epg will download but will not show on epg

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,327 times. The last Post () by cazuela.

  • hi all i am running my solo on bhole 2.1.0 and it was working great for a while but now for some reason that i cannot seem to work out the downloaded epg will not appear on the epg !!

    i am not overly sure on how many epg suppliers i am supposed to have setup but i have rytec and open all setup to download, wheather or not these may be conflicting each other i have no idea

    any help would be greatly appreciated
    and many thanks

    ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)

  • cannot open crossepd database, is a message that flashes up then i get a green screen and crash.
    i have disabled all other epg suppliers and am now only working from rytec.

    any ideas please ?


    ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)

  • if you dont have enough time to capture the greenscreen to read it then look in crossepg logs (mine is media/usb/crossepg logs) depending on where you have crossepg mapped to.. or crash logs..(media/hdd)
    obviously something is incompatible or conflictive...could be lack of space if you are saving the epg.dat to internal flash..

  • does this help ?

    23/09/2014 21:18:36 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.8.1+gitr1+74902c5ad3d87a2d7d7074fd5aeaae9cefcedee1 (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (https://github.com/oe-alliance/e2openplugin-CrossEPG)
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 EPGDB opened (root=/media/usb/crossepg)
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Clearing old aliases...
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Loaded 0 aliases
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Adding new aliases...
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Completed
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Interactive: OK action sent
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Interactive: DEMUXER cmd received
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Interactive: OK action sent
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Interactive: FRONTEND cmd received
    23/09/2014 21:18:37 Interactive: OK action sent
    23/09/2014 21:18:38 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
    23/09/2014 21:18:38 Started OpenTV events download
    23/09/2014 21:18:38 Reading dictionary '/usr/crossepg/providers/***uk_astra2_28.2.dict' ...
    23/09/2014 21:18:38 Completed. Read 512 values
    23/09/2014 21:18:38 Reading channels...
    23/09/2014 21:18:47 Read 937 channels
    23/09/2014 21:18:47 Reading titles...
    23/09/2014 21:18:54 Read 3.82 MB
    23/09/2014 21:18:54 Parsing titles...
    23/09/2014 21:19:04 Titles parsed
    23/09/2014 21:19:04 Reading summaries...
    23/09/2014 21:19:14 Read 14.39 MB
    23/09/2014 21:19:14 Parsing summaries...
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Summaries parsed
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Ended OpenTV events download
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Download channels from url: http://rytec.sifteam.eu/rytec.channels.xml.gz (0)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.bmQtDV)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Download channels from url: http://www.vuplus-community.net/rytec/rytec.channels.xml.gz (1)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.Aq2CSP)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Download channels from url: http://xmltvepg.wanwizard.eu/rytec.channels.xml.gz (2)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.rVc25H)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Download channels from url: http://enigma2.world-of-satell…ata/rytec.channels.xml.gz (3)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.KSUCyA)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Download channels from url: http://www.ebook-directory.net…epg/rytec.channels.xml.gz (4)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.Dmerus)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 No more url available
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Error downloading/parsing channels file
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.cSVoMr)
    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Interactive: SAVE cmd received


    ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)

  • Is the usb stick active? as it says from rytec


    23/09/2014 21:19:43 Cannot get temp file (/media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp

    I would clear out all old epg.dat and crashlogs from /media/usb/crossepg ,restart e2 and setup opentv only, not rytec ,manually download to populate .
    then set it up to automatically reload/download during the night ( I have it at 4am) ..

  • yeah the usb is active, it is an external hdd.

    thanks for that above.
    so done all that and i am only getting a few channels with epg listings ?



    ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)

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