank you nano for your efforts . :caz:

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