How to use metric in CSP

There are 7 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,920 times. The last Post () by Tigriuz.

  • Hi, I have 2 card with different ca-id , it's almost same channels on them but I wan't to poin't to one of the cards always and if that card can't decode to the second card , I have tested metric but i can't get metric to work. I did NOT wan't to loadbalancing, Just set the order of the card.

    I have tried metric in both the profile and connector but the client going to wrong card.

    I post the file here if someone can show me how to do :)

    <cardserv-proxy ver="0.9.0">

    <default-des-key>xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx</default-des-key>

    <extended-newcamd listen-port="xxxxx" debug="true"/>

    <profile name="cd1" ca-id="0B00" network-id="0046" provider-idents="00 00 00" enabled="true" debug="true">
    <newcamd listen-port="12345">
    <services-file format="simple">etc/</services-file>
    <max-cw-wait>8500 ms</max-cw-wait>

    <profile name="via1" ca-id="093E" network-id="0056" provider-idents="00 00 00" enabled="true" debug="true">
    <newcamd listen-port="12346">
    <services-file format="simple">etc/services.via</services-file>
    <max-cw-wait>8500 ms</max-cw-wait>

    <profile name="via2" ca-id="090F" network-id="0056" provider-idents="00 00 00" enabled="true" debug="true">
    <newcamd listen-port="12347">
    <services-file format="simple">etc/services.via2</services-file>
    <max-cw-wait>8500 ms</max-cw-wait>


    <logging log-ecm="true" log-emm="true" log-zapping="false" hide-ip-addresses="false">
    <log-file rotate-count="3" rotate-max-size="1024">log/cardserv.log</log-file>

    <ssl enabled="false">
    <keystore password="test">etc/csp_keystore</keystore>

    <user-manager class="com.bowman.cardserv.XmlUserManager" log-failures="true" allow-on-failure="false">
    <user-source name="users">

    <default-des-key>xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx</default-des-key>
    <default-client-id>43 43</default-client-id>

    <mapper profile="cd1">
    <mapper profile="via1">

    <mapper profile="via2">



    <csp-connector name="test0" enabled="false">

    <newcamd-connector name="canaldigital" profile="cd1" enabled="true">

    <newcamd-connector name="viasat" profile="via1" metric="0" enabled="true">

    <newcamd-connector name="viasat2" profile="via2" metric="1" enabled="true">



    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.LoggingPlugin" enabled="false">
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DcwFilterPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="dcwfilterplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.ProviderIdentPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="provideridentplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.I*****Plugin" enabled="true" jar-file="i*****plugin.jar"/>

    <cache-handler class="com.bowman.cardserv.ClusteredCache">


  • The metric setup in your connectors look ok so add this to both your via profiles and test


    Also don't forget to make an intro post ;)

  • Ok, did I understand correct if I add this line in the Ca profil for viasat, not in the cws connectors?

    Can you past it in a code snippet from my code so I can see how it should be, thanks :)

  • Just add it to the profile and test it :)
    I'm on mobile now so don't have time to give example

    I have tested it now and it don't work.

    I think the problem is that it's different caids...

    Mr bowman, if you read this, do you have a solution?

  • Then what is the point of having the 2 cards if you don't want to loadbalance and only use 1 for a backup ?
    You would probably be better off using oscam with different groups

  • Do not quite understand your language but we will try to help ...

    Give an example of a client, as it is configured?

    This is an example of how to set up an newcamd connector ...

    All values are just examples ...

  • check my viasat config from csp, maby is will help for you:
    <cardserv-proxy ver="0.9.0">

    <default-des-key>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</default-des-key>

    <extended-newcamd listen-port="12345" debug="true"/>

    <profile name="myprofile" ca-id="093E" network-id="0055" provider-idents="00 00 00" enabled="true" debug="true">
    <newcamd listen-port="12500">
    <max-cw-wait>8500 ms</max-cw-wait>

    <logging log-ecm="true" log-emm="true" log-zapping="false" hide-ip-addresses="false">
    <log-file rotate-count="3" rotate-max-size="1024">log/cardserv.log</log-file>

    <ssl enabled="false">
    <keystore password="secret">etc/csp_keystore</keystore>

    <user-manager class="com.bowman.cardserv.SimpleUserManager">
    <user name="admin" password="secret" max-connections="3" admin="true"/>
    <user name="user1" password="secret1" profiles="myprofile"/>
    <user name="user2" password="secret2" enabled="true" debug="false" max-connections="1" />

    <default-des-key>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</default-des-key>

    <mapper profile="myprofile">


    <newcamd-connector name="viasat" profile="myprofile" enabled="false">



    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.LoggingPlugin" enabled="false">
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DcwFilterPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="dcwfilterplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.ProviderIdentPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="provideridentplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.I*****Plugin" enabled="true" jar-file="i*****plugin.jar"/>

    <cache-handler class="com.bowman.cardserv.ClusteredCache">
    <cw-validation checksum="true" zero-counting="true" log-warnings="true"/>



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