Could BT Sport be our saviour?

There are 17 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,708 times. The last Post () by Mee®kat.

  • Been thinking over the past few days about the End of CS and how close we are.

    I then got thinking about a a post I read somewhere sometime ago about how Sly used hackers to crack the On Digital/Itv Digital system to allow it to be openly abused and pirated. How much truth is in that I guess we will never know.

    Today BT Sport have stepped in and knocked a huge dent into Sly with the acquisition of the Champions League from 2015. Surely BT will also now rival Sly when it comes down to bids for the Premier League rights, and for the first time in years Sly are falling back against the ring.

    BT are a huge company and can rival Sly when it comes to money for bids, you only have to look at the crazt amount they bid for the champions league. Sly on the other hand nned the Premier League to keep there overpriced sly Sports funding the rest of the company so surely we can expect a huge price war when the rights for the premier leauge are back up again.

    Now this returns me to my first paragraph about On/ITV Digital, Is it not in slys interest to allow card sharing to continue? As it stands Sly are coping with Cardsharing at present and despite it are still making huge revenues and profits every year. BT on the other hand are spending huge amounts and will be expecting a hige return eventually, if it turns out that they have made a blunder and are unlikely to ever see a return on their investment then its safe to say the shareholders may force the board of directors to change their stance.

    If Cardsharing ends tommorow two three things will happen, 1. People will just take what they can get and opt for Free To Air and whatever is available. 2. some will sub to BT/Sly and increase their user base. 3. People will opt for IPTV or streams.

    Which option is in Slys best interest? Surely to allow Cardsharing to continue and hit BT`s profits hard. Why would Sly end cardsharing tommorow and allow BT to grow which in turn would give them more Ammo to purchase the premier legue rights and others. If Sly lost the Premier league rights then you can say goodbye to half their viewers id dare say who would be signing up to BT.

    If the stories about hacking On/itv digital are true, will the same decsions be made in the board rooms of Sly today? Allow C/S to continue until such a stime BT have been wiped out of the market? I guess we wont know for a while, but we can only hope that Sly at the moment are more worried about BT than they are C/S and give us some more time to enjoy the hobby.

    Anyway thats my rantings over with, Mods if this is in the wrong forum please move.

    Other than that, Have a great Christmas all!

  • sly's profits was down last quarter.who knows there could be a fix right now but you don't roll it out till thay have finishd doing all pairing off cards

  • Why would Sly end cardsharing tommorow and allow BT to grow which in turn would give them more Ammo to purchase the premier legue rights and others. If Sly lost the Premier league rights then you can say goodbye to half their viewers id dare say who would be signing up to BT.

    Exactly the same was said when UK cable changed to the more secure nagravision 3 system a few years ago but they did not go bust overnight and neither will sly, if CS ends tomorrow i for one will be happy.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • You might Pheonix but im sure Stef wont no one can say they will be happy if it ends you telling yourself porkies

    Personally i could care less about Cardsharing, I have been a satellite enthusiast for over 25 years and seen hacks, cracks, cards, cams etc come and go, I operated a DM7020 SI with a motor on FTA for 7 years and did not once miss paid channels. I have a shoe box full of old cards and cam modules going back 15 years and more, For me this is a hobby not a business and If CS goes down ill put my sly card back into my sly box and that will be that.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • I'll say again i'm in this as a hobbyist and while that term tends to get bandied about all too often in my case it's true, For me satellite TV is a life long hobby and nothing more, in fact i dont even watch much TV. The below snap is just a fraction of my collection.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • Not a business for me either but i honestly would not be happy using a shyte sly box again ,and be limited to poor menus ,and im sure deep down you would mind as a good part of our hobby would be gone ,and for someone who doesnt watch tv much you sure have a big collection :)

  • I have to say it has been an amusing Read but the original poster has forgotten one major point.

    BT Sports is carried on Virgin Media cable which for now is secure ( i.e cannot be opened with keys like it used to be), it is also carried across the UKs Terrestrial broadcast system for use with BT Vision/Youview and also over IPTV. Satellite isn't the only medium that BT Sport is available on. At the end of the day BT would have looked into all piracy eventualities before bidding for the games they have.

    Its highly unlikely that 5ky would take on a company as big as BT or Liberty Global that owns Virgin Media.

    I doubt very much they will let the same thing happen as what happened to On/ITV Digital. Technology has also come along way since the fall of On/ITV Digital.


    Edited once, last by nano: Adding relevant info ().

  • Virgin media is not secure you can share it just like you can with sly but obviously you need a cable feed there are even boxes available on ebay that have servers connected to them

  • Who would that be then johnny yen ?

    Edited once, last by andy ray ().

  • Whats all the fuss over sly uk anyway, im watching a reasonably entertaining Man Utd v Everton on C+ Futbol on 19east :69:

  • Quote

    Virgin media is not secure you can share it just like you can with sly but obviously you need a cable feed there are even boxes available on ebay that have servers connected to them

    Secure in the fact that it can't be opened by keys as it was with Nagra 1 is what i was referring to, not that it can't be shared.

    To be honest Sport bores the sh*t out of me anyway so its pretty much irreverent to me anyway. Its very rare that i ever sub to any sports card, i prefer cards with Films on them.


    Edited once, last by nano ().

  • Been thinking over the past few days about the End of CS and how close we are.

    I then got thinking about a a post I read somewhere sometime ago about how Sly used hackers to crack the On Digital/Itv Digital system to allow it to be openly abused and pirated. How much truth is in that I guess we will never know.If the stories about hacking On/itv digital are true, will the same decsions be made in the board rooms of Sly today? Allow C/S to continue until such a stime BT have been wiped out of the market? I guess we wont know for a while, but we can only hope that Sly at the moment are more worried about BT than they are C/S and give us some more time to enjoy the hobby.Now this returns me to my first paragraph about On/ITV Digital, Is it not in slys interest to allow card sharing to continue? As it stands Sly are coping with Cardsharing at present and despite it are still making huge revenues and profits every year. BT on the other hand are spending huge amounts and will be expecting a hige return eventually, if it turns out that they have made a blunder and are unlikely to ever see a return on their investment then its safe to say the shareholders may force the board of directors to change their stance

    This is true about the hacking scandal make no bones about that.The source code for kudelski was leaked very early on(1999) with their nagra 1 encryption and it affected providers in countries all over europe and america so it was not just the uk/dishtv/spains via digital/polsat/ntl cable to name a few and although it seemed very easy to everyone in the uk programming mosc cards and funcards for their auntys and uncles it would have taken some serious money to find the source codes so quickly to open backdoors on the said encryption...i also beleive on digital was also hacked by ruppie too and it worked for ruppie as ondigital collapsed very fast after it was compromised..canalsat also had their encryption whacked open by ruppie and it became a hackers war as both providers started hacking each others encryptions..csat made a huge mistake tho when they stated their encryption would never be compromised.

    Today BT Sport have stepped in and knocked a huge dent into Sly with the acquisition of the Champions League from 2015. Surely BT will also now rival Sly when it comes down to bids for the Premier League rights, and for the first time in years Sly are falling back against the ring.

    Bt sports i beleive is just another way to extract hard earned cash from subscribers same as espn/boxnation/premier sports and so on so where that will end is anybodys guess/we may even end up having to pay for a sports channel for every sport known to man the way its going/we pay for sly sports 1,2,3,4 but thats only certain sports lol but people will still buy sly sports packages as it has for instance the spanish league/big pulling power that is..i also beleive if ruppie told bt to jump they would as i think bt are so far up slys ass they may soon be renamed to btsly haha.

    If Cardsharing ends tommorow two three things will happen, 1. People will just take what they can get and opt for Free To Air and whatever is available. 2. some will sub to BT/Sly and increase their user base. 3. People will opt for IPTV or streams.Which option is in Slys best interest? Surely to allow Cardsharing to continue and hit BT`s profits hard. Why would Sly end cardsharing tommorow and allow BT to grow which in turn would give them more Ammo to purchase the premier legue rights and others. If Sly lost the Premier league rights then you can say goodbye to half their viewers id dare say who would be signing up to BT.

    Two things to say here

    1: Governments
    2: Advertising

    We all have to realise that governments may be getting involved and ordering providers to do something about cs/some providers may close it down slowly but still abiding by laws while other providers in France for example go all out war against cs on all encryptions at practically the same time.

    Advertising seems to rule the world right now so think of what advertising products receive all over the world via hooky boxes connected to cs servers! its food for thought.


  • I'll say again i'm in this as a hobbyist and while that term tends to get bandied about all too often in my case it's true, For me satellite TV is a life long hobby and nothing more, in fact i dont even watch much TV. The below snap is just a fraction of my collection.

    Hehe pheonix it looks like your all sorted for this bad winter we have been warned about...plenty of ice scrapers there but nice collection of cards and cams thats for sure..

    Got a bit of a card collection here myself..may even see if i can trade some for cards i dont have to add to my collection and frame them..need to put that in the boys bothy tho as i doubt anyones misses would want that hanging on the wall lolz.


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