Connect a Smargo to DM 7020s.

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,439 times. The last Post () by nano.

  • I want to setup my old DM7020s to work as a card server for my 3 other boxes.
    I have Redlight, Sly card and free to view uk card.

    Firstly whats best image for stable USB Smargo support and whats needed.

    Secondly are there issues with using the nds3 cards in the 7020s builitin slots or will I need 2 smargos.
    I had seen posts about over heating and about 3v issue.

    Anyone any ideas.....

  • I've used my 0963 card and a 09cd card in my old DM7020 with no issues at all. Just set the clock speed to no more than 368 Mhz in the internal reader and they work fine.

    I used to use Gemini 4.60, SIF 1.9.4 and EDG Nemesis 5 (beta) on my old DM7020 and the smargo worked fine with all of the images.


  • I have my $ly Card and SCT HD card in my 7020 with OpenPli and CCCam 2.14 installed.
    The box is only to share card with other boxes in house.
    The issue is that for 4-5 seconds every hour or 2 all 3 boxes freeze and then come back again.
    Its back before I can investigate.
    Is there any way to monitor what is happening ?
    Surely the 7020s is OK as server for 3-4 boxes.

    Should I put a more upto date version of firmware (its 2010)

  • Anyone any Ideas on this.
    Ive had to move my cards back to my DUO2 in the interim.
    Every hour my boxes connected to my cards in DM 7020s loose one or 2 responses...
    IS the 7020s not powerful enought for card server for 3-4 local boxes.

  • The 7020 should work fine for how you have set it up. Which card is it that you are having failed ECM responses from. I get occasional freezing from my 5ky card on certain channels, mostly Nat Geo. It may once or twice an hour freeze for about 2 or 3 seconds .

    Have you tried swapping the cards around. The 5ky cards would be better in the internal reader than in the Smargo. Your 7020 should handle anything upto 30 client connections without too many problems. I would suggest you try Gemini, it always worked fine on my 7020si box.


    Edited 2 times, last by nano: Spelling mistake ().

  • Mine is a *** card too.
    Its in internal slot.
    Bit odd though... Surely any freeze every hour would drive you nuts every hour..
    when in my DUO2 I get zero freezes.
    Will try a fresh rebuild on it of Gemini.
    Wasnt expecting any 3-4 sec freezes on it though.
    What could cause it (lack of power ???)

    The 7020 should work fine for how you have set it up. Which card is it that you are having failed ECM responses from. I get occasional freezing from my 5ky card on certain channels, mostly Nat Geo. It may once or twice an hour freeze for about 2 or 3 seconds .

    Have you tried swapping the cards around. The 5ky cards would be better in the internal reader than in the Smargo. Your 7020 should handle anything upto 30 client connections without too many problems. I would suggest you try Gemini, it always worked fine on my 7020si box.


    Edited once, last by nano ().

  • From what i can guess its something to do with the card and what 5ky are doing with the encryption as it does it in both my Gigablue 800Se and my DM800Se under CCCam, although like i said its only on certain channels.

    To be honest it doesn't bother me enough to make me look at my setup which works fine for what i want it for.


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