Champions Hyperion v2 Complete Image

There are 79 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 16,364 times. The last Post () by championc.

  • Hi all

    I like many, have been through the frustration of finding is a stable E2 image for Alien2. Once the box goes under the TV, the family then start to enjoy it until the lockups start and the frustration sets in before being finally ridiculed as to why we bought these heaps of junk. Well now, I have finally got a stable box to be proud of and am delighted to share it with others. There's no point just keeping it to myself :)

    Given that it's based around python2.7 (like OpenAR-P) rather than the HDMU based 2.6, I certainly found that CPU usage is very low (idle 85% on average) and memory is good. These figures (Telnet to box and type "TOP") seem way lower to HDMU figures. There is one MASSIVE difference with Hyperion in that streaming of channels other than the ones being watch on the box actually work. I could never get this working in AR-P.

    Here's a link to my complete Hyperion v2 based Image

    << Download Image Here >>

    This image is working with the following plugins:-
    AutoTimer, AutoVolumeAdjustment, AutoBoquets, CrossEPG, CoolTVGuide, 1channel, Icefilms, TSMedia, Various Skins, all Picons, Time from NTP, OSCam (blank - no line), SDA1 mounted as HDD, OpenWebIf, Streaming channels separate from one being watched - yipee, SambaServer, PermanentTimeShift and IPTV Updater v1.1.

    You can obviously install any other plugins you choose. Enjoy and I'm sure other users will benefit from any feedback you have for this Image

    FTP Login username root, password blank

    Oscam Web Gui - http://box_ip:8888 username root password oscam

    Don't forget to click the Thanks button below :)

  • Hi,
    thanks for this image. Have installed it and got it running nicely, but cannot get epg to work. Have run it through downloader and forced reload, but still got no epg. Also the Media player crashes receiver so can you tell me if it can be uninstalled


  • I put image on my box but keep getting incorrect login details on dcc
    username... root
    telnet login incorrect
    please help

  • Hi,
    thanks for this image. Have installed it and got it running nicely, but cannot get epg to work. Have run it through downloader and forced reload, but still got no epg. Also the Media player crashes receiver so can you tell me if it can be uninstalled


    Are you using a satellite other than 28.2e ? If so, you'll need to specify the sources within the Setup > CrossEPG > Providers.

    As for media player, to watch previously recorded stuff, I just hit the Play button on the remote and it works perfectly.

    I put image on my box but keep getting incorrect login details on dcc
    username... root
    telnet login incorrect
    please help

    Sorry, Telnet = root and pwd pkteam

  • just trying to get epg for 28east. It goes right through to parsing titles and then just seems to hang. Had it working ok on previous PKT image. Also I have loaded my channel lists and favourites. These are ok on 28east, but although showing on other sats are greyed out as if they are inactive. Any ideas

  • I didn't think that my image included channels other than those at 28.2e so all channels should be valid and selectable. For 28.2, it should work straight out of the box. I can only suggest re-flashing. I put up a new image last night which now has the latest version of AutoBouquets and also has Rat's Picons too so give that a go first.

  • Hi championc,
    no your image was just 28e, but I have uploaded my catseye settings file via DB edit. I seem to thionk I had this prob before but cannot remember how I resolved it. In the meantime I can still not get epg to work, so will reflash with your new image and see what happens.Thanks for your help

    where can I find your new image??

  • Ts media won't update, is there any thing I can do to sort this
    The rest of this image is perfect had it on a few days now and it's spot on
    Thank you

  • Ts media won't update, is there any thing I can do to sort this
    The rest of this image is perfect had it on a few days now and it's spot on
    Thank you

    Apologies folks. I never checked what version it was. I see it is 2.8 so I've added 3.91 into the Rapidshare folder where the Image is located

    To install
    1. FTP the .IPK file into the /TMP directory on your box.
    2. Telnet to your box and CD /TMP
    3. IPKG INSTALL enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0_3.91_all.ipk

    Alternatively, 7-zip extract the IPK file into data.tar. 7-zip extract this data.tar into an etc and usr folders and then FTP the contents to the relevant folders on the box

    Reboot box

  • Only installed this morning. A complete noob here but somehow managed to make mount hdd, record etc and along the way couple of freezes. To able to watch different channel on openwebif is a killer. Tried and failed to stream over internet but will have a look further. It's few simple things that I'm stuck atm:

    1)How to delete un-wanted channels? eg porns
    2) re-arrange favs lists?
    3)Sometimes resolution seems to jump all over the place.
    4)could be normal but seems that epg takes quite few reasonable seconds??

  • 1) Go into AutoBouquets Plugin and set Child friendly to Yes
    2) Find, download and install DreamBoxEdit on your PC. Allows you to pull everything to your PC, manipulate it and then send back to the box again
    3) Not quite sure what you mean. Maybe look at the AV settings in Setup
    4) Yes, it takes a few seconds for CoolTVGuide to load up - but it's worth the wait :)

  • Thanks. Tried NTFS and that's not supported. Didn't bother with Fat32 as just formatted to ext4 and all working good. Couple of HD's are showing signs of juddering but that seems to be alien2's problem but then on some working flawless. Watching different channels on PC to that of TV is a killer feature joint10 . Now need to figure out the stream over to internet. Is that possible??

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