CARDOK(0 entitlements)

There are 30 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,136 times. The last Post () by mckee25.

  • Hello everyone,

    Can you please help me out with my oscam and 0963 viewing card?

    Oscam version 1.20 (r8699)
    Box: sly+ Amstrad drx280

    I just paired the card with the receiver yesterday.

    The card is OK when it's in the receiver but not with the oscam.



    label                          = suk
    protocol                     = smartreader
    device                       = 001:012
    caid                           = 0963
    detect                        = cd
    mhz                           = 480
    cardmhz                     = 480
    group                          = 6
    emmcache                  = 1,3,2

    I do not think the issue is with the oscam configuration because this is working fine with other card.

    Any help appreciated.

    Many thanks,

  • Hi wadey,

    Thanks for the reply. I did look into the posts before. Maybe I misunderstood what paired is.

    Isn't it that I need to pair a new viewing card with an official receiver before I can use it in the oscam?

    I have one(working with oscam) card that paired with the SD receiver and I can see all entitlements.


  • No, you can use oscam to bring a new card to life, no need to use original box.

    But now you have done it this way, your card won't open any premium channels in oscam or any other cam.

    Your premium & HD channels will only work in the official box.

  • Quote

    you should have looked at all the threads on here about it before you did it.your card is now paird to the box

    Thats a pretty old box, I am not 100% sure if its the latest pairing that has been crippling cards, and if it was I think you should still see your Entitlements (again not 100%)
    But it does look like your smargo is setup incorrectly..

    Can you restart oscam & post the startup log.. Also what settings have you used with the smartreader-tools?

    EDIT: Does your other working card show up in oscam using the same card reader? If yes, ignore my comments

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

    Edited 2 times, last by thatfellow ().

  • Thank you guys for the reply.

    I've just tested with another card and above oscam configuration, seems OK.

    But when I use this new(paired) card, I do not see any entitlements.

    It just stopped there. The only different I've noticed is that the card type:

    working card have - Card type: SYAV
    not working card have - Card type: SYBV

    I'm not very sure it's the issue or not. Paired with a SD box should give u access on oscam, isn't it?

    Regarding to the smartreader-tools, I didn't touch any settings.


  • Yes, I should see them on oscam but I'm afraid oscam can't find any entitlements.

    Do you think it would be a good idea to leave the card in the box(SD) over night?

  • Very Strange, I have a card type SYBV working in oscam, so it is not that..
    Can anyone who has had their card paired confirm that Entitlements still show, or not

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Hi,

    Actually, one of my friends has a paired(SD box) card. It'd done a few months back and everything is still working, including all prem channels.

    I will leave the card back in the box for tonight and test it again later.

    If the issue still exist, I will try with another SD box. Can you please direct me which box should I use if I want to go for HD?

    Thank you much you guys for the replies. I'll update the post whether I sort it out or not.


  • sports movies and hd channels stop working to me not know why card is in oscam from last 8 months entitlement also updated till march

    have seen just today 8 uQ written when that start channels start droping now

    can some one have same issue

    may i put card in box for check?

    Edited once, last by pari ().

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