There are 18 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,192 times. The last Post () by Tigriuz.

  • Hi all i've configured a linux server with oscam and 2 client cccam.
    The client access the server successfully and the server found the ecm in 200ms but on the client there is no video.

    PLEASE HELP ME !! :72:

    Oscam 1.20 Build9063
    Triple card reader powered with a usb hub (powered)

    Client Vu+ Solo2
    CCCam 2.3.0

    Client DM800HD
    CCCam 2.3.0


    logfile = /usr/local/etc/oscam.log
    fallbacktimeout = 2600
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 512
    preferlocalcards = 1
    failbantime = 5


    port = 30000@09CD:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    port = 18069
    nodeid = F203A4AA104514CC
    version = 2.3.0
    reshare = 1
    stealth = 1

    httpport = 16002
    httptpl = /usr/local/etc/Carbon/IC_CARBON.tpl/
    httphelplang = it
    httprefresh = 30
    httpallowed =,,
    hideclient_to = 15


    user = xxxxxx
    pwd = yyyyyy
    hostname =
    caid = 09CD
    uniq = 1
    au = ***Italia
    group = 1
    ident = 09CD:000000


    label = ***Italia
    protocol = smartreader
    device = TripleP1;Serial:000007f4
    caid = 09CD
    boxid = 23456789
    ins7e11 = 15
    ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7
    ecmheaderwhitelist = 8070B4000001,8170B4000001
    detect = cd
    ident = 09CD:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-u = 1
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1

    The client access the server with a C line

  • Hi diovedeeprovvede I know that S have changed for hd channels but my problem persist also in SD.
    I only see free channel

    The problem may be the high ECM ?

  • Hi diovedeeprovvede I know that S have changed for hd channels but my problem persist also in SD.
    I only see free channel

    The problem may be the high ECM ?

    because the ecm are high i don't know!
    I do not know if it depends on the card which is the first exit

    So this is my conf i use one smargo


    label = ***ita_hd
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 001:003
    services = cinema,intrat,generalisti,sport,calcio,formula1,cultu,music,ragaz,notizie,!servizio,!altri,!promo,!hdpromo,!primafila,!opzionali
    cacheex = 1
    caid = 09CD
    boxid = 12345678
    ins7e = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    ins7e11 = 15
    ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7,51
    ecmheaderwhitelist = 09CD:8070B4000001,8170B4000001
    detect = cd
    mhz = 534
    cardmhz = 369
    ident = 09CD:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-u = 1
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    lb_weight = 300


    user = xxxxxx
    pwd = xxxxxx
    allowedprotocols = cccam
    group = 1
    services = cinema,intrat,generalisti,sport,calcio,formula1,cultu,music,ragaz,notizie,!servizio,!altri,!promo,!hdpromo,primafila,!opzionali
    cccreshare = 1

  • Thanks for your oscam setting.
    I try it but no effect in video on my receiver

    I show you the result of client cccam request:
    2013/12/04 18:31:30 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:A438F2ABC2FDC8F0F7119BC38284612E): cache3 (229 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:31:40 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:4B8F306A2C875D757190FB5A35B94DAF): cache3 (228 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:31:50 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:780D5AF05B8E41BB0EB7513188D018BB): cache3 (228 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:32:00 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:0F1B0B44FF0591DC7808FBEE8DD425F8): cache3 (228 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:32:10 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:CE9EA72B7062AB34EA654B9D1BBA5D33): cache3 (228 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:32:20 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:F3ACC3BD57CAE9B543BD291283099A6D): cache3 (228 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:32:30 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:800D31FC60204DAFAE20B2F970D0B96F): cache3 (228 ms) by ***Italia
    2013/12/04 18:32:40 174AE50 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:BD9F72045C3243FBCA88DD077C823F84): cache3 (229 ms) by ***Italia

    It seems that the card and the oscam reply correctly but for some reason the screen on my tv is black :-(

    Any idea ?

    I don't tell before but the card in the original box works perfectly.

    Edited once, last by yota73 ().

  • Try update this file


    If don't work i don' know!!!

  • I try a lot of variations of settings but i've the impression that the proble is on the cccam of the client.
    When the oscam give the ECM to cccam what kind of work is still to do ?

  • I try a lot of variations of settings but i've the impression that the proble is on the cccam of the client.
    When the oscam give the ECM to cccam what kind of work is still to do ?


    port = xxxxx
    nodeid = 2177CD5A107B147E
    version = 2.3.0
    reshare = 1
    ignorereshare = 1

    Or try emu Mgcamd 1.38

  • Hi guys thanks a lot for your help.
    I try all the configurations posted in the previews thread but the result is the same:

    2013/12/06 01:49:54 975E268 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:85F21F64377463270E7B31046556FDD2): found (229 ms) by ***Italia - Disney Junior
    2013/12/06 01:50:04 975E268 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:74275147C32925B0C4924AB5C7E083C3): found (228 ms) by ***Italia - Disney Junior
    2013/12/06 01:50:14 975E268 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:6275127EA4ED35344A2C8A2F2F6293A6): found (228 ms) by ***Italia - Disney Junior
    2013/12/06 01:50:24 975E268 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:31879A6380B0D2D57E83E35A50359452): found (228 ms) by ***Italia - Disney Junior
    2013/12/06 01:50:34 975E268 c Vittorio (09CD&000000/046C/2B7C/B7:E4FAFBDC8234D0BB3285089B127FDAE0): found (229 ms) by ***Italia - Disney Junior

    but on my solo2 it's all black with 3Ccam or Mgcamd (the oscam recognize mgcamd as 3Ccam).
    So I try to reinstall my xubuntu but it's the same.
    It's my beginner opinion that the problem is on my 2 receiver cam or config.


  • I better explain my situation:
    I've successfully used oscam sharing C line to my 2 cccam receiver (Vu+ Solo2 and DM800HD) for 8 months without any problem.
    Then I upgrade my linux xubuntu x64 server with new CPU MOBO and RAM.
    I backup my config files and my oscam program and when i replace into new xubuntu doesn't work.
    So I upgrade oscam to latest version ( oscam-svn9072-x86_64-pc-linux-webif-Distribution.tar.gz ) and the result was that the oscam show the cccam request and reply (slowly) but the client show no video.
    I try all the variations you suggested without results.

    I'm planning to start again with new config files from zero.

    Could anyone help me to reconfigure all ?

  • Hi all, i've made in these days some test and I notice that if I use the Vu Solo2 for sharing the card with the Oscam package of the RRPlugin it works perfectly but not if I use the same config in my triple reader linux system.
    I also notice that the ecm time using the Vu solo2 as server are about 400ms on my DM800HD Client !!!

    I have no idea why it works and why the ecm time are so high!

    The Vu solo2 config:

    # oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 0.99.4svn build #2925
    # Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/osca…on/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt

    logfile = /dev/null
    disablelog = 0
    disableuserfile = 0
    usrfileflag = 0
    clienttimeout = 5000
    fallbacktimeout = 2500
    clientmaxidle = 120
    cachedelay = 120
    bindwait = 120
    netprio = 0
    clientdyndns = 0
    resolvedelay = 30
    unlockparental = 0
    nice = -1
    serialreadertimeout = 1500
    maxlogsize = 10
    waitforcards = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    readerrestartseconds = 5
    readerautoloadbalance = 0
    readerautoloadbalance_save = 0

    port = xxxxx@09CD:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    allowed =
    keepalive = 1
    mgclient = 0

    enabled = 1
    au = 0
    boxtype = none
    user =
    pmt_mode = 0

    httpport = 16002
    httpuser = xxxxx
    httppwd = xxxxx
    httprefresh = 15
    httpallowed =,
    httphideidleclients = 0
    httpreadonly = 0

    oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 0.99.4svn build #2925
    # Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/osca…on/doc/txt/oscam.user.txt

    user = xxxxx
    pwd = xxxxx
    disabled = 0
    expdate =
    group = 1
    hostname =
    uniq = 1
    sleep = 0
    monlevel = 0
    au = 1
    services =
    caid = 09CD
    betatunnel =
    ident = 09CD:000000
    cccmaxhops = 10
    keepalive = 1
    numusers = 0
    penalty = 0

    label = ***IT
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    Detect = CD
    Fallback = 0
    group = 1
    CAID = 09CD
    ident: = 09CD:000000
    boxid = 12345678
    mhz = 357
    cardmhz = 357
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-u = 1
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blocknano = all
    blockemm-bylen = 183,81

  • I check the DM800 config and i correct some problem so my ecm are about 85ms.

    It still remains to solve why the oscam doesn't work on my linux server :72:

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