Tutorial: SmartReader V2 and oscam

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  • Hi guys,

    i write this little tutorial for avoiding you to spend too much time like me.

    I bought a new smartreader v2 (grey case), and at the beginning i have a lot of problem.

    First of all, if you try to use this reader with oscam, oscam is not able to find it out.

    So: first solution (not so good), using mouse protocol, and device /dev/ttyUSB0 on pc. (only after upadating firmware, see after)

    Second solution (better) using smartreader protocol.

    1) download smargo tool from argolis.com


    for linux (need libc >= 2.15)
    2) extract the zip, set chmod 755 to smartreader2tool and smartreader2update
    3) attach the smartreader v2, without smartcard, to an usb port.
    4) launch smartreader2update, it should update your smargo (i think is mandatory cause smartreader2tool detect the smargo only after this update, no idea why)
    5) launch smartreader2tool, you should see all the config
    6) launch smartreader2tool, with parameter -n. (./smartreader2tool -n AERTY675), where AERTY675 is the new serial of smargo (random). it should be a 8 character name. (by default smartreader2 doesn't have serial)
    7) if you need to change other parameter see ./smartreader2tool -h
    8) exit terminal, go to oscam webif, readers, scan usb, and check your reader is online wit your new serial (like that)
    Bus 003 Device 009: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
    iProduct 2 Smartreader2 plus
    iSerial 3 AERTY675
    9) in oscam.server, set your reader with protocol smartreader, and device SRv2;Serial:AERTY675, where AER.. is your smartreader2 serial, (like that)
    protocol = smartreader
    device = SRv2;Serial:AERTY675

    Hope it may help you :)

    Happy reading

  • ive tried this, it starts up ok and shows the tiers ok, but wont let anything clear, then times out and says error after 20 - 30 mins or so, any ideas? or does anybody know where I can buy a genuine Argolis (blue) v1 smargo?, thx

  • no didn't work for me either, im thinking maybe this reader is faulty, so I have bought 2 omnikey and have set them up, they are working fine, one is my main card and other is my setanta, but when the machine reboots they sometimes swap with each other :( I have one set to device 0 & one to device 1... so this messes up my blocked services list I have setup for each card :( is there a way to set oscam to keep each id instead of swapping them around, I tried putting the address 002:002 & 002:003 but oscam didn't find the readers, after googling I find the answer = use udev and define rules. But this is beyond me as I cant find anymore info on how to do this, shall I start a new thread maybe some1 knows. thx

  • you need to update oscam to new version for smargo v2 to be detected. they do work but seem vey high ecm on 0963.

    smargo v1 = avg 100ms ecm
    smargo v2 = avg 200+ms oecm response

    this is in usb hub and out of.

    more test needed

    have adjusted card speed also but not much difference

    will report back any findings

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