oscam switch from local to external IP

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,116 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hi folks,
    After hours of trial and error I've got two Ultimos to share the same card on a home network using oscam on both. So far it's been like trying to build the Death Star based only on forum posts : lmao: though once it's all working it seems like a 5 year old could do it! Now going for phase 2 - taking one box outside the lan. And I think I need a bit of help...

    A) I have a dynamic IP - are there any ddns providers that are seen as safer or more reliable than the others? Otherwise I'll go with no-ip which seems to get mentioned a lot.
    B) Before I get the ddns running, just to test it on dynamic, what alterations do I need to make to the configs for the client box to leaves the home network? I'm guessing it's just oscam.conf needs a new (wider) httpallowed line, and oscam.server needs a new device (presumably my temporary dynamic IP, with the port remaining the same?). I'm asking because I just tried both those changes and either there's a bit more to it, or I screwed it up.

  • Thanks - not sure I fully get it though. I've got it working on lan by using a port already (if this sounds weird, that's what happens when you follow instructions without really understanding them:)). So in client oscam.server it currently has local.ip.ip.ip,port.

    So before I get no-ip, you're saying I should just change local.ip.ip.ip,port to router.external.ip.ip,same port and it should work? No need to widen the httpallowed range?

    • Official Post

    Open the port you use for sharing in your router.. I don`t know what protocol you use so i will show an example..

    #### oscam.conf ####

    port = [COLOR='#00FF00']10001[/COLOR]@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    keepalive  = 1

    port = [COLOR='#FF0000']12000[/COLOR]
    version = 2.1.3
    reshare = 1

    Create a new account in oscam.user..

    #### oscam.user ####

    user = linuxsat
    pwd = support
    group = 1

    The peer can connect externally with these details..

    N: your.hostname.org [COLOR='#00FF00']10001[/COLOR] linuxsat support 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    Or: >

    C: your.hostname.org [COLOR='#FF0000']12000[/COLOR] linuxsat support
  • Thank you Master G beer10

    Using cccam protocol. Any obvious reason why I can't put the external IP of the server box's router instead of [your.hostname.org] ?

    That said, I signed up for some ddns service a few weeks ago (was a tiny bit optimistic in my time estimates) not supported by my router .... but theoretically have a domain name that will point to server box router once I manually log in from the PC. Do I put that name in place of [your.hostname.org] and simply keep the PC that's residing at the same IP as the server box turned on and it's internet connection alive? (as a temporary measure while I sort out a better modem).

    And finally (sorry total noob) I presume the C: line goes into oscam.user as a separate line? At the moment I have client box oscam.server line - device=[local server box ip] , port and just user and password in oscam.user (and this is working fine over LAN).

  • The cline goes into the reader/oscam server file section of the client box if its running oscam and if running cccam its added to the cccam.cfg

    Dyndns is supported by most routers i use it and well worth paying for to be hassel free


  • Cheers Steve. Any idea where dyndns is hosted? Once you give them your credit card they know who you are, where you live and exactly what you're sharing with who. I can't say I'd do my happy dance at that thought.

    But if I have to go down this route, then c'est la vie. But ... just to test it out beforehand (to see if mobile internet latency and operator throttling etc makes this watchable at the client box location) can I put server box's router (dynamic) IP into the cline? Or log into the other ddns service and just put that in the cline?

    • Official Post

    You may use the external ip address to connect, the problem with this is your ISP changes this ip address randomly, this is why you use the dynamic ip address / hostname - so your peer can stay connected to your server..

    You can get a free hostname at https://account.dyn.com/, you will need to login to this account at least once a month or they remove it..

    After signing up go to My Services > My Hosts > Add Host Services, then create a hostname..

    Convert the C line to a new [reader] in oscam.server..

    If your C line is like this;

    C: [COLOR='#FF0000']your.hostname.org[/COLOR] [COLOR='#00FF00']12000[/COLOR] [COLOR='#FFD700']linuxsat support[/COLOR]

    Converting to oscam will look like this;

    You can also use CCcam to Oscam Converter for this..

  • Thanks very much again - yeah, I know using current IP of server is just a stop-gap, and I signed up for dnsdynamic.org a while back, and nothing seems to work except over local network. Locally my oscam.server looks like this and works fine

    label = random
    protocol = cccam
    device =,11000
    user = ***
    password = ***
    inactivitytimeout = 30
    reconnecttimeout = 2
    caid = 0B01,1803
    group = 1,2
    cccversion = 2.2.1
    cccmaxhops = 2
    cccwantemu = 1
    ccckeepalive = 1
    cccreconnect = 0

    I've tried to replace "" with both the external IP of the router handling the server box (,11000), and also the dnsdynamic host domain (,11000) yet the picture just freezes on both occasions. I've removed the c: line I put in per your previous post and updated to oscam 1.20-unstable-8778. Is there any way to get info from the webif as to what the problem is?

    • Official Post

    Is there any way to get info from the webif as to what the problem is?

    Look in oscam.conf for the webinterface connection details, you will have something like this;

    httpport                      = [COLOR='#FF0000']16002[/COLOR]
    httpuser                      = admin
    httppwd                       = admin
    httptpl                       = /etc/tuxbox/config/tpl
    httprefresh                   = 30
    httpshowpicons                = 1
    httpallowed                   =

    Connect via your browser with this;

  • OK so I've gone back to original configs where box 1 with the cards is feeding box 2 over local network using the config in my last post. It works perfectly.

    Webif shows au = on ; crypted = on ; the correct IP and port of box 1 ; protocol = cccam ext (2.1.3-3165) ; and status = connected 3 of 3 cards

    So now I replace local IP with my external IP from my modem status page in box 2's oscam.server

    Webif now shows au = on ; crypted = off ;the correct IP and port of box 1 per modem ; protocol cccam(-) ; no login or online data ; and status = error
    and below that: 2013/08/31 13:10:55 51C280 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 impossible to descramble PID #4 CAID 1803 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 057A (NO MATCHING READER)

    I'm just going to smash my head against the laptop two or three times, so please excuse any signs of trauma in my next posts.

  • IP per all those match that given by the router. So my failed oscam.server has "device = x4.x2.x3.x1,11000". Do you mean any specific log? Or one of the tabs on the oscam webif? The log per the oscam.conf (hdd/oscam.log) is a bit messy and appears to be the same as on the webif

    2013/08/31 13:34:56 51C280 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 impossible to descramble PID #2 CAID 0500 PROVID 032A00 ECMPID 05DE (NO MATCHING READER)
    2013/08/31 13:34:56 51C280 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 impossible to descramble PID #3 CAID 1813 PROVID 000068 ECMPID 0523 (NO MATCHING READER)
    2013/08/31 13:34:56 51C280 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 impossible to descramble PID #5 CAID 1861 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 0642 (NO MATCHING READER)
    2013/08/31 13:34:56 51C280 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 6 ecmpids!

  • OK SOLVED!! The port forwarding on the modem was set to UDP protocol - I changed it to 'both TCP and UDP' and hey presto, all the channels lit up like Christmas on Broadway. Now I just need a proper ddns host and I should be all set. Pity there isn't a 'noob' or 'too lazy to google' sub forum somewhere here - it would be nice to give back to the community a little for a change.

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