BT sports 1 HD & Setanta Sports 1

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,453 times. The last Post () by nano.

  • Since today, I seem to be having a problem with both of these channels. At times - and it seemed to be more of an issue when the EPL coverage was on each channel - oscam comes up with "not found". This results in lack of access to either of those channels for between 5 - 30 minutes. Now the weird thing is - that at other times, it accesses the data from the card without any problems. Surely it could only be one way or the other?

    I also have a sly sub - and with that, I don't experience this problem (at least, not yet).

    Anyone any ideas of how to troubleshoot this issue? Anyone out there experienced the same?


  • Hello
    Go to adons on your box and downloud one of the latest satélite lists ( date on the list has to be at least from the 18th October 2013 ) and you will get thoose channels back without any problema.

  • ian1095: What the hell are you on about? Your world a paranoid one?

    if you use loadbalancer clear stats, not founds etc etc, and see how it is then.

    Thanks brendan - will try that.

    Quote from Damion

    Go to adons on your box and downloud one of the latest satélite lists ( date on the list has to be at least from the 18th October 2013 ) and you will get thoose channels back without any problem.

    Thanks Damion - but that's not what's at play here. I'm aware channel frequencies changed recently - but it's unrelated to this problem.

  • ian1095: Do you mind taking your paranoia somewhere else! If you want to go and rant, do so elsewhere. I don't know what sort of delusional fantasy world you live in - but I haven't got the foggiest idea what you're talking about! Furthermore, if I ran a payserver, presumably I'd know a lot more about this subject - and wouldn't need to post on a discussion board such as this one! I'm reporting your posts now.

  • me thinks you doth protesteth too much.

    Really? And the next time you post a query on a problem you want to solve, it's ok then for me to come along and post something (aside from the fact that it's totally delusional - without basis or foundation)totally off topic - and detract in that way from the whole purpose of the thread? Furthermore, with your deranged accusation, you are warning off those who may be able to help from posting here.

    And I shouldn't protest....?

    Hopefully the mods will review and remove this guff!

  • I think this thread my be getting out of hand. If any members have any concerns/Querys regarding members and the running of payserver they should contact admin/mods.

    **** like that sticks and without evidence..... A hunch could really damage a members reputation, not to mention other member will he afraid to ask for help on certain issues for fear of similar accusations.

    I am not taking sides, but let's not let things get out if hand

  • i dont know if you still are,but i do know that you once did run a CCcam payserver.

    i felt that this info was relevant to let people know that there is the possibility that when they help you with your oscam configs,they could be helping a payserver.

    people have the right to know this.

    why else would i post this information about anyone if it were not true ?

    but i do take onboard what brendanj9554 has said and i will leave it at that.members can decide for themselves then.


  • why else would i post this information about anyone if it were not true ?

    Of course - what was I thinking! Thanks for that. I guess if you say I work for the CIA, then I mean...I must right - because you say it? Any opinions on Area 51 or the Illuminati that you'd like to impart to us all?

  • Ian1095,before making accusations against Borderfox which will be taken seriously if you can provide proof.

    I see there has been a user called Borderfox on Eurocardsharing and satpimps which has been ousted as a payserver. I will be asking admin there for any info which may or not clarify if you are indeed the same person or not. Until this accusation has been clarified i will be closing this post.

    Things aren't looking to bright for you at the moment Borderfox. I suggest if you are running a payserver, you come clean because i will find out.

    Borderfox I would also like to know why you are showing an IP address in the United States. Looks quite dogy to me. What is the reason that you feel the need to hide your IP Address???? I look forward to your explinations by PM. You have until this evening before i ban you!!!


  • Since you haven't logged on since your last post i will give you a further 24 hours to explain yourself Borderfox as its only fair for you to be able to defend yourself. I look forward to your explanation of why you have a USA ip address.


  • Quote

    Furthermore, if I ran a payserver, presumably I'd know a lot more about this subject - and wouldn't need to post on a discussion board such as this one!

    On the contrary, most payservers hit sites like this for just enough setup info to setup a sh1tty make do server with 1 intention, making money from our hobby.
    I remember one member a year back that was starting from scratch and still asking very basic questions while at the same time he had his own website selling crappy clines to suckers..

    so the "If i was a payserver, I would not need info" is hardly an Alibi.. Please take the time to clear up this situation because it is very alarming to members.
    at linuxsat-support, we pride ourselves in taking every effort to rid our forum of payservers / fakers and all other parasites to our hobby..
    ian1095 has raised very valid concerns which are welcomed by staff and members alike.

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Ok, I've banned Borderfox. i have asked him to contact me by PM which he hasn't so i have carried out exactly what i said i was going to.

    I have asked him to contact admin if he wishes to protest about being banned.


  • master G

    Set the Label from UK OSCam to Videoguard2 Cards OSCam

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