Nbox remote

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,505 times. The last Post () by animal.

  • Wondering if anyone can help? my nbox remote has stopped working have tried flashing new image etc still nbox is not responnive to remote. if anyone has has this problem could you please help me out.

  • Have you checked if the remote is working?

    Point it towards a mobile phone camera. The camera will see the infra red light as white light.

    If you don't see a flash then your remote is buggered and you can get a replacement off ebay. The one for the 5800SX twin tuner box will work with the single tuner 5800s unit.

    If your remote is working take the top off the box and make sure the infra red pickup is still in the right place an dthat the lead is still connected to bot the pick up and the main board.


  • You might find you have intermittent problems with your remote. Ive had issues where it just stops responding, a reboot of the box seems to sort it - very frustrating. Not too sure if its image related but I plan a reflash later with a different Nebula version.

  • Ya been doing more research found its a common thing. problem I have now is I did reflash it but for some reason have lost my oscam having big time trouble getting it work, anyway, if I find more info about the remote I will get back to you. thanks again for answering my question.

  • Don't go Nebula v3 - its even worse! Just installed the image, and the remote was acting up. Simple things like arrow up and down took an age, this box is becoming more and more frustrating as time goes by :)

  • using nebula zero now all seems fine remote is working fine (touch wood) image is very stable and very responsive. thank you everyone for the help

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