Automated Install CCcam/Oscam

There are 29 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,752 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Oscam.conf

    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    logfile = stdout
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httpallowed =,
    # protocols

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000;10001@0963:000000

    Oscam Server

    label = Foxtel
    enable = 1
    protocol = SmartReader+
    device = 002:002
    caid = 0963:000000
    # 0963 is *** UK.
    boxid = ********
    # Oscam can read a *** card i.d, but you can also put this
    # in manually
    detect = cd
    cardmhz = 357
    # this helps the card run more smootly
    group = 1
    # Oscam has the concept of groups. Only users in group 1 can
    # use this reader. I'm only using one group.
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    ecmcache = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    # these ensure smooth decrypting
    lb_weight = 101
    # for load balancing - can be commented out.

    Oscam Server

    user = test1
    description = for local mgcamd or DVBAPI
    pwd = test2
    disabled = 0
    uniq = 1
    group = 1
    au = lower card
    caid = 0963:000000


    #WEBINFO PASSWORD :dreambox
    OSD USERNAME :root
    OSD PASSWORD :dreambox
    OSD PORT :80
    SHOW TIMING : yes
    DEBUG : no
    #DISABLE EMM : yes
    #EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes
    MINI OSD : no
    CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
    PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
    CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
    LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
    SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
    AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
    #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/
    #SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 6800000

    N: 10000 test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+

    F: ******* ********** 2 1 1 { 0:0:1 }

  • Hi. I got the web interface up. Here is the log file.

    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=10001, crypted)
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s CAID: 0963
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s provid #0: 000000
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s radegast: disabled
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s http thread started
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s creating thread for device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B78226C0 s waiting for local card init
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B7809B70 r reader thread started (thread=B7809B70, label=foxtel, device=002:002, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:30:01 B7815B70 h HTTP Server listening on port 8888
    2011/07/13 0:31:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:31:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:32:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:32:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:33:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:33:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:34:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:34:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:35:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:35:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:36:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:36:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:37:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:37:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:38:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:38:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:39:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:39:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:40:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:40:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:41:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:41:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:42:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:42:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:43:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:43:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:44:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:44:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:45:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:45:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:46:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:46:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:47:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:47:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:48:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:48:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:49:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:49:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:50:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:50:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:51:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:51:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:52:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:52:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:53:01 B7809B70 r ERROR opening device 002:002
    2011/07/13 0:53:01 B7809B70 r Cannot open device: 002:002


  • ok , first things first

    as root user run command lsusb again to confirm the bus:device of your smargo. change if necessary in your oscam.server config

    in oscam.server section you have protocol=smartreader+ ... change this to smartreader and leave out the +

    try that and report back

    good luck


    Dont forget to hit the thanks button!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • Hi Ten Below

    I took the /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+ out and also changed device to = 0403:6001 and protocol to = mouse. Web info is working now as I only opened port 10000 forgot to open port 888 (been trying for days to get this dam thing configed Tired!!!) Still no pick tv, sport or movies. When I hash out the /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader and then run so I can see if it has picked the card up there is obviosly no devise there to see in entitlements. Does this line go in 1 of the Oscam config files?


  • Hi.
    Finaly 38 hours later I have sorted it. Boxkey needed to be in lower case. Here are my configs for anyone interested.


    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    logfile = stdout
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    disablelog = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    #httpallowed =,
    httpallowed =,
    # protocols

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000;10001@0963:000000


    label = ***uk
    protocol = smartreader
    detect = mouse
    device = 002:002
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    caid = 0963
    boxid = ********
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    mhz = 357
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1


    user = test1
    pwd = test2
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1,2
    au = ***uk
    caid = 0963


  • Hi Everyone

    Finally I have completed building a CCam/Oscam/S**UK ready/Ubuntu server. Here are my config files for S**UK and my .cfg file. They work 100%. I would like to thank those who helped me on this forum and I look forward to trying to help and pass on any information I have learned.

    Kind Regards

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