Decrypt Password on a DM600 PVR?

There are 4 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,403 times. The last Post () by zoorg.

  • Is there a way to decrypt the password on a DM600 PWR ?

    I know how to reset it, but that is not what I want to do.

    DB500 - DB800 and more...

  • Depends which image you have installed on the box..if its an enigma1 image then tuxbox commander should do the trick, if its an e2 image then you might be able to find a plugin like root password changer or something.

  • Its Enigma E1, and yes I can access it and see the encrypted password in var/etc
    And yes, I can reset it by edit the first line where the encrypted password is (in the passwd-file)
    But I dont want to reset it, I want to decrypt it !

    DB500 - DB800 and more...

  • Im just curious what the guy before me had as pw, thats all.
    I will flash the box anyway afterwords to a newer image.

    The post in the DM500 thread was a misstake, I have a DM600PVR.
    You can remove that .

    DB500 - DB800 and more...

    Edited once, last by zoorg ().

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