DM800SE HD A8P sim Openpli problem

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  • Hi

    over the course of a few weeks i've been trying different images to see what i thought was best on my DM800SE HD clone with a sunray A8P sim, i've not been a lover of Pli images but seeing as it was recommended to me i've been giving it a go, i have tried various versions and atm i have the one posted here by rocha.

    unfortunately it preforms as all other versions, and that is when i access the oscam webIF it sets the spinner off and the only thing to stop it is a reboot, now this is a real pain as it's on my server and i don't wont to have to keep doing a reboot for obvious reasons.

    can someone please point me the direction of a fix if there is one, or any info on the problem.

    thanks & regards: canthackit

  • why don't you try another image as Merlin3 OE2.0?

    i've tried lots of other images, just thought that a clean version of openpli might work well, must admit tho not tried any merlin b4.

    i'll see what happens with Master G's oscamstatus, i've installed it on other images and it works well.

    oh yeah forgot to say atm i'm using oscam 9842 i think i used other versions before and got the same response, can't be positive tho.

    regards: canthackit

  • ok guy's this is what happened.

    i did what looked like install oscamstatus 06.4 but it never showed anywhere, i checked on plugins and found an earlier version 06.1 installed that configured it and it work fine.

    i then checked to see if the webif would work without locking up, and yes it did, so it seems that this option installing oscamstatus on the reciever is is the answer.

    thanks boss and ferdi.

    i don't believe it, it was working fine yesterday i've just gone into the living room to check, and the bloody spinner is going and the box has locked up again.

    regards: canthackit

    Edited once, last by canthackit: added edit ().

  • canthackit,
    I realize that you have little experience .... If you provide accurate information we can give you more support

    You are using :
    - dm800se A8P
    - image ..... ??
    - oscam 9842

    initial suggestions:
    1. you don't need any plugins (oscam status) to check oscam, you can do so via webif
    2. initially you try to use a powerful image (CVS or Merlin) and simple configurations

    You said bloody "spinner is going and the box has locked up again"
    this is a problem caused by image not from emu

    together we grow - ferdi

  • yes! i know all this if you read all my message's, i have given you all the info.

    regards: canthackit

  • right then to anyone in case there's any confusion about what's happening.

    this only happens on Pli images on a DM800SE HD clone with either the original sim 2.10 or an A8P sim, with modded images and lean images with images downloaded from the Openpli website (nightly builds) either 3.0 or 4.0

    after installing and setting up any of the Pli images, and then when i access Oscam via the WebIF after a short while it sets the spinner off and that means that i have to pull the power because none of the functions will work, and it does this on all of the images i have implied above, and believe me i have tried many of them probably about 8 and i've installed and reinstalled them.

    nothing i know of will get the images to work correctly.

    thanks for reading.

    regards: canthackit

  • sorry for the delay in replying but had another image on.

    so now i've installed this image Openpli-4.0-beta-dm800se-luigi86-sim2.10-ssl84d set it up, then accessed the webif at first it worked fine no problems i was sitting there with the lappie in front of me when after about 15 minutes the spinner started and locked the screen up.

    i did as you suggested and started a telnet session first command init 4 (no script appeared) init 3 ( no script appeared) but spinner stopped and the box was back to normal again.

    i hope this helps but i'm just not getting any indication what's causing the problem.

    regards: canthackit

  • To be honest i have been running this image on my 800se with A8P Sim and i find it a great image. The only difference being i still use CCCam, on mine as the main emu. I only use OSCam as a cardreader.

    I am asuming you have just tried installing a fresh image straight off the OpenPli site. The biggest problem with OpenPli is that they are not activly supporting the 800Se anymore. Once it becomes too buggy within the automated builds they will just stop support.


  • yes mate
    i did post on the open pli forum once i told them it was a clone they said the images don't work on them i said "they do with an A8P sim" my post has been deleted lol.

    seems to me the Pli like BH are a law unto themselves...................oh well as i say i've now got a Neweniga2 image it's running sweet.

    regards: canthackit

  • Can't really see what the problem is. Its not as if DMM sell that many genuine ones now anyway lol.

    Theres much better receivers on the market now for even less than a clone costs.


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