fiber optic installed my dreambox has gone really slow

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 763 times. The last Post () by lambert.

  • any body know what this could be im running dreambox 500s ive had fiber optic installed and every thing has been ok for a few weeks but this week my dreambox as slowed right down ill press guide and it takes about 2min to load and try to turn channel over takes a long time now if i pull the ethernet cable out its back to how it should be any help appreciated guys

  • thanks for reply ive tryed another image still the same ive tryed every thing even brought my mates box up to try that and that does the same so i know its something to do with router/internet

    • Official Post

    thanks for reply ive tryed another image still the same ive tryed every thing even brought my mates box up to try that and that does the same so i know its something to do with router/internet

    Could it be something to do with the routers firewall settings ?

  • must be the image for some reason running commando image now when mate takes his box back to his house its fine again so i tryed another image and it running fine but as soon as i put commando image back on it starts to slow when u first boot it its all ok after about ten mins it starts to go very slow

  • can i ask, unplug the router, personally the router will not make you box go slow, why should it?? so i cant see it being that.

    the size of the image is its running out of space, linux a l believe uses a sort of page file that varies the smaller that gets the more it struggles as in windows would,

    time shift is it on , if so switch off

    now you can try a swap file to see if that makes a difference as well

    last but not least hard drive, do you have one, if so thats on its way out sorry to say

    the way you describe though i suspect out of all of them the hard drive is on its way out, epg data on hard drive?? picons on hard drive all slow the box down

    lets us know how you get on

  • pauldb, its a dm500s the dude has so there wont be anything fancy like pts/swap file or hdd,s used..its also neutrino.

    I have had no issues whatsoever with commando images on these boxes connected to any broadband provider so i would ensure you have updated the image..currently 15.0c i think.


  • its a dm500s as soon as i unplug ethernet cable goes back to normal so must be something to do with internet as i say my mates dm500s did the same when he brought his up so i know its not box on the dm inside ive got three little green led now before all this went off two are on all the time and the other just flashers now and again now the third led just keeps blinking about every two sec and like i say as soon as un unplg the ethernet cable and then plug it back its back to normal for about 5-10 mins then it goes very slow its a real head banger and image is bang up to date forgot to say ive even set static ip address on dream box done a network test every thing still same

    Edited 3 times, last by lambert ().

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